Sentences with phrase «warming cycles within»

«algorefrauds», a geological term referring to «global warming cycles within the rock record.»
Chamberlain seems to have also invented the word «algorefrauds», a geological term referring to «global warming cycles within the rock record.»

Not exact matches

But the conditions that determine fluctuations within that cycle are complex: Summer temperatures have to be warm enough long enough for fireflies to emerge, but peak emergence can be delayed by up to 2 weeks depending on whether conditions are too wet or too dry.
By demonstrating that key individual species within the ecosystem can play a disproportionally large role in carbon cycling, this study helps bring us a step closer to understanding the function these microbes play in larger questions of climate warming and increased acidity in the ocean.
Bacteria, however, have remained Earth's most successful form of life — found miles deep below as well as within and on surface rock, within and beneath the oceans and polar ice, floating in the air, and within as well as on Homo sapiens sapiens; and some Arctic thermophiles apparently even have life - cycle hibernation periods of up to a 100 million years while waiting for warmer conditions underneath increasing layers of sea sediments (Lewis Dartnell, New Scientist, September 20, 2010; and Hubert et al, 2010).
The main areas covered in this work booklet are: The changing atmosphere Global warming Composition of the atmosphere Formation of limestone Carbon footprint Acid rain Carbon cycle Within the booklet are a range of different activities for students to work through to help them remember the content.
The main areas covered in this work booklet are: Species Classification Distribution of organisms Sampling Predator prey graphs Adaptations Pyramids of biomass Carbon cycle Water cycle Eutrophication Global warming Food security Sustainable fisheries Microprotein Within the booklet are a range of different activities for students to work through to help them remember the content.
The computer monitors the warm up cycle of your engine — it looks for your coolant temperature to rise to a certain level within a given time frame.
At least 4 transient global warming events related to massive carbon input occurred through the late Paleocene — early Eocene, apparently paced by orbital cycles within the Milankovitch band (Lourenset al., 2005; Galeotti et al., 2010).
I have yet to find where any of our perfect extremist Republicans and Christians bothered to make any predictions concerning Dolly to prove any expertise in natural cycles, counting with fingers and toes, passing urine tests, use of a calendar, meteorology, climatology, ecology, or a million other loose ends within global warming.
Appraising the new work in this context, Thomas Crowley, a climate specialist at the University of Edinburgh, said there are ample signs that Earth's climate, including the great cycles of warm periods and big chills driven by orbital mechanics, is within our sway.
This may lead to long term heating and warming cycles in the oceans that are the result of upwheling of cool water from deep within the oceans.
Despite 30 years of warming and ice loss, the Arctic cryosphere is still within the envelope of glacial - interglacial cycles that have characterized the past 800,000 years.
These phases, which last 30 years, giving a 60 - year cycle, must be carefully allowed for: otherwise the error made by many early models would arise: they based their predictions on the warming rate from 1976 - 2001, a period wholly within a warming phase of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation.
But scientists say that when the cycle eventually swings back to its positive, warm phase, which history suggests could occur within a decade, the winds will wind down, the pumping will let up, and buried heat will rise back into the atmosphere.
Coinciding with cycles of reduced sea ice, glaciers on the island Novaya Zemlya in the Barents Sea, also underwent their greatest retreat around 1920 to 1940.61 After several decades of stability, its tidewater glaciers began retreating again around the year 2000, but at a rate five times slower than the 1930s.47 The recent cycle of intruding warm Atlantic water45 is now waning and if solar flux remains low, we should expect Arctic sea ice in the Barents and Kara seas to begin a recovery and Arctic glaciers to stabilize within the next 15 years.
Such warming is well within the envelope of variation experienced during the past 10,000 years and insignificant in the context of glacial cycles during the past million years, when Earth has been predominantly very cold and covered by extensive ice sheets.
The entire instrumental record is within the warming leg of one cycle millennial - scale climate oscillation.
Within each interglacial period, there are warm and cold cycles.
We are within one 60 year cycle of the Modern Warming Periiod maximum, or are at that maximum now, masked by a start in CO2 warming Warming Periiod maximum, or are at that maximum now, masked by a start in CO2 warming warming -LRB-?)
The world is still warming at a long - term rate of about half a degree per century, but it will reach a maximum within 50 years, then cool for nearly 500 years with superimposed 60 year natural cycles.
What could explain the change from a warm to a glacial epoch, and the cycling of ice ages within a glacial epoch?
Less dramatic cycles (the Holocene climate optimum, the little ice age, and the current warming) have affected humanity within our interglacial period.
Recent research has focussed on exposing the dynamics of carbon cycling across rapid climatic warming events within the Eocene extreme «greenhouse», where he has offered an alternative explanation for their genesis compared to prevailing views that invoked repeated releases of carbon from buried sedimentary reservoirs.
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