Sentences with phrase «warmer interglacial conditions»

Matthiessen, J. & Knies, J. Dinoflagellate cyst evidence for warm interglacial conditions at the northern Barents Sea margin during marine oxygen isotope stage 5.

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Instead, the fossil record indicates they vanished during the Earth's glacial - interglacial transition, which occurred about 12,000 years ago and led to much warmer conditions and the start of the current Holocene period.
There have not and will not always be ice ages because the Earth can be just too warm or ill - conditioned to respond in that manner (The Earth might also become too cold to have interglacials within an ice house period — though I'm not sure if that has ever happenned outside the Proterozoic snowball / slushball episodes).
This is because warmer conditions during interglacials encouraged the collapse of ice shelves.
The sequence of climatic forcings and responses during deglaciations (transitions from full glacial conditions to warm interglacials) are well documented.
[Response: If this reservoir existed and was so poised to release methane as you speculate, then it would have done something during warmer conditions early in the Holocene, or in the last interglacial.
You said: «If this reservoir existed and was so poised to release methane as you speculate, then it would have done something during warmer conditions early in the Holocene, or in the last interglacial.
This certainly justifies climatic evaluations of older, concluded warm interglacial cycles such as the last interglacial (LIG), i.e., Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5e (Eemian), lasting from about 130 to 115 ka and often proposed as a possible analog for our near - future climatic conditions on Earth11, 12.
each period of warming during the descent to the next glacial stage should be more intense than the previous ones, as climatic variability increases outside the warm conditions of an interglacial climatic optimum.
The Early Anthropogenic Hypothesis (108) posits that mid-Holocene increases in CO2 and CH4 resulted from early land clearing and other agricultural practices and that these unprecedented interglacial trends in atmospheric composition set global climate on a trajectory toward warmer conditions long before human use of fossil fuels (108, 109).
«The time span of the last 130,000 years has seen the global climate system switch from warm interglacial to cold glacial conditions, and back again.
The deep Atlantic chemical changes were similar in magnitude to those associated with glaciations, implying that the canonical view of a relatively stable interglacial circulation may not hold for conditions warmer / fresher than at present.
Climate change models predict that the Middle East will get warmer and drier, similar to the conditions during the last interglacial period when the Dead Sea dried up.
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