Sentences with phrase «warm currents»

The phrase "warm currents" refers to the movement of warm water in the ocean. It can also metaphorically describe a positive and pleasant flow or influence. Full definition
However, prior bouts of increased hurricane activity due to natural variation do not rule out a role for global warming the current period of increased activity since the early 1980s.
Elevation Rain Shadows Zones of Latitude Topography Wind Currents Factors that affect climate Warm Currents Climate Changes El Niño Ocean Currents Global Warming Cold Currents
Warm currents of the Meditererranian Sea and an average of 300 days of sunshine a year determine the mild climate that lets chiles — called peperoncini in Italy — grow so well here.
The mingling of cool, nutrient - rich waters from the north with warm currents from the south form a dynamic transition zone that is home to a myriad of sea life from microscopic plankton to blue whales.
This cycle coincides with the natural rise and fall of sea surface temperatures in the North Atlantic, which fluctuate roughly 0.2 degree Celsius every 60 years as warm currents shift.
And there's new evidence that ice shelves in Antarctica are melting from the bottom as well as the top, eaten away by warm currents circulating beneath.
A circular room studded with windows eight metres (26 feet) beneath the ocean's surface reveals up to 300 species of colourful coral, fish and other marine life, fed by an unusually warm current.
Every word that as come before defies his future, each inspiration that has flown from his pen as effortlessly as birds gliding on warm currents conspires against new rivals.
Sensors that have plumbed the depths of Arctic seas since 2002 have found warm currents creeping up from the Atlantic Ocean and helping drive the dramatic retreat of sea ice there over the last decade.
The fall of the temperature of the sea water is sometimes a sign of the proximity of ice, although in regions where there is an intermixture of cold and warm currents going on, as at the junction of the Labrador Current and the Gulf Stream, the temperature of the sea has been known to rise as the ice is approached.
The application of gentle cooling and warming currents inside the ear canal can provide relief for migraine sufferers, new research at the University of Kent has helped show.
The wind changes were found to be heaving warm currents from deeper waters up into a zone where the Antarctic ice sheet is vulnerable to melt and crumble from beneath — the area where towers of ice sit atop submerged ground.
Vanuatu's warm currents plays host to a variety of species ranging from Blue, Black and Striped Marlin, Mahi Mahi, Wahoo, Dogtooth and a host of other reef species such as Giant Trevally, Bluefin Trevally, Red Bass, Job Fish and Coral Trout.
With a consistent warm current, created by a deep volcanic rift -LSB-...]
13 The Oceans and Climate A warm current can cause land that it passes to have a temperate (mild) climate when it would otherwise be cold.
You'd expect more warm current to «churn» more cool current, but it actually churns more cold water to move around Antarctica in circles rather than head north.
But the actual record, 4.17 m square km in 2007, was the product of an unusual combination of sunny days, cloudless skies and warm currents flowing up from mid-latitudes.
Warm currents transport heat from lower latitudes poleward and tend to occur on the western sides of oceans.
Melting sea ice in the Arctic produces fresh water, slowing the circulation of denser salt water and thereby slowing warming currents
The real cause of Arctic warming is a rearrangement of the North Atlantic current system at the turn of the century that brought warm currents like the Gulf Stream into the Arctic Ocean.
And scientists have published dire warnings that several ice shelves in West Antarctica are being undermined by warm currents where they connect to the ocean floor.
Partly health - based, but largely down to warming currents forcing the algae partners of coral to desert their homes, this «disease» seems due to acidification of sea water.
Elevation Rain Shadows Zones of Latitude Topography Cities Factors that affect climate Warm Currents Ocean Currents Cold Currents
As sea ice retreats in Iceland and Greenland Seas, the traditional exchange of cold and warm currents for Europe and northern Africa could shift.
Warm currents from the North heat the water to temperatures of about 70 - 80 F (21 - 26 C) from January through June, while waters cool down to 65 - 75 F (18 - 29 C) during the later half of the year.
In 2012, a new record low was established, and a contributor to this was an unusually warm current that merged with the Beaufort Sea Gyre.
Any and all improvements to GISS, CRU and NCDC will result in a colder past and warmer current period.
Elevation Rain Shadows Zones of Latitude Topography Cities Factors that affect climate Warm Currents Climate Changes El Niño Ocean Currents Global Warming Cold Currents
Their unlikely partnership is a warm current that thrums throughout the book.
This sandy heap actually causes the oozing ice to slow, pile up and thicken slightly behind it — providing a buffer that may stabilize the ice sheet in the face of those warm currents.
Warm currents can melt the floating ice shelves that hold back ice on land.
El Niño means «the little boy» or «the Christ child» in Spanish, and is so called because its warm current is felt along coastal Peru and Ecuador around Christmas.
Also at the AGU meeting, Yasunari's co-author and Goddard colleague William Lau presented the results of a separate study today suggesting that soot heating the atmosphere over India could accelerate the glacier - melting effects of the warm currents that rise up to the Himalayan chain, in a «heat pump» effect.
Warmer oceans have also caused a distinct change in El Niño events — the warmer currents associated with the cycle have now been observed towards the central Pacific rather than the west, according to the Sheffield scientists.
But rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere could shut these warming currents down.
The elk rose to their feet just ahead of her, and at first she thought they had somehow scented her, even though the day's warming currents had not yet begun to ascend the hill — even though the last of the night's heavier, cooling currents were still sliding in rolling waves down the mountain, the faint breeze in her face carrying the ripe scent of the herd downhill, straight to her.
San Miguel Island lies in an area of water that overlaps two currents - a cold current moving down the Pacific coast from Alaska and a warm current moving up the Pacific coast from Mexico.
Those two currents meet and intermingle not only water, but many of the species associated with corresponding cold and warm currents.
As we approached what is known as the Antarctic Boundary line where we crossed into Antarctic waters, the colder air and water currents from the south mixed with the warmer currents of the north causing a thick hazy fog.
Located on the eastern side of Mauritius, an island glimmering in the warm currents of the Indian Ocean, Blue Bay is protected by a vast coral reef that protects the beach from larger wave breaks, allowing for calm, safe swimming.
That is supported by other recent findings that warm currents are infiltrating northward under ice shelves and into fjords around Greenland and into the Arctic basin more than previously thought.
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