Sentences with phrase «warmed by conduction»

If the bottom millimeter is stationary then it will be warmed by conduction until it reaches almost the surface temperature.
TIS, There's a huge difference between the air temperature in the few meters near the surface, which is warmed by conduction and radiation off the immediate surface and the rest of the troposphere, which is warmed by influences from far away.
So we have a surface layer (100 - 200m) warmed from above, deep oceans being their cold selves, and in between the thermocline, the transition from warm surface to cold deep ocean, warmed by conduction from the surface layer above.
Because the atmosphere is warmed by conduction from Earth's surface, this lapse or reduction in temperature (is?)
«the atmosphere is warmed by conduction from Earth's surface, this lapse or reduction in temperature is normal with increasing distance from the conductive source.»
Although the Oxygen, Nitrogen and Argon components are warmed by conduction and convection they do not absorb the long wave radiation emitted by the surface and by the atmosphere as a whole.
An atmosphere without GHGs will still warm by conduction (contact with the surface) and will then distribute that heat by convection; so it will warm up, and will need to rid itself of heat, and that mechanism will be radiation.
Reply: In that situation the ice water or cold beer warms by conduction from the surroundings through the container.
They could only warm by conduction with the surface to a temperature equal to the surface.

Not exact matches

Heat transfer from a warm body to a cool body by conduction?)
Temperature tends to respond so that, depending on optical properties, LW emission will tend to reduce the vertical differential heating by cooling warmer parts more than cooler parts (for the surface and atmosphere); also (not significant within the atmosphere and ocean in general, but significant at the interface betwen the surface and the air, and also significant (in part due to the small heat fluxes involved, viscosity in the crust and somewhat in the mantle (where there are thick boundary layers with superadiabatic lapse rates) and thermal conductivity of the core) in parts of the Earth's interior) temperature changes will cause conduction / diffusion of heat that partly balances the differential heating.
Re 346 ziarra — the flow of heat (between adjacent layers of material via conduction, convection, or mass diffusion, or potentially across larger distances via emission and absorption of photons) will be from hot to cold (or from higher to lower concentrations of a substance carrying heat, which might end up being from cold to hot in some conditions, such as a wet surface cooling by evaporation into warm dry air).
One possible way to fix this model failure is to account for the increased vertical flow of convection and conduction caused by the radiative GHG induced global warming, which apparently was, I assume, not adequately included in the GCMs.
The heat from the ocean below the surface skin tends to warm the very top by convection and conduction.
Forcing by heat conduction will certainly cause something to warm up.if there is a thermal gradient (potential difference) but only if the thing being warmed up is at the cooler end of the gradient in terms of radiation or heat (the «positive flow of energy»).
Because of the heating of the ocean depths by the sunlight, which penetrates a number of meters, the depths are warmer than the surface skin, because radiation, evaporation and conduction cause the surface skin to lose heat.
Whilst flowing across the area between the two columns that cold air does not warm up by compression despite falling in height because it remains in contact with stratospheric air with which it can freely exchange energy by conduction and mixing.
The relatively warm water flowing through the glacier also carries surface heat deep inside the ice sheet far faster than it would otherwise penetrate by simple conduction.
When an atmospheric molecule absorbs energy by conduction or radiation it vibrates faster thereby becoming warmer.
The atmosphere is warmed primarily by conduction and convection at the Earth's surface, not by radiation — standard school physics.
A: by conduction of a warmer atmosphere, I guess this can be guestimated, but since the warming of the atmosphere is due to a multitude of factors, you can not isolate CO2 here.
You can't deduce anything using heat conduction from warm waters above because you'll find it's so tiny that would take ~ 125,000 years to warm / cool the depths to same as surface following a surface MST anomaly if there were no currents bringing cold water through, so obviously the actual warming from waters above is 99 % + by fluid mixing.
All CO2 molecules in the atmosphere are warmed to local air temperature by collision induced conduction to above this temperature.
Warming ground warms these inert molecules by Conduction, then they transfer a lot of heat to higher levels of the Troposphere via Convection (carries a lot more energy in air then condConduction, then they transfer a lot of heat to higher levels of the Troposphere via Convection (carries a lot more energy in air then conductionconduction....
The atmosphere is mainly warmed up by the Earth mass thru evaporation, convection, conduction, radiation not by greenhouse gasses or gases.
Do you deny that increasing the mass, by coupling to sub-surface material by conduction, or a (transparent) atmosphere by convection, would reduce the rate of change of temperature, both during the cooling phase, and in the warming phase when the illumination is switched on again?
So the night air gets heated by convection or conduction from the warmer surface.
If what they believe is true — IR radiation is blocked by glass — then what is physically happening in these experiments is that the heat lamp is simply heating the container itself which in turn heats via conduction the gases inside of the container and again, the CO2 gas warms faster and to a higher temperature than the air because its specific heat is lower.
The warmed surface water is then transferred downward into the water column by conduction and convection.
The «unnatural» warming so far seen is however trended strongly to the alterations to the planetary surface by Humanity over the past 400 years and the rebalance towards greater kinetic induction (in its cumulative effect) is now producing observable alterations not only to the Land Surface median Temperature, but to the Ocean (vie conduction / convection) and a still unconfirmed claim of a small overall rise in Median Atmospheric Temperature, which if «true» would place the Planetary Biosphere on the «Human Population Plot» with regard to «warming».
If, prior to the isothermal state a mechanism causes stratification, either warmer at the bottom maintained by gravity and a dry adiabatic lapse rate or warmer at the top maintained by buoyancy and poor thermal conduction downwards, it is a pretty convenient argument to rule out energy transfer because it is isothermal.
The warming primarily occurs by conduction from the earth's surface directly to the atmosphere.
And this is also the way air transfers energy to the surface only by conduction, when it is warmer than the surface.
But it is surely also true that an atmosphere warmed at its base by conduction will transmit that heat throughout the atmospheric column, maintaining its temperature and lapse rate, yet with most of the molecules in that column having the same kinetic energy (the same heat, but not the same temperature).
Heat picked up at the surface is thus rapidly vertically mixed and transported by all three mechanisms — conduction, convection and radiation — acting at different length scales and with considerable and non-ignorable chaotic and self - organized emergent mesoscale structure — to produce an atmosphere that, as you note, ends up somewhere between the DALR and isothermal most of the time, although inversions (warmer on top) or with a gradient even larger than the DALR happen all the time, and are unstable or transiently metastable states with some lifetime and break apart and perhaps reform somewhere else as the conditions that favor them recur.
Most people understand that the oceans are warmed by sunlight and energy is lost by net IR up, evaporation and conduction.
And in any case, heat does not flow from the cold atmosphere to the warmer surface, either by conduction, or radiation.
The second thing, what the colder air does to the warmer surface is cooling it by conduction and convection.
It is not «conduction» but exchange of radiation; if you keep your hands parallel at a distance of some cm the right hand does not (radiatively) «warm» the left hand or vice versa albeit at 33 °C skin temperature they exchange some hundreds of W / m ² (about 500 W / m ²) The solar radiation reaching the surface (for 71 % of the surface, the oceans) is lost by evaporation (or evapotranspiration of the vegetation), plus some convection (20 W / ²) and some radiation reaching the cosmos directly through the window 8µm to 12 µm (about 20 W / m ² «global» average); only the radiative heat flow surface to air (absorbed by the air) is negligible (plus or minus); the non radiative (latent heat, sensible heat) are transferred for surface to air and compensate for a part of the heat lost to the cosmos by the upper layer of the water vapour displayed on figure 6 - C.
An electric kettle warms water by conduction.
The warming proceeds by conduction, so divide the heat content per unit volume by the thermal conductivity, both of which can be looked up in a book.
WHEN the skin layer is warmer than the water below (and not mixed by the wind), there is no obvious mechanism (other than very slow conduction) for AGG - enhanced DLR to penetrate the ocean.
OR, not all the additional DLR gets used by the additional L and the ocean skin does warm up a bit (as per the observations), which then does affect the rate of conduction / convection of energy from below.
The air can be warmer than the sea surface in some cases due to a combination of evaporation and radiation from the sea surface through the optical window direct to space on a clear night, removing energy faster than the air could add energy by conduction, or if winds bring in hotter air than the surface film from a different location.
This is conduction and it cant because that would violate the laws of thermodynamics by taking energy from a colder place to a warmer one.
Overall the warming effect of conduction would exceed the energy lost by evaporation hence the melting.
On the contrary, whatever warm, hypersaline water sinks below the surface because of its great density is mixed relatively quickly by winds into the upper layer of the ocean, where it transfers its heat to colder parcels by conduction.
IOW, the oceans get warmed by visible and UV radiation and will give the energy to the atmosphere mostly by surface conduction; kinetically.
Arctic warming is also enhanced by increased transport of heat energy in moisture carried from lower latitudes, and by thinner sea ice, which allows greater conduction of heat from the Arctic Ocean into the air.
The ocean is not heated by conduction, when added DWIR leads to its warming.
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