Sentences with phrase «warmer thoughts about»

I just get all warm thinking about it!

Not exact matches

«Utilizing the shopping centre as a warming centre probably was something that people did do, but at that point I don't necessarily think we were too concerned about that.»
Mid-January blues got you thinking about launching your next business someplace warm and tropical?
I also couldn't help think about people who live without warm showers any time they wanted, which probably includes most people now and throughout history.
«When you think about it, 20 years ago, the business, Starbucks hadn't launched into a whole host of warm weather markets.
He and his wife Rita share a love of travel and always thought about retiring to a warm climate.
God does not care about your warm and fuzzy feelings about Him or trying to be good and it sounds like you're living on man - made heresay about what you think God expects of us.
While I was walking my dog this morning in the warm sunlit air along the river I was thinking about how what I call the z - theory is basically trinitarian in structure.
You think about your invented God and believe he is thinking of you and it makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside.
You could feel their love for these children present in the room with us, it was warm and gentle and I think that's sort of what the Bible means when it talks about how we'll be known by our love, everything we do can feel like loving.
Michigan has some 70 - degree November days and all I can think about is global warming.
I mean think about it from a government standpoint, there's a company out there that's knowingly selling products that contribute (and sometimes the main cause of) to childhood obesity which in turn contributes to more medical bills, global warming (from all the use of cars in lieu of biking or walking) and other consequences.
Everything Christians believe is about comforting themselves and immersing themselves in «warm thoughts
It must be very comforting looking forward to the apocalypse with such delight and fervour.Gee, I wish I believed in a god that will rip the planet apart and save his chosen ones (the best flatterers), while the rest suffer in torment for eternity.I get a warm, fuzzy feeling, just thinking about it.No I don't... Your god sounds like something any sane person would run from, screaming,, as fast as possible
There is something dated, surely, about this talk of natures, and forms, and essences; our minds misgive us lest they should be a mere ornament, not a weapon of our thought, comparable to those brightly polished warming pans that hang, unused, on the walls of an old inn that has been «done up» - at best, like an old stoup now used for an ash tray.
A radio host recently opened his interview with my husband as follows: «When I think of environmentalists, I picture long - haired, Birkenstock wearing hippies who rant about recycling and global warming.
Actually, as I think about it, the first group of people seem more convinced about their need than do the folks who need warm coats.
As we crawl into our warm, dry beds we do not want to even think about them huddling under a bush in an ice storm, soaked to the skin, shaking and shivering uncontrollably, praying they'll still be alive in the morning.
I have always thought that the global warming, or «climate change» debate, was as much about social psychology as science.
He wants Christians to move on from milk doctrines and teachings that make us feel warm and fuzzy, to the meat truths of the Word that we mull over, think about, and digest (cf. Heb 5:11 — 6:3).
But since they don't have to open their books I guess those left in the cold will have to warm themselves by thinking it's about BELIEF.
Here (they will think) was a people who behaved as though the interesting and important thing about the Mass was the prospect of restyling the package; as though sin and folly resulted from a bad condition of the ecclesiastical machine; as though, given only a rending of garments according to current fashion and theory, our cold hearts would warm up naturally and painlessly.
I made a similar juice yesterday with celery then today thought about doing the same but warming it up.
All the falling leaves and a minor sniffle got me thinking about comforting soups, which are the best answer to being under the weather or any general cravings for warming, healing food.
Just think about it for a moment: Soft and warm from the oven, cinnamon and sugar rolled into every fold of tender dough, drizzled with an ample amount of maple icing.
When I think about winter, I'm reminded of the warm street snack.»
It's been pretty dreary and cold here in Seattle with all this rain lately, and all I could seem to think about was a big, warm bowl of soup to brighten my spirits.
Just think about that for a moment... Warm pita bread... straight from the oven... scooping up freshly made hummus.
Each fall, as soon as the Santa Anna winds subside here in Los Angeles and brisk weather arrives, I think about my autumns in New England and want to cuddle up with a warm bowl of fruit crisp, with vanilla ice cream melting into the tangy filling.
* some bits of nougat / caramel might melt and stuck to the paper once cold — to avoid that, while the cookies are still warm, gently release them from the paper and reshape the cookies into a circle if the melted bits run off and change their shape; I thought of using foil instead of baking paper to avoid the sticking issue, but then I thought the foil would transfer more heat to the cookies and make them too flat Makes about 38 large cookies
I was wanting a spring / fresh take on flavors since the weather is finally warming up (let's NOT talk about the fact that it snowed a little here on Saturday — crying), so immediately I thought caribbean.
Man these cookies would make any morning better - just thinking about them already makes me feel warm & fuzzy always hits the spot!
I'm sitting here with a warm cup of hot chocolate in front of me and thinking about how special this time of year is.
Man these cookies would make any morning better - just thinking about them already makes me feel warm & fuzzy!
I never thought about the conundrum of living in the always warm tropics and still finding yourself swept up in the pumpkin season cravings — yes this would be perfect!
I was sitting at home last night thinking about how I desperately need a fun new meal to warm our tummies because of this stupid cold, and this looks perfect!
Especially this time of year, I think we should all think about opening our homes to someone who could use a little company and conversation, and perhaps a warm, comforting meal like this...
I'm feeling all warm and fuzzy just thinking about it!
When I think about winter, I remember riding my bike in the snow, I think about glittering lights in the streets of Belgium, I see the warm mist of my breath in the air, I long for the holiday markets in Europe where clove and orange captivate the senses, and I think about Christmas Cake, which is all much more than a cake to begin with.
I kept thinking how great this would be for Thanksgiving, or a holiday party — talk about inviting if people smell this when they come in and can have a delicious, warm drink when they come in from the cold.
I run out of potatoes from the winter share of my farm just about the time I can't stand to see another one of them, and my thoughts naturally turn to lighter fare with the warmer days.
Cloves, cinnamon, and ginger are just about the most warming combination of spices I can think of.
Just a few weeks ago, a big salad was perfectly satisfying, but now I'm starting to think more and more about cooking a big pot of something warm to eat throughout the week.
Yesterday happened to be one of those days, and by the end of the day all I could think about was a warm cinnamon roll fresh from the oven.
Makes me feel warmer just thinking about it.
Hopefully when the weather warms up I'll feel like wearing them again, but from what I'm seeing on the fashion blogs I think this season is going to be all about lighter wash, destroyed denim
You'd be working, thinking about how starving you were and the next thing you knew he'd be handing you a plate of warm tacos.
I think I am most excited about the Warm Yogurt Soup with Rice and Chickpeas.
This variation came about as I was thinking toward Spring and muffins and smoothies and warmer weather breakfast options.
Just when you thought winter was about hearty stews and warm soups, I'm here to tell you that this is what winter is all about — satsuma mandarins, navel oranges, and grapefruit.
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