Sentences with phrase «warm trend»

This places recent global warming trends in the context of temperature changes over longer time scales.
Global warming trend over the last 200 years or so is a scientific fact, (scientist are able to bring out the raw data as back up).
The change in warming trend since 1970 is negligible.
What his paper actually proves is once you remove any long term warming trend from the temperature record, it leaves little room for any warming.
So, I was wondering what the thinking was about thresholds with respect to the current warming trend on this blog.
However, something does seem to have happened to slow the global warming trend for that period, when compared to the runaway warming of the 1980s and 1990s.
According to last month's paper, it makes more sense to compare recent warming trends with the 30 - year period from 1972 - 2001, when temperatures rose more rapidly.
Climate models show an increasing warming trend with altitude, but balloon data shows a slight cooling with altitude in the tropics.
Using higher resolution temperature data supplemented with updated satellite measurements, Screen 2010 analyse the observe warming trend in each season.
All the while, the long - term global warming trend continues upward.
So why is it necessary to explain the abrupt warming trend at the end of the 20th century any differently?
Dude, do you really think natural fluctuations produce 40 + year warming trends.
Yes, the oceans are warming but these trends are 10 % to 20 % of the predicted surface warming trend of about 0.2 C per decade.
It is interesting that the eastern pole sometimes cools among the strong warming trend over this region.
Our results show significant anthropogenic warming trends in all the continental regions analyzed.
Nearly half of the 20th century warming trend occurred from 1910 to 1945, but CO2 emissions didn't increase enough to explain most of the warming.
Such adjustments seem to overwhelmingly show a massive warming trend not present in the raw data.
Human fossil fuel use is also behind a general warming trend in the oceans observed over the past 50 years that increases the resistance to CO2 uptake.
Temperature monitoring stations exist around the globe, on both land and sea, and we see a clear warming trend from many locations.
The third term will produce a linear warming trend, and the fourth is simply a constant.
The authors also assume that the linear man - made warming trend which they've thrown into their model will continue at the same linear rate into the future.
In the ocean, we clearly see warming trends, which decrease with depth, as expected.
The conclusion regarding the lower surface temperature warming trend is also at odds with the satellite temperature data.
So we should never allow ourselves to lose sight of the catastrophe we face if present warming trends continue.
But that's not what we are seeing, we are observing a highly significant, very rapid warming trend.
The climate in most places has undergone minor changes over the past 200 years, and the land - based surface temperature record of the past 100 years exhibits warming trends in many places.
This means that when modern global warming trend began in the 1970's, the correlation between sun and climate broke down.
This graph shows that since the recent global warming trend started around 1975 the sun has NOT been heating up.
But the expected slow warming trend that results is unlikely to lead to rapid climate change.
For every cooling trend a much higher warming trend exists to more than compensate the cooling so as to keep the mean trend warming.
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