Sentences with phrase «war on cash»

FRA: And do you see the Everything Bubble as bursting at some point or will it be more off of a situation where these measures as you mention the financial repression of war on cash, bank bail - ins, and wealth taxes.
BONUS: My story of the week is the recent introduction to pass a bill that declares War on Cash / Bitcoin.
We believe it was our friend Claudio Grass of Global Gold in Switzerland who first mentioned that the eurocracy may possibly have plans to use the Greek crisis as an opportunity to expand the ongoing war on cash.
There is a global war on cash — demonetization, and hyperinflation.
«The growing war on cash, and capital controls, is making bitcoin look like a viable, if high risk alternative,» Paul Gordon of the UK Digital Currency Association and co-founder of Quantave said.
The dynamics of the debt money system, the phenomenon of capital consumption (which we believe is an «under - reported» major economic problem — although not on this web site, to be sure), the war on cash, and the rise of Bitcoin all have dedicated chapters in this year's report.
Anyway, it appears that Greece is indeed becoming one of the battlegrounds in the war on cash — based on the well - worn statist principle «never let a crisis go to waste».
The fact that the paper gold price manipulation fraud is reaching the end of the line due to deteriorating supply — demand fundamentals is exactly why we are seeing a radical, concurrent Deep State escalation of the War on Cash.
Recently the Indian government declared a war on cash by banning 500 and 1000 ($ 7 - $ 14) note rupees in an attempt crack down on «corruption».
Everyone into Bitcoin knows the war on cash is real.
Expect to see a lot of that as Trump takes office, the ECB bungles its macro policy and developing.nations.continue their war on cash.
The upside for Bitcoin is as the greater global economy continues to spiral downward, and a growing number of nations begin a war on cash, as Middleton said earlier, people will slowly discover Bitcoin to be a valuable alternative, either as a currency or as an economic «safe haven.»
Video Contents: 1) War On Cash 2) Gold Bitcoin Price Parity 3) Institutional investment 4) Bitcoin and Japan 5) Scaling Segregated Witness 6) Demise of Blockchain Hype 7) Trump Presidency 8) China Time Bomb 9) Bond Apocalypse 10) Bullish Technicals 11) Price Prediction
The price will go higher in direct correlation to the war on cash India, Venezuela, now Pakistan - as each new country's government made its larger bills (in the case of India, «large» is only $ 7 and it's much less in Venezuela), the citizenry looks for ways to put cash into hard assets: gold, silver, and bitcoin (the only hard asset that's also digital).
There is a global «war on cash» underway as countries opt towards digital.
In November 2016, the war on cash in India began when $ 500 and $ 1000, worth $ 7 and $ 15 respectively, were deemed illegal currency.
Pat Boone promotes a book called «The War on Cash
There is a war on cash.
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