Sentences with phrase «warming fears seem»

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Amid fears about global warming, terrorism, disease, and nuclear proliferation, the threat of rocks from space may seem more the province of bad Hollywood movies than front - page news.
So the new follow - up study, I feared, seemed destined for a warm and uncritical reception from the medical establishment regardless of whether its findings were legitimate.
It seems that those who fear AGW (or at least some of them) do admit that it is not realistic to expect a planetary atmosphere such as ours to warm up oceans of water over the timescale required by AGW theory because of the huge volume and density of that water and thus the heat storage differentials.
Michaels views don't seem out of that out of line with the consensus: «His position is that the climate is becoming warmer, but it will not turn out to be as hot — or its consequences as bad — as some fear
Like the 2 % C warming limit, it seems plucked from the ether without adequate modeling — perhaps spurred by fears of the horrific but unlikely RCP8.5 nightmare scenario.
With this in mind, it is worrying that some journalists seem to feel pressure to avoid discussing weaknesses and uncertainties of man - made global warming theory, for fear that it will be seized upon by critics of man - made global warming, e.g., see this post by Mike Lemonick (there is a response to Lemonick's post by Prof. Roger Pielke Jr. here).
Eurostar Competing with Airlines In these times of record oil prices and global warming fears, train - operator Eurostar seems to be becoming an increasingly popular choice for folks wanting to travel between mainland Europe and the UK.
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