Sentences with phrase «warm cups of soup»

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Maybe it will be a man who doesn't «attend» church at all, but who goes out to the «least of these» in his city on a regular basis to the homeless and hand out cups of cold water on hot days and warm jackets and hot soup on cold days.
While you're there, you can check out some of the other great appliances they have on their site Here are the cool features of the cooker - 4 - 20 cup cooked rice capacity — 2 - 10 cup uncooked rice capacity With rice rinser / steam basket Great for oatmeal, grits, and cream of wheat Delay start makes breakfast and meal planning easier Use your own recipe or packaged pasta & rice mixes Automatically shifts to warm after cooking White rice: cooks all varieties of white rice, including short - and long - grain rice Quick rice: great for preparing rice in a hurry Whole grain: for brown rice, farro, quinoa, and other whole grains Keep warm: illuminates when cooking is complete Delay start: prepare for cooking up to 15 hours in advance Heat / simmer: use this function for flavored pasta and rice mixes, beans, soups, and one - pot meals Steam cook: vegetables, meats, fish, and more Hot cereals: great for oatmeal, grits, and cream of wheat
Place your corn purée and your squash purée back into the soup pot, stir until blended, and add 2 cups of water, Warm until heated through.
There's nothing like a cup of warm soup on a cozy fall day!
Into warm pasta bowls, ladle about two cups of the hot lentil soup.
Slowly pour in about a cup of the soup broth to warm the egg mixture, whisking constantly.
A weather that calls for furry sweaters, warm soups, spicy stews and large cups of hot chocolate.
** If you want warm soup, Omega suggests adding 1/2 chopped onion and 1 or 2 cups of vegetable stock.
Add a soup ladle (about 1/2 cup) of warm stock to the frying pan, turn the heat down to a simmer and stir until the stock is absorbed, then add another ladle of stock.
Magnesium: 48 mg in 1 cup Other body benefits: A cup of peas provides nearly a day's worth of vitamin C. Peas also provide protein, potassium, and vitamin A. Best way to eat them: The possibilities are endless: toss peas in a stir - fry or on top of a salad, make a belly - warming split - pea soup, mix them into pasta, or even eat them raw.
This time of year, who doesn't love to curl up with a warm cup of steamy soup, especially if you are feeling a little under the weather?
In all honestly, one of my favorite sensations is the way that a warm cup of homemade soup can make you feel (similar to the feeling of a hot cup of tea, coffee, or hot chocolate if you want to get nostalgic).
There are few things as cosy as warming your hands by cupping them around a hot bowl of soup and leaning over to inhale the steamy aromas
i'm battling laryngitis at the moment and can think of nothing better to wake up my tastebuds than a warm cup of tortilla soup.
Dr. Amy Muise *, a social psychologist, revealed a study that showed offering a hot cup of coffee as opposed to an iced - coffee to someone, positively influenced the opinion of the receiver of the beverage... the person who was offered something warm (soup, a beverage, whatever) rated the person who offered the warmth as more «friendly» and «trustworthy» as opposed to the participants who were offered something cold.
There's just something about a big cup of homemade soup or stew to warm your body and soul when it is cold and dreary outside...
If you want to be perceived as warm and friendly on your next date, bring your date a hot cup of coffee or encourage him or her to order the soup.
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