Sentences with phrase «warm anomalies over»

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Warm sea surface temperature anomalies persist off to W and SW of San Diego, but are smaller than in previous weeks over the past month.
And a third found that climate - induced sea - surface temperature anomalies over the northeast Pacific were driving storms (and moisture) away from California, but the warming also caused increased humidity — two competing factors that may produce no net effect.
The «bounce» seen in November 2010 was driven by record - warm temperature anomalies in the Northern Hemisphere, particularly over land.
While periods of increased and decreased warming exist over the 132 - year period, the linear rate is still ~ 0.6 C / century, and the most recent monthly GISS values fall right on the linear trend (the linear trend value for the Feb. 2012 temperature anomaly is +0.38 C, while the last two months have been +0.35 and +0.40 C.)
Namely a February cyclone which warmed up South Baffin to +5 to 9.5 C above zero (something like a +40 C anomaly), which stopped moving over Ellesmere, warming it up enormously before fading away.
For example, anomalies are correlated over fairly large distances: If it was warmer than average in NYC this year, it was also likely warmer than average in Boston and Montreal and Philadelphia even though the actual average value in this different cities might be fairly different.
Yes, the paper is interesting but very speculative with unmeasured processes (cold water over warm can only be «stable» for very strong salinity anomalies — I still believe in buoyancy).
Analysis showed that the AMV warming drives a modification of the Walker Circulation that creates precipitation anomalies over the whole tropical belt.
The NINO3.4 index is defined as the average of sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies over the region 5 ° N - 5 ° S and 170 ° -120 ° W. El Niño (a warm event) is considered to occur when the NINO3.4 index persistently exceeds +0.8 °C.
The warming rate over the 40 years 1694 - 1733, demonstrated by the Central England Temperature Record, a reasonable proxy for global temperature anomalies, was considerably greater than in any subsequent 40 - year period.
For example, some «skeptics» who don't understand anomalies are worried that the dropout of lots of cold weather stations in Siberia over the last few decades has biased the record warm.
The annual anomaly of the global average surface temperature in 2014 (i.e. the average of the near - surface air temperature over land and the SST) was +0.27 °C above the 1981 - 2010 average (+0.63 °C above the 20th century average), and was the warmest since 1891.
The interesting 2nd plot of Berkeley TAVG temperature anomalies over the same time frame, also plotted as a 21 - year running average, shows anomalous global warming since 1975 appears unrelated to group sunspot activity.
Temperature anomalies and political polarization over global warming in the American public.»
At interannual time scales, a warming of the equatorial Atlantic and Pacific / Indian Oceans results in rainfall reduction over the Sahel, and positive SST anomalies over the Mediterranean Sea tend to be associated with increased rainfall.
Map of air temperature anomalies for December 2009, at the 925 millibar level (roughly 1,000 meters [3,000 feet] above the surface) for the region north of 30 degrees N, shows warmer than usual temperatures over the Arctic Ocean and cooler than normal temperatures over central Eurasia, the United States and southwestern Canada.
Your «standstill» here is just the fact that one can't statistically detect a warming trend in the mentioned temperature anomaly over the short time period of the recent decade.
Sea surface temperature anomalies that persist over many years can be signals of regional or global climate change, such as global warming.
I'm very convinced that the physical process of global warming is continuing, which appears as a statistically significant increase of the global surface and tropospheric temperature anomaly over a time scale of about 20 years and longer and also as trends in other climate variables (e.g., global ocean heat content increase, Arctic and Antarctic ice decrease, mountain glacier decrease on average and others), and I don't see any scientific evidence according to which this trend has been broken, recently.
In particular, a stronger southern center - of - action of the NAO (i.e., a stronger high pressure anomaly) and a northward shift of the SLP dipole nodal line is associated with greater precipitation deficits over southern and central Europe; and a southward shift of the nodal line accompanied by stronger anomalous westerly flow across northern Europe and Russia favors enhanced precipitation and warming in these regions (Fig. 4).
Anomalies in the volcanic - aerosol induced global radiative heating distribution can force significant changes in atmospheric circulation, for example, perturbing the equator - to - pole heating gradient (Stenchikov et al., 2002; Ramaswamy et al., 2006a; see Section 9.2) and forcing a positive phase of the Arctic Oscillation that in turn causes a counterintuitive boreal winter warming at middle and high latitudes over Eurasia and North America (Perlwitz and Graf, 2001; Stenchikov et al., 2002, 2004, 2006; Shindell et al., 2003b, 2004; Perlwitz and Harnik, 2003; Rind et al., 2005; Miller et al., 2006).
X Anomaly says: February 3, 2012 at 3:43 pm I think a good way to conceptualize the pools of warm and cool water is that when there are stronger trade winds, all the warm water is bunched up over in the west.
The period of increased warming from 1987 to 1997 loosely coincided with the divergence of the global average temperature anomalies over land, which are derived from observation station recordings, and the global average anomalies in sea surface temperatures.
Over ocean stretches with a positive SST anomaly air convection is higher (as the temperature difference between the warm sea surface and the cool air higher up in the troposphere is greater), so a higher likelihood for the formation of depressions exists and more precipitation is to be expected.
The best way to envision the relation between ENSO and precipitation over East Africa is to regard the Indian Ocean as a mirror of the Pacific Ocean sea surface temperature anomalies [much like the Western Hemisphere Warm Pool creates such a SST mirror with the Atlantic Ocean too]: during a La Niña episode, waters in the eastern Pacific are relatively cool as strong trade winds blow the tropically Sun - warmed waters far towards the west.
(i) The observation that the earlier SSTs, expressed as anomalies from recent averages, are not only too cold relative to NMATs similarly expressed (Barnett, 1984), but also, outside the tropics, show enhanced annual cycles, presumably because more heat is lost from uninsulated buckets in winter when stronger, colder winds blow over relatively warm water (Wright, 1986; Bottomley et al., 1990);
This so - called «North American dipole» (highlighted by Wang et al., 2014) has resulted in persistent warm / dry anomalies along the West Coast and persistent cool / wet anomalies over the Midwest and Eastern Seaboard.
Warming causes CO2 rise «Differentiating the CO2 measurements over the last thirty years produces a pattern that matches the temperature anomaly measured by satellites in extreme detail.
When you base your robust disbelief of the link between recent prodigious crop failures and realized warming on what you call the «relatively minor» global average mean anomaly you are demonstrating either less than full appreciation of what nine tenths of a degree could mean for regional weather over shorter periods, or what such weather could mean for agriculture.
Over the past few decades, warming temperatures have been linked to changes in the percentage of precipitation falling as rain or snow, and snow melt anomalies showing a trend towards earlier and faster stream flow.
Though SAG and SRM can achieve significant cooling anomalies over large areas, it comes at a cost of a far worse overall global warming.
«Incidentally, the Nino34 temperature anomaly is absolutely flat over the period from 1982 to present — there is only apparent atmospheric warming during this period due to the natural recovery from two major volcanoes — El Chichon and Mt. Pinatubo.»
When it is warmer than the climatological average (and therefore a positive temperature anomaly) in a particular location, it is generally also warmer than average over hundreds of kilometres — corresponding to the mean synoptic weather pattern — even though the actual temperature may be quite different from location to location.
What we — and other competent researchers — have all found is that the warmth was far more regional than modern warmth, with some large regions, like the tropical Pacific, having been unusually * cold * at the time, and when you average over the globe, the warmth of the medieval warm period / medieval climate anomaly simply doesn't reach modern warmth.
The correlation between CO2 levels and anomalies is statistically significant, but that shouldn't be a surprise considering there's a statistically significant warming trend over time and CO2 levels have been increasing smoothly year on year.
37) would show a positive trend over the previous 40 yr in a regression analysis, even though the main feature was a single decadal warming episode in the 1980s that was followed by cool anomalies
Over the last month or so warm sea - surface temperature [SST] and upper - ocean heat content anomalies have increased in the near - equatorial central Pacific, while the SST cool tongue in the near - equatorial far - eastern Pacific has weakened, with warm anomalies now evident there.
Anomalies in the volcanic - aerosol induced global radiative heating distribution can force signifi cant changes in atmospheric circulation, for example, perturbing the equator - to - pole heating gradient (Stenchikov et al., 2002; Ramaswamy et al., 2006a; see Section 9.2) and forcing a positive phase of the Arctic Oscillation that in turn causes a counterintuitive boreal winter warming at middle and high latitudes over Eurasia and North America (Perlwitz and Graf, 2001; Stenchikov et al., 2002,2004, 2006; Shindell et al., 2003b, 2004; Perlwitz and Harnik, 2003; Rind et al., 2005; Miller et al., 2006).
In July, the Arctic Dipole Anomaly (DA) pattern that was dominant in June (which promotes clear skies, warm air temperatures, and winds that push ice away from coastal areas and encourages melt) was replaced by low sea level pressure (SLP) over the Arctic Ocean, leading to ice divergence (ice extent «spreading out») and cooler temperatures.
The next satellite / radar animation shows yet more anomalies of warm rain cells «turning over to snow» as moisture continues to migrate north.
Temperature anomalies are generally predicted to be warmer than the 1961 — 1990 baseline period over much of the globe, particularly in Northern latitudes and over the African and Asian continents, with anomalies above 1.6 K in some regions.
... then why do the vertical mean temperature anomalies (NODC 0 - 2000 meter data) of the Pacific Ocean as a whole and of the North Atlantic fail to show any warming over the past decade, a period when ARGO floats have measured subsurface temperatures, providing reasonably complete coverage of the global oceans?
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