Sentences with phrase «warm little pond»

Darwin speculated that our microbial Eve arose from a «warm little pond with all sorts of ammonia and phosphoric salts.»
Onstott agrees: «They are literally like Darwin's warm little pond without the light.»
Charles Darwin speculated that it happened in «some warm little pond».
Either that it began in deep sea hydrothermal vents, or alternatively that it began on land in a version of Charles Darwin's «warm little pond
Instead, hot springs on land, similar to the «warm little pond» favoured by Charles Darwin, may be a better fit for life's nursery.
We are complex creatures, and could not have arisen «just by chance» out of a brew of chemicals, even in some warm little pond of the kind envisaged by Charles Darwin.
Nevertheless, McGown refuses to conclude that Darwin's «warm little pond» must have actually been a hot hydrothermal vent.
Charles Darwin proposed in 1871 that life originated in a «warm little pond».
John Sutherland and his colleagues at the University of Manchester in England argue that the precursors came together in a warm - water solution, reminiscent of Charles Darwin's notion that life began in some «warm little pond
He doesn't need to find sediment laid down by plankton at the bottom of some warm little pond.
Perhaps the most famous is Darwin's «warm little pond» — a soup of organic chemicals bathed in sunlight.
Deep rocks have been cracked open and water isolated for billions of years released — the liquid may represent Darwin's «warm little pond» where life arose
Darwin suggested this might have happened in «some warm little pond ``.
«I would say this is as close as we have come to bottling the warm little pond, in a warm little fracture,» says Sherwood Lollar.
Did it begin, as Charles Darwin once remarked, in «a warm little pond» where molecules first learnt to replicate, or did it begin in the depths of oceans, where hydrothermal vents provided the energy for early life to appear?
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