Sentences with phrase «warming caused by greenhouse gases emitted»

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Even allowing for the relative strength of the effects, CO2 is still responsible for two - thirds of the additional warming caused by all the greenhouse gases emitted as a result of human activity.
The latest report confirms that there is unequivocal evidence for a warming world, largely caused by greenhouse gases emitted by human activities.
The cities» lawsuits allege — supported by modern climate science — that major oil and natural gas companies contribute substantially to global warming by extracting and using fossil fuels, which emit massive quantities of heat - trapping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, causing ocean waters to warm and ice sheets to melt, and thus, sea levels to rise, endangering coastal communities.
The suit was brought by landowners in Mississippi, who claim that oil and coal companies emitted greenhouse gasses that contributed to global warming that, in turn, caused a rise in sea levels, adding to Hurricane Katrina's ferocity.
The theory is that the CO2 emitted by burning fossil fuel is the «greenhouse gas» [that] causes «global warming» — in fact, water is a much more powerful greenhouse gas and there is 20 time more of it in our atmosphere (around one per cent of the atmosphere) whereas CO2 is only 0.04 per cent....
The available evidence suggests that greenhouse gases emitted by industrial economies mainly cause this warming.
(1) Because of a growing concern over the possible consequences of global warming, which may be caused in part by increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide (a major greenhouse gas), and also because of the need for accurate estimates of carbon dioxide emissions, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) has developed factors for estimating the amount of carbon dioxide emitted as a result of U.S. coal consumption.
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