Sentences with phrase «warm air rising»

Also, off the top of my head, a very tall tank may allow for a small lapse rate like effect, with warm air rising.
23 Weather Maps — Low Pressure Areas of low pressure indicate warm air rising.
Launching on four legs, the pterosaur would have flapped its wings till it caught these small pockets of warm air rising from ocean or hot land, and then coasted easily on these for several hours.
1 When moist, warm air rises to a cooler elevation, water condenses onto microscopic «seeds» like dust, ash, or bacteria.
The warm air rises, cools quickly, and becomes frost crystals.
Warm air rises, so the internal heat could provide energy to churn the storm.
Rapid vertical mixing in the convection areas that exist everywhere over the warm ocean and in which the warm air rises takes care of the rest.
At night, when skies are clear and the temperature drops, warm air rises up the slopes while cold air is pushed down the hillside into the valley below.
Each year, the sun shines down on the dark surface of the Indian Ocean, and moist, warm air rises and forms clouds.
This warm air rises, cools and the moisture it contains condenses at higher altitudes, feeding the typical spiraling clouds associated with hurricanes.
Then, we add in fluid dynamics and convection (warm air rises, right).
This warm air rises from the cookie to be replaced by cool air.
This warms the air above it, warm air rises, interferes with trade winds, joins the westerlies, and we notice the arrival of an El Nino.
Warm air rises until it cools!
The latter results from kinetic energy being converted to potential energy as warm air rises against the force of gravity in a convective column.
Stephen Wilde says: July 18, 2013 at 9:17 pm «The latter results from kinetic energy being converted to potential energy as warm air rises against the force of gravity in a convective column.»
Its warm water now warms the air above it, warm air rises, interferes with the trade winds, joins the westerlies, and we notice the start of an El Nino.
Warm air rises, interferes with trade winds, joins the westerlies, raises global temperature, and we notice that an El Nino has arrived.
land breeze — cool air above land during night is pulled out to replace warmer air rising over water.
More clouds both drastically reduce energy input from the sun and simply slow release of what energy there is trapped in the lower troposphere, but the long term effect would be a fall in average temperature because of the significantly reduced input power but the atmosphere's ability to cool is aided by air current circulation whereby the warmer air rises above those low clouds and that infra - red is more easily re-emitted into space, whereby the low clouds now block that re-emission from hitting the ground again to any significant degree.
The large area of warm water exposed thereby warms the air, warm air rises, interferes with trades, mixes with global circulation, and raises its temperature by half a degree.
When the warm air rises, I'm not even sure that you take into account the conversion of the change in gravitational potential energy to thermal energy, do you?
The warm air rises over the Pacific Warm Pool, causing an inflow of air from the east where SSTs are cooler.
You appear to disregard the physical rate at which warm air rises by convection.
We all learn in school that warm air rises because it is less dense.
As warm air rises this leads to the formation of depressions at sea level, or low air pressure weather systems.
The one that I think you mean is convection, that's the one where warm air rises and it carries the heat along with it.
There is a temperature gradient caused by atmospheric radiations — warm air rises, expands and cools in lower pressure at height — but this is just the lapse rate and doesn't create cooler temps at height.
Warm air rises because it is less dense — it is all to do with kinetic energy.
The moist warm air rises, and as it rises, it cools.
This «warm air rises» / «cold air falls» drives circulation in the mass of air in fairly well understood ways.
Warm air rises, yet four satellite groups measuring TLT average to no warming at all for a human generation.
The warmed air rises in some places (appreciated by soaring birds and sail planes) and cooler air falls in others (pilots and passengers call these air pockets).
Warm air rises over the equatorial, continental, and western Pacific Ocean regions.
First, the air in the earth's atmosphere is warmest around the equator (because the sun reaches the earth at a direct 90 ° angle) so that warmer air rises and flows north and south of the equator.
Warm air rises, creating the cyclone motion of hurricanes.
The warm air rises, stops the trade winds, mixes with prevailing westerlies, and thereby raises global air temperature.
In a gravity furnace, air is circulated by gravity, relying on the natural flow of warm air up and cold air down; the warm air rises through ducts and the cold air falls through ducts that return it to the furnace to be reheated and this completes the circulation cycle.
magicjava (09:23:59): At those levels of the atmosphere, expansion happens all the time as warm air rises.
At those levels of the atmosphere, expansion happens all the time as warm air rises.
There's an objection you haven't addressed yet — that if extra heat tried to build up near the surface, convection would immediately carry it away again because warm air rises.
The warm air rises».
Answer: Warm air rises and cold air falls, but since your attic gets hot in the winter, you might want to have the dome in place to keep the warm air in the attic and not leaking into the space around the folding stairs where it might add to the efforts of the air - conditioning.

Not exact matches

In a few days there comes a «warm draft of rising air» that carries off one after another of the young spiders.
The warmer the air, the faster the dough will rise.
I took the dough out of the bowl and flattened it on a floured surface, kneading it lightly to get the air out, and repeated the rising process; placed the dough in the bowl, covered, filled sink with warm water, and placed the bowl in sink.
With the warm air the dough will rise and get nice and fluffy.
Press firmly down so that all the air bubbles rise and the liquid rise to the top, the kraut should be covered with liquid but if you need more simply add 1 tsp of salt to 1 C warm pure water and dissolve.
The warmed air then rises up through a rack of peppers (or other flora), taking the moisture with it as the hot air exits through the top.
Dust devils arise in the martian spring and summer when sunlight heats the ground, forcing warm cells of air to rise.
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