Sentences with phrase «warmed enough»

When the ice thinned and temperatures warmed enough, the methane hydrate disintegrated.
Under red dwarf stars, plant - type life on land may not be possible because photosynthesis might not generate sufficient energy from infrared light to produce the oxygen needed to block dangerous ultraviolet light from such stars at the very close orbital distances needed for a planet to be warmed enough to have liquid water on its surface.
Raymond says this could be due to a combination of two effects: small landslides revealing ice previously hidden beneath a layer of dust, and ice in areas that aren't usually sunlit being warmed enough to turn into water vapour.
Recent modelling by researchers from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany, as well as studies of past climate, suggest that the planet will soon have warmed enough to melt Greenland's ice sheet entirely — if it hasn't already become warm enough.
And around Antarctica, where even the surface ocean water is already quite cold and dense, some of that water in the ocean depths, which is also carbon rich, eventually warmed enough so that it became less dense than the water above it.
When you have the bottle warmed enough, shake it to be sure that the temperature is even.
Healthy Traditions Organic Raw Honey has not been subjected to the heat of processing, only warmed enough to flow (same temperatures the honey would see inside the hive).
You just need to the coconut oil slightly warmed enough to mix smoothly).
The weather should be warm enough for a stroll along the Stanley Park Seawell or an excursion to Granville Island, a hub for music, art, and food.
That's warm enough to feed a Category 5 storm.
The planets orbit an «ultracool dwarf,» a star much smaller and cooler than the sun, but still possibly warm enough to allow for liquid water on the surfaces of at least two of the planets.
Or in the autumn with leaves aflame, poised between summer and winter, warm enough but yet prophetic of snow?
But my heart is warm enough to radiate love to people of any religion, nationality or color who live and work for the benefit of the human race.
The house, even with the furnace running, will not be quite warm enough, and we'll huddle around the fire and rush upstairs to bed to plunge beneath the covers.
The weather was warm enough to allow the elderly to attend but cool enough to discourage the others from going to the lake.
And my first words to him were, «Did you stay warm enough last night?»
Although Jesus was born in a manger, he was born when it was still warm enough outside for local shepherds to still be out in the fields with their flocks.
It's warm enough that your guests don't have to wear heavy jackets, but cool enough that no one is sweltering in the heat.
Hi Ashley — the salt should dissolve fairly easily with warm enough water and some continuously stirring.
I am officially counting down the days until it's warm enough to plant a summer garden.
And, as I'm staring out my window at the wrath from our latest winter storm, I wish I lived somewhere warm enough where I needed want to turn on my oven!
I worried about a number of other things during the process, too, like not having warm enough water, so the pre-ferment didn't ferment as much as I needed, or not knowing exactly how much to knead the dough or knowing when it would be kneaded properly.
The process should be almost instant if the milk is warm enough (more than blood temp but less than simmering).
Not only was the photo not my finest (will be redone as soon as it's warm enough to grill!)
Now, if it would just get warm enough (60 degrees right now) to grill without wearing a coat!!!!
Warm enough to fill you up, nutrient packed, and super clean.
It's warm enough around here to break out the ice cream machine.
Play around with water temperatures, and make sure that the water is warm enough to wear you can stick your finger in it for a few seconds without it being too hot.
If the drink is just warm enough, the coconut oil will break up and melt, but if it's too cold it'll stay chunky.
I often have raising issues when making bread, my house never seems to be warm enough.
I only do the homemade pizza thing when it's warm enough to grill (and since I'm Canadian, «warm enough» is anything above zero).
What I'm saying is, although the weather is getting a little bit warmer (although not nearly warm enough here in the UK), there is still plenty of time to eat chilli.
To release the jellies from their tins warm enough water in a saucepan so that you can set the mold down into it for a few seconds.
I want it to be warm enough to heat my body up after a long day out in the cold.
I actually think the water I used right at the beginning wasn't warm enough, and I don't think my yeast activated (seeing as it didn't really rise at all in the first rising...).
As soon as the weather here is warm enough, this one is going to be top of my list.
Place the milk in a medium saucepan and heat over medium heat just until warm enough to melt the shortening.
It just needs to get warm enough for the honey to dissolve.
For a wedding present, my grandpa gave us a really nice grill, so when it's warm enough, we like to use it as often as possible.
We refuelled at the Duchy Nursery cafe where it was warm enough to sit outside and enjoy the picturesque views of Restormel Castle and the Fowey valley below.
I just love all the little baby calves that we have running around the pasture and on nice warm days, they let you know when it's warm enough to lay out in the sun!
It's not often it's warm enough (or not raining!).
If your kitchen isn't warm enough for the first prove of the dough, you can turn your oven onto 200 and set the bowl on the counter nearby.
After 2 hours I noticed it wasn't warm enough so I googles problems and found out the «normal» setting was equal to «low» on the slow cooker so for 5 hours I cooked it on that setting and my beans were still crunchy.
I kept the potted plants on a window sill until the middle of April, when it was warm enough to transfer them into a cold frame.
I attempted to make a different recipe the other day and it did not come out well, I am wondering if I used to warm / not warm enough water?
Please enjoy it while it is still warm enough to do barbecue!
We're lucky that it's actually warm enough here to go hiking in March.
On a sunny day when it was still warm enough to eat outside, we made pub - style burgers with Field Roast's Fieldburger and Original Creamy Chao slices, complete with onions and mushrooms and some romaine lettuce.
The almond milk should be warm enough to feel warm, but not so warm that you wouldn't submerge your hand in it.
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