Sentences with phrase «war against everyone»

It's also a victory for trolls, which are shell companies backed by private equity firms and lawyers that use patents (often obtained from Microsoft and others under a «privateering» arrangement) to wage ruinous legal war against everyone from Martha Stewart to individual app developers.
This seems like an quietly intense story of a man who goes to war against everyone when no one else will do anything.
How about the religious stop their war against everyone who doesn't follow their religion.

Not exact matches

He wanted everyone to work towards a common goal: to survive the war against the Night's King and the unbearable winter months.
State a negative and then instruct everyone to look up the «Mormon War» which is a dissertation written by Mormons to defend themselves against murdering 120 Methodists, men women and children at a place called «Mountain Meadow Massacre» (which should not be read on wikipedia — the Mormons have rewritten that as well).
Joseph Smith and Bringum Young (The Racist) took arms against our country and are considered gods to the LDS Everyone needs to read the story of the Mormon Wars and Joseph Smith arrested for treason.
I find it funny that everyone wants to make this a religious war against q - u-e-e-r-s.
But not everyone is convinced that focusing on Christian persecution is necessary — or even helpful — in the war against ISIS.
The only issue I have with candidates are those like George Bush the Younger, who stuck his religious beliefs into everyone's face and made disastrous decisions (like supreme court judge nominations and a «holy» war against Iraq) based solely on religion.
Joshua Aren't we experiencing our own «dark ages» with the war against science and series of persecutions against gays, Muslims, atheists, and basically everyone who isn't conservative Christian here in the USA, all due to protestants serving as their own scriptural authority?
Pol Pot didn't get elected President of the United States, tell everyone that god was directing him, then lie his way into a groundless war while we were already fighting one against a nation that harbored our true enemy.
Wait a minute, since you and your bigoted friends aren't really talking about taking away citizenship from our gay brothers and sisters (it would be a civil war if you tried, I'm not gay and I would fight against you), how could you take away any of their «God» given rights as a citizen, you know the same «God» given rights that you and your patriotic friends enjoy (I am assuming that you and everyone else that feels like you have served our great country in uniform just like me and my gay brothers and sister have done, are doing and will do).
When I have to FIGHT just to practice my faith in peace, then you have no right to say that you are under seige... no, your «war against christianity» is merely another way to play victim while you carry on your «Crusade against everyone else»
But mostly it reinforces a war against people Western culture deems it appropriate to knock down: people not doing what «everyone» is doing.
Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos praising Mr. Felders move into the Republican fold is a declaration of war against the Democratic Party and now it's time for Mr. Murphy and everyone else advocating that voters get what they voted for «A Democratic Majority in the State Senate» and nothing less.
Thus, Avengers: Infinity War, written by Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, relies heavily upon one common, supreme enemy that everyone can unite against.
Thus, we have religious belief against religious belief and everyone ready to go to war.
TRUMBO (directed by Jay Roach) tells the story of his fight against the U.S. government and studio bosses in a war over words and freedom, which entangled everyone in Hollywood from Hedda Hopper (Helen Mirren) and John Wayne to Kirk Douglas and Otto Preminger.
Humanity must get aware that only will be possible eliminate political violence that leads to war of everyone against everyone in the national and international levels since the above contradictions disappear that still prevail in the world in which we live.
Environments are awesome to look at and take you right to a place in the near future where an Artificial Intelligence has rebelled against humanity and created an advanced, mechanical war machine to annihilate everyone and everything.
With the game based around the three factions being constantly trapped within a war, you can place war assets after winning a match to have a global effect and push against the factions that you didn't choose so you can push forward and claim more land which gives you a reward after the season is finished this applies to everyone so the more games you play the more likely you will have a effect on the war and help claim more land and get better rewards, you obviously still get rewards if you are the losing sides just they wont be as great as the others.
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