Sentences with phrase «war fighting capabilities»

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«It's not a war - fighting capability unless it's the worst day in our nation or world's history,» Mattis said.
On the other hand, such strikes, he said, also act as a deterrent to Hezbollah, whose missile capabilities could mean that the air force and the rest of the Israeli military will fight any future Lebanon war with their own bases under attack.
Hyten also said that China, Pyongyang's closest ally, poses unique threats to the U.S. as the nation's development in space systems and war - fighting capabilities outpace Russia and North Korea.
Personnel departments had their heyday in years following the Second World War, when companies were all about fighting to find the best workers, signing them up for the long term, developing their capabilities and promoting from within.
Contemporary warfare has in fact taken the form of local conflicts, more often than not civil wars, in which no great alliances of nations are involved; these have been wars fought for reasons based in local rivalries, typically inflamed by historical animosities, ethnic disparity, or religious difference, rather than for reasons of global Realpolitik; they have been fought not with nuclear weapons (or, indeed, other types of weapons of mass - destructive capability) or the latest in military technology, but instead with conventional weaponry, often of old design, and often limited to rifles, knives, grenades, and light, crew - served weapons which individual soldiers can carry on their persons.
O'Donovan advocates renouncing unilaterally any nuclear retaliation on cities and calls for a multilateral effort to reduce global tensions while upgrading limited war - fighting capabilities — his own form of nonpacifist realism.
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