Sentences with phrase «warmer near the ground»

Instead it is reasonably easy to see that in this case the temperature of the top of the atmosphere will remain fixed at.84 * TB (where TB is the black body temperature of the earth) and the rest of the atmosphere will warm with the greatest warming near the ground.
Air is warmer near the ground and gets colder higher up.

Not exact matches

Solar radiation will heat the water, which will keep the ground warmer near the plants.
At night, when the air near the ground may be colder than that above, it can have a warming effect.
Microclimate is the climate near the ground which can be colder or warmer than in the free atmosphere, depending on local topography (e.g. north vs. south side of a hill, higher vs. lower elevation) and vegetation (e.g. young sparse vs. old dense forest).
The result: «There are actually two different flow paths — about half the water seeps in near the vents, where the ground is very warm.
«We also found out that the forest plays a dominant role in controlling warm near - ground temperatures in the summer, more than local topography.
Researchers have found evidence that near - ground biogenic emissions of organics suppress cloud formation in cool - temperate forests in autumn, providing clues to how global warming will affect cloud formation and the overall climate.
Net energy gain is going down (it's more energy intensive to pump oil out of deep water than out of a ground - based well under pressure) coupled with peak oil that is either here or near in time, and global warming mandates reducing carbon emissions.
For the surface layers near the ground, warming occurs because the flux from the ground remains fixed.
It is true, however, that most heavy snowfalls occur with relatively warm air temperatures near the ground — typically 15 °F or warmer since air can hold more water vapor at warmer temperatures.»
As estimated from this study, we found a conservative estimate of a warm bias resulting from measuring the temperature near the ground at just one level of around 0.21 °C per decade (with the nighttime minimum temperature contributing a large part of this bias).
Nevertheless, this compilation contains the only known official climate records for the Western Australia colony before 1900 and although recording discrepancies may have been common, these mistakes might either inflate or deflate the real temperatures (e.g. thermometers near warm buildings or in cool locations, although a common error was heat radiation from the ground).
In other words, UHI * is the value of the urban - heat - island effect if wind were not reducing it by replacing warmer air with colder; and NSTI * is the effect of the near - surface temperature inversion if the wind were not mixing up the air near the ground with the air a little higher up.
Tornadoes and other severe thunderstorms occur when warm, humid air near the ground and cold air aloft combine with winds that change speed and direction with height.
Wouldn't relatively - small, easily - refueled, modular nuclear generators, sited below ground near point of use and augmented with rooftop solar in warm climes, enable «mini-grids» to power sub-communities and small towns without extensive transmission lines?
Their promotional embellishments have also corrupted the meaning of «greenhouse effect,» a term originally relating the loose confinement of warm nighttime air near ground level by cloud cover, to hot air trapped inside a greenhouse,» Kondis explained..
Global warming is implicated in the loss of Arctic ozone because greenhouse gases trap energy lower down, heating up the atmosphere nearer the ground but cooling the stratosphere, creating conditions conducive to the formation of the reactive chemicals that break apart the three - oxygen molecules of ozone.
This process may because by a warm surface; the air near the surface being forced to rise over higher ground or instability within a weather front.
Stomata are a direct reflection of CO2 in the air at the time of their growth in the region of highest CO2 namely near the ground and where it is warm enough for plant life.
«In the Great Plains [of the USA] there is a nighttime stream of fast - moving air that separates cool, moist air near the ground from drier, warmer air above.
The principle of the system is to move heavy cold air to prevent stratification, and allow the warmer inversion layer air to replace the colder air near the ground.
Regarding recent observational evidence, Amman makes the point that some model studies show that» the current moderate warming rate is a bit of an aberration, and so a substantial acceleration in the warming rate can be expected to occur in the near future, sufficient not only to match the modelled warming rate, but even to catch up the recent lost ground
However, when the ground warms a layer of air near the surface, it expands and rises, carrying away energy from the surface.
trees can also have a warming effect because they are dark and absorb a lot of sunlight, holding heat near ground level
For cyrosphere, the team will examine the near - term risks of initiating the dynamic instability and onset of the collapse of the Antarctic Ice Sheet due to rapid melting by warming waters adjacent to the ice sheet grounding lines.
«If these results are correct, then the current moderate warming rate is a bit of an aberration, and so a substantial acceleration in the warming rate can be expected to occur in the near future, sufficient not only to match the modeled warming rate, but even to catch up the recent lost ground
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