Sentences with phrase «warmer air currents»

Thus far, research has attributed much of the melting to warmer air currents and reduced winter freezing.
With a wingspan of up to 3 metres / 10 feet, this regal bird uses the warm air currents to float effortlessly through the canyon searching for food.
Lucky viewers may be able to spy them soaring the warm air currents or roosting in the craggy rock faces of the island's cliffs.
One could say too much extra heat at the earth surface will greatly excite the hurricane safety valve (maybe too much, too often) but not enough heat will be jettisoned to the troposhere and will remain to melt glaciers, warm air currents, disrupt preciptation patterns and, in general, muck up the system

Not exact matches

Each up - current «feeds» upon the warm and damp air in its neighborhood and is thus in competition with and can suppress its neighbors.
Most of the current discussion focuses on what can be done to reduce the rate of exhaustion of limited resources, the polluting of air, water, and soil, and the rate of global warming.
The swirling dislodged particles travel upward with the human convection plume, or currents of warmed air that rise around any human body, then get swept into a filter that takes out contaminants like dust, lint, and skin cells.
The large, bald - headed birds float on rising currents of warm air known as thermals, which they use to soar high into the sky without beating their wings, thereby saving energy.
Researchers say global warming has produced stronger air currents that allow the birds to spend less time away from their nests, increasing the odds that their chicks will survive.
There is a lot of water down there now, but given the fact that parts of the continent are getting cooler and parts are getting warmers, plus the effects on air currents, etc. this seems like an interesting question to answer.
Lynn, the increase of temperatures in the Arctic, is mainly the result of an inflow of warmer air from lower latitudes (with the current AO) and the change in albedo (mainly in summer).
Natural changes in winds, air pressures and ocean currents were found to be responsible for more than 80 percent of the observed warming during the 112 years studied.
Current state - of - the - art climate models predict that increasing water vapor concentrations in warmer air will amplify the greenhouse effect created by anthropogenic greenhouse gases while maintaining nearly constant relative humidity.
Warming air temperatures, melting ice, and shifting currents are totally altering the ocean ecosystem, affecting the people, plants, and animals that call it home.
As we approached what is known as the Antarctic Boundary line where we crossed into Antarctic waters, the colder air and water currents from the south mixed with the warmer currents of the north causing a thick hazy fog.
Real scientists (as opposed to climate modellers) have long maintained that the decline in Arctic ice is caused not by warmer air — in the past year or two Arctic air temperatures have actually been falling — but by shifts in major ocean currents, pushing warmer water up into the Arctic Circle.
By analogy, a warmer world wouldn't be rainier (or cloudier); it's an imperfect analogy, because rain isn't absolutely correlated with cloudiness, and lateral transport of energy by ocean, air, and latent heat currents in and out of the E & W Pacific Ocean areas won't scale to global warming
Other factors would include: — albedo shifts (both from ice > water, and from increased biological activity, and from edge melt revealing more land, and from more old dust coming to the surface...); — direct effect of CO2 on ice (the former weakens the latter); — increasing, and increasingly warm, rain fall on ice; — «stuck» weather systems bringing more and more warm tropical air ever further toward the poles; — melting of sea ice shelf increasing mobility of glaciers; — sea water getting under parts of the ice sheets where the base is below sea level; — melt water lubricating the ice sheet base; — changes in ocean currents -LRB-?)
Excerpt: Livermore CA (SPX) Nov 01, 2005 If humans continue to use fossil fuels in a business as usual manner for the next several centuries, the polar ice caps will be depleted, ocean sea levels will rise by seven meters and median air temperatures will soar 14.5 degrees warmer than current day.
Still if current human contributions have created almost a degree of warming to date, that box might create about half a degree of warming compared to a second box filled with air, floor covered with the same pans of water.
As the area / volume ratio for the NH parts of the oceans is practically the same as for the SH, the surface heating (W / m2) must be larger in the NH parts, within the constraints of heat exchange via ocean and air currents (and partly by the difference in warming area in the tropics vs. the cooling areas in the higher latitudes)...
What is missed here, or omitted, is the fact of warming being banked (saved up) in water and currents which take longer to warm and / or to cool than does air.
Should the ice sheet start to melt in a serious way (i.e. much more significantly than current indications suggest), then lowering of the elevation of the ice sheet will induce more melting simply because of the effect of the lapse rate (air being warmer closer to sea level due to pressure effects).
It also concludes that current northern hemisphere surface air temperatures are significantly higher than during the peak of the Medieval Warm Period (MWP).
Contrary to popular belief, cleaner air could actually make global warming much worse than its current state, two new studies revealed.
14 OCEAN CURRENTS Cold and warm streams of water move through oceans (based on earth's rotation, differences in water temperature, and change in air pressure.
The wild exaggerations of both the direct CO2 warming and the supposedly more serious knock - on warming are rooted in an untruth: the falsehood that scientists know enough about how clouds form, how thunderstorms work, how air and ocean currents flow, how ice sheets behave, how soot in the air behaves.
Yes, the simple term «global warming» doesn't convey all the complexities of what can happen as that warming causes air and ocean currents to shift, but climate change / disruption provides even less information.
Either a big chunk of ice has been melting extraordinarily fast — which would cool the surrounding air — or somehow ocean currents would have changed in a way that favoured more rapid warming of deep water.
Most interesting is that the about monthly variations correlate with the lunar phases (peak on full moon) The Helsinki Background measurements 1935 The first background measurements in history; sampling data in vertical profile every 50 - 100m up to 1,5 km; 364 ppm underthe clouds and above Haldane measurements at the Scottish coast 370 ppmCO2 in winds from the sea; 355 ppm in air from the land Wattenberg measurements in the southern Atlantic ocean 1925-1927 310 sampling stations along the latitudes of the southern Atlantic oceans and parts of the northern; measuring all oceanographic data and CO2 in air over the sea; high ocean outgassing crossing the warm water currents north (> ~ 360 ppm) Buchs measurements in the northern Atlantic ocean 1932 - 1936 sampling CO2 over sea surface in northern Atlantic Ocean up to the polar circle (Greenland, Iceland, Spitsbergen, Barents Sea); measuring also high CO2 near Spitsbergen (Spitsbergen current, North Cape current) 364 ppm and CO2 over sea crossing the Atlantic from Kopenhagen to Newyork and back (Brements on a swedish island Lundegards CO2 sampling on swedish island (Kattegatt) in summer from 1920 - 1926; rising CO2 concentration (+7 ppm) in the 20s; ~ 328 ppm yearly average
Of course, this warm current warms the air above it causing more evaporation and therefore more storms for the western U.S. creating heavy rains, flooding, and mudslides in California and more tornadoes in Florida.
A surface current warms or cools the air above it, influencing the climate of the land near the coast.
15 Surface Currents A surface current warms or cools the air above it, influencing the climate of the land near the coast.
This is based on Schurer's 5th - 95th percentile range of current warming relative to the late - 1800s, using the Cowtan and Way temperature record corrected for the difference between sea surface temperature and surface air temperature warming rates.
15 Heat Transport in the Biosphere The unequal heating of Earth's surface drives winds and ocean currents transport heat throughout the biosphere Winds form because warm air tends to rise and cool air tends to sink air that is heated near the equator rises
More clouds both drastically reduce energy input from the sun and simply slow release of what energy there is trapped in the lower troposphere, but the long term effect would be a fall in average temperature because of the significantly reduced input power but the atmosphere's ability to cool is aided by air current circulation whereby the warmer air rises above those low clouds and that infra - red is more easily re-emitted into space, whereby the low clouds now block that re-emission from hitting the ground again to any significant degree.
A new study on ice loss in Antarctica by the British Antarctic Survey confirms what we already know about the effects of global warming but it differentiates between the effects of ocean currents, their cause and the air temperature effects at the ice surface.
Confirming what we already know about the effects of global warming, it also differentiates between the effects of currents, their cause and the air temperature effects at the ice surface.
Current global average surface air temperature is warmer than that for all but a small fraction of the past 11,300 years.
And since the temperature difference between the Arctic and the tropics is narrowing, and since it's the temperature difference that drives wind and ocean currents, then the jet stream that normally whizzes around the Arctic circle — thus keeping frozen air in one place and separating it from the warm breezes of the south — is, the theory goes, slowing, thus allowing warm moist air to penetrate into the north.
The subsiding air warms by compression and, coupled with cooling of the lowest layers overlying the cold ocean currents normally found off the west coasts of the continents, forms a pronounced temperature inversion (warm air over cold), called the trade - wind inversion.
When the low shifts as far south as Newfoundland, a high develops over northern Greenland; this brings cold arctic air west from northern Europe to be warmed by the Norwegian Current and thus warm Greenland and North America rather than Europe.
The warmed surface radiates as a blackbody, and also loses heat through rising in air currents or evaporated moisture.
Loss of glacial volume in Alaska and neighboring British Columbia, Canada, currently contributes 20 % to 30 % as much surplus freshwater to the oceans as does the Greenland Ice Sheet — about 40 to 70 gigatons per year, 66,78,63,57,64,58 comparable to 10 % of the annual discharge of the Mississippi River.79 Glaciers continue to respond to climate warming for years to decades after warming ceases, so ice loss is expected to continue, even if air temperatures were to remain at current levels.
China Post: Flights will become bumpier as global warming destabilizes air currents at altitudes used by commercial airliners, climate scientists warned Monday.
It is responsible for moving warm ocean currents and air into the Arctic, and from what I have read, that warming can move ice out of the Arctic Ocean.
Scott Covert (10:38:42): «I can see how swirling winds and sea currents might isolate Antarctica from warm water and air, aresols, soot etc... but how does it stop AGW caused by CO2?
Some scientists have also attributed warmer air temperatures in the North Atlantic region to the delivery of warmer seawater (heated by solar radiation unimpeded by volcanic aerosols) by the Gulf Stream and other currents.
Also, it may be that a change in the air currents caused by global warming represents a fundamental yet poorly understood shift in climate patterns.
Shifts in clouds, water vapor, and the great currents in the ocean and air, however, cause complex responses in which some regions warm more than the average while others warm less than average, or even cool.
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