Sentences with phrase «warming fearmongering»

AGW theory underlying global warming fearmongering essentially amounts to nothing more now than hoping for a natural disaster and then point.
Unfortunately for the consensus alarmism, this new study indicates Antarctica's canary in the global warming fearmongering - fable has actually been cooling over the last 20 years, not warming (see chart).
Actually, there has been remarkable increase in the number of public addresses against global warming fearmongering in the past 2 months, both in the UK and in the US.
Skeptics of Western global warming are really aware of obvious mistakes that fall within their particular areas of expertise and most skeptics take issue with the picture of impending calamity that global warming fearmongers always try to paint.
JC had a thread on that not too long ago — i.e., Leftists global warming fearmongers are on the level of «meta - ignorance» of all unconscious incompetents who refuse to even consider the possibility of error, as follows:
The suite of climate models that Western academia provide to us have been made de facto fortunetellers depicting what many of us believe to be a failed forecast of disastrous climate change calamity caused by industrial man in general and America in particular and I think such global warming fearmongers, really require a willing suspension of disbelief.»
If you are going to look to natural factors you realize that global warming fearmongers are «spitting in the wind,» as in, «You can go outside and spit and have the same effect as doubling carbon dioxide,» and, «If the atmosphere was a 100 - story building, our anthropogenic CO2 contribution today would be equivalent to the linoleum on the first floor,» as follows:

Not exact matches

Moreover, the government climate change fearmongers finally discovered that the Earth has been the site of previous warming periods, all without any help from humanity.
The people of Earth need fresh water and we all need to be more concerned about having more of it, even it takes more energy to make it or having to listen to the fearmongering of Leftist opinion - makers like Obama and Kerry who claim respectively that, «no challenge — poses a greater threat to future generations than climate change,» and, that global warming is, «perhaps the world's most fearsome weapon of mass destruction.»
Tagged advocacy, climate change, Derocher, fearmongering, global warming, icon, karma, Mitch Taylor, PBSG, Polar Bear Specialist Group, predictions, sea ice, video
2) In spite of the title of this email, I'm well aware — as are those who read this blog — that global warming alarmists have been exposed as fearmongering chicken little liars (not to mention hypocrites) for decades, but rarely has it been on a level where you actually have «scientists» and their associates caught on paper attempting to suppress data that is contra to their pre-desired result.
Not long before some new UN moot, a prominent fearmonger like James Hansen or Michael Mann will make a tremulous statement about the accelerating tempo of the warming crisis.…/arctic-ice-returns-to-normal-how - will - global - warming - alarmist - fearmonger - next
Make no mistake: those are the surefire consequences of the modern global warming campaign waged by political and cultural elites, who have long ago abandoned fact - based science for dramatic fearmongering in order to push increased central planning.
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