Sentences with phrase «war movies lately»

I feel like I have see a plethora of war movies lately, and these scenes are no easy task to execute.

Not exact matches

There have been quite a few apocalyptic - themed movies released lately, from «This Is The End» to «World War Z» to «Rapture - Palooza.»
Two movies I've seen lately that were unexpectedly great: WARHORSE (I usually can't stand Spielberg — but this is a eloquent anti-war film directed against probably the most senselessly and hugely murderous war ever — World War I. It's an anti-imperial and almost a pro-Porcher movie, until you realize that the first misuse of the heroic horse was making him plowar film directed against probably the most senselessly and hugely murderous war ever — World War I. It's an anti-imperial and almost a pro-Porcher movie, until you realize that the first misuse of the heroic horse was making him plowar ever — World War I. It's an anti-imperial and almost a pro-Porcher movie, until you realize that the first misuse of the heroic horse was making him ploWar I. It's an anti-imperial and almost a pro-Porcher movie, until you realize that the first misuse of the heroic horse was making him plow.)
Hollywood is observing to look if the movie — that includes the Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy — can ruin the hole home weekend box - office list lately held by means of «Star Wars: The Force Awakens.»
The Star Wars franchise is, if you actually include all the movies (and not just the ones you think should «count»), pretty spotty and, lately, self - reflexive.
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