Sentences with phrase «warm water pools»

I would interpret this as a sequence of step functions followed by multiyear declines (when El Nino leftover warm water pools slowly lose their heat), superseeded by a warming trend, caused by other natural and anthropogenic causes, which in sum just keep the temperature about constant after the step function.
«El Nino leftover warm water pools drift into different parts of the oceans and continue to warm for years» Yet after the 1998 El Nino global temperatures plummeted.
El Nino leftover warm water pools drift into different parts of the oceans and continue to warm for years, an effect not characterized by the ENSO index, but clearly visible in sea surface temperature maps and in the temperature step changes and plateaus following El Ninos.
If you are lucky enough then you might be able to find secret waterfalls with warm water pools surrounded by jungle canopy.
You can find secret waterfalls with warm water pools surrounded by jungle canopy, and surf spots with no one there.
To learn about Jillian's work with infants and children in the warm water pool, visit the Children's page.
You don't need an instructor, you just need to locate a warm water pool and determine what depth of water you have access to.
Not only did I focus on healing with my diet, but I also focused on healing physically with Rolfing Therapy and using my own fasica tools at home, warm water pool physical therapy (I swim everyday!)
We have the ONLY climate controlled, indoor, warm water pool in Florida.
If you live in a northern climate where exercising outdoors can be difficult, look for an indoor dog park or a warm water pool for dogs.
The warm water pool and pulsed signal therapy can help dogs recover from surgery faster.
Activities in the study consist of swimming in a ozone - sanitized indoor warm water pool, exercising on a treadmill, and strength, balance and flexibility training using FitPAWS Canine Conditioning Equipment.
De Valle Apartment 63 is a self - catering apartment located in Mossel Bay, ideally situated in front of the supertubes and the warm water pool, which provides loads of entertainment for the whole family.
Remnants of the El Niño warm water pool still linger north and south of the equator, the observations show.
But during the Heinrich events, with so much fresh water being released as icebergs sail toward the Bay of Biscay, even the near - north sinking process shuts down, leaving warm water pooling in the southern oceans with no place to go.
Warm water pooled in the central Pacific instead of the eastern equatorial Pacific, bringing stronger waves and higher sea levels to the West Coast.

Not exact matches

So yes, this moment, the one in the picture there, is saving me, when she smells like sunscreen and pool water, her eyes so heavy with taking in the sunshine, and she's warm with the exhaustion of a good day, soft baby curls to poke my finger through, wearing her golden hair like a ring.
The kids were getting into the pool to swim for the first time this season, and although the water was still a little chilly, they hung in there for a good hour or so going back and forth to the hot tub to warm up every now and then.
The sun is strong to the pool water gets warm.
Both are perfect for little kids and the water was MUCH warmer in them than the other pools.
Pools: I spent most of my time at the Splashers kids» pool but did try a few others, I personally thought the water there was the warmest, but it could also be that I was in the water and got used to it.
If you can't go swimming in the warm waters of Jamaica or Mexico, then head over to your local pool and get your swim on!
On warm spring days we love to get out the water table and inflatable pools to throw a pool party in the back yard.
The warm pool is the perfect place to nurture a healthy relationship with the water from an early age, and to cultivate calmness, trust, and confidence.
Dump a few buckets of warm / hot water from the kitchen into your pools and finish filling them up with the hose to ensure your kids are splashing around comfortably!
This beautiful center includes a 25 - yard lap pool featuring an aerobic exercise area and a warm water therapy pool geared for many aquatic programs.
Lounge in the Water Journey Ritual area where you can enjoy refreshing infused beverages between dips in the warm and cold plunge pools.
It feels so natural to me, to float in a pool and have my baby transition from a watery environment in my uterus to more warm water on the outside.
There are fitted pool covers you can buy to keep the water warm before you get into it or some alternatives are tarpaulin, a roll of bubble wrap on its own or with blankets or a duvet on top, a sleeping bag or foil shock blankets marathon runners use.
Remember that is is easier to add cold water if it is a few degrees too warm than to heat it up - however check your pool specifications as it can weaken the pool if the water is too hot.
Another French obstetrician, Michel Odent, took this theory a step further by using a warm water birth pool as a way to provide natural pain management.
In response to comments from residents and several commissioners, the district eliminated plans for an 800 - square - foot therapeutic warm - water pool and two lanes of a lap pool in favor of a 2,000 - square - foot family pool.
Then he and my mom continuously ran hot water from the stove down to keep the pool warm for the next couple hours.
As she pointed out, «If you found out you could have a baby in a warm, deep pool of water compared to flat on your back with people yelling at you to push, what would you choose?»
When the pool is filled up, mom gets in and the warm water helps relieve some of the pains.
The center would include a 50 - meter indoor pool with drop slides and a diving platform; a warm - water leisure pool with a whirlpool and water play features; a gymnasium with recessed soccer goals; three volleyball courts and two basketball courts; a track overlooking the gymnasium; a fitness center with cardiovascular equipment, weight machines and free weights; an aerobics studio; and additional programming rooms.
Babies prefer warmer water, so you should find for a pool heated to from 30 °C to 32 °C until your baby gets a little older
In the approximately hourlong video, Spencer's tiny foot is seen dangling for a half - hour from his mother, who knelt in a wading pool filled with warm water for most of the delivery.
On the tape, Spencer's tiny foot is seen dangling for more than 20 minutes from his mother, who is kneeling in a child's wading pool filled with warm water.
So many people told me about how they labored at home for hours or days, called their midwife, arrived at the hospital or had their midwife arrive at their home just in time to transition in a warm pool of water.
There are no concerns about these types of pools as long as pumps are used solely to empty the pool and not for recirculation of warm water.
All three options include both a lap lane pool as well as a warm water therapy pool.
«When the weather fluctuates between warm and cold and in bodies of water where there are currents underneath the ice, it can weaken the surface of the ice and make it dangerously fragile even though it seems to be frozen solid,» said Joe Pecoraro, manager of the Park District's Beaches and Pools Unit, who narrated the demonstration.
I was walking around, I leaned over on my exercise ball, I labored standing, and I walked some more but eventually I decided I wanted to be in the birthing pool once the warm water had filled up.
I found the warm water on the birthing pool helped a hell of a lot for managing pain.
Typically this is a pool or bath filled with warm water.
The Beluga Heater takes the water already warmed by the hose and diverts it right into your pool.
The larger warm pool gave the simulated hurricanes more time to grow before they encountered colder water or land.
In the model scenarios, the pool of warm water (greater than 82 degrees Fahrenheit) in the tropical Atlantic grew to twice its actual size.
Under normal conditions, the trade winds and ocean currents in the tropical Pacific travel from the Americas to Asia, maintaining a pool of very warm water and a related area of intense tropical rainfall around Indonesia.
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