Sentences with phrase «warming debate involves»

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But scientists and officials involved in the intensifying international debate on how to deal with global warming say it has taken the United States far too long to put the issue front and center, particularly because this country is the biggest source of heat - trapping gases, and because the spread of American - style consumerism to developing nations is likely to create the biggest source of the gases in the next century.
CO2 has nothing to do with your / their phony GLOBAL warmings — your degraded brains is affecting innocent working people, that are never involved in the phony warmings debate.
Mr. Graham said that any Senate debate on the highly charged subject of illegal immigration would make it impossible to deal with the difficult issues involved in national energy and global warming policy.
Of course, this has been readily apparent to those involved in the climate wars - Obama keeps losing the global warming debate, so he deceives and then does end - runs around the Constitution.
This was the first day that I got to meet any of the people that have been involved in the skeptic side of the global warming debate.
As I heard it, Salby was deliberately vague in his condemnations of «advocacy» and characterizations of some involved in the debate about warming due to CO2 emissions.
The debate could involve local and state politicians and their positions on Global Warming and what, if anything, to do about it... in a cost efficient manner.
I do understand that the scientists at realclimate state that they don't want to get involved in political or policy debates, just scientific debates — but by rushing to the defense of the whitelisted / blacklisted groups who refuse to accept the facts about global warming, they've just entered the political arena.
Drivers for the growing number of layers in the climate debate are the implications of the 21st century hiatus in warming, the growing economic realities of attempting to transition away from fossil fuels, and a growing understanding of the clash of values involved.
The debate among experts in the climate sciences — and those interested in the public policy implications of climate change — concerns the magnitude and speed of future warming, which requires understanding of the dynamics of the many factors involved — which are investigated by analysis of past and current climate data.
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