Sentences with phrase «warming feedback loop»

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One problem is that dangerous levels of climate change are exacerbated by positive feedback loops — changes that release more greenhouse gases from nature due to warming driven by humans.
Polyakov says a positive feedback loop is underway, in which less summer sea ice will lead to warmer winter waters and even less summer ice in subsequent years.
Many researchers are concerned that if old carbon begins to cycle it could create a feedback loop — its emissions contribute to warming, which again contributes to the thawing of more permafrost.
The release of that carbon can, in turn, cause additional warming and the release of more carbon, something scientists call a positive feedback loop.
The warming, in turn, could further reduce cloud cover, possibly producing a feedback loop.
Vegetation change underway in boreal forests as a result of climate change creates a feedback loop that prompts more warming, scientists say
The feedback loop begins with warmer Arctic springs and summers, which cause more sea ice to melt each summer.
Sea ice reflects most of the sun's energy, he explained, whereas the open ocean absorbs more energy, and thus the disappearance of sea ice triggers even more warming, in a positive - feedback loop called albedo.
The feedback loops work like this: During a warm summer with clear skies and lots of solar radiation pouring in, the surface starts to melt.
That means that especially in places like Finland, Siberia, and Canada this feedback loop may reduce warming substantially.
She also showed that the lakes are growing, potentially starting a feedback loop that could lead to more rapid warming.
The carbon dioxide amplifies the warming power of carbon pollution in a vicious feedback loop.
«Some feedback loop or other processes that aren't accounted for in these models — the same ones used by the IPCC for current best estimates of 21st Century warming — caused a substantial portion of the warming that occurred during the PETM (Palaeocene - Eocene thermal maximum of 55 million years ago)», oceanographer Gerald Dickens, a professor of Earth science at Rice University and study co-author said.
This in turn leads to substantially more warming, creating a feedback loop.
Drier and warmer conditions would lead to more fires — a positive feedback loop where changes are amplified.
Capturing more carbon means less ends up in the atmosphere to warm the planet — this is the negative feedback loop.
At the same time, warming in the Arctic is leading to a worrisome feedback loop.
This causes a warming / CO2 feedback loop and we end up perhaps 5C warmer in an interglacial.
How many feedback loops do we need to see in the news before we realize that an unstoppable, runaway, warming event is taking place?
And those initial warming events can trigger even greater warming because of the «feedback loops» associated with the melting of ice and the potential release of methane (a very strong greenhouse gas).»
The water vapour theory suggests that a small increase in CO2 will result in a large positive feedback loop from water vapour and this feedback loop will lead to dangerous warming.
Interested in status of latest estimate of when irreversible tipping point thresholds of various cascading feedback loops of global warming might be exceeded...
These are all feedback loops; more GHGs, more warming, more ice loss, more permafrost melt, more GHGs.
This of course is one more consequence and feedback loop of global warming.
This feedback loop is already happening to compound our CO2 warming.
Because if it dose we might be stuck down the rabit whole for good because of runaway global warming caused by more bushfires and more melting of the permafrost releasing greenhouse gases and establishing a positive feedback loop.
Now, if warming also causes increased CO2, then we may be talking about a positive feedback loop in which the warming spirals upwards, which amplifies the warming effect of whatever CO2 we humans contribute to the atmosphere.
I'm not saying this is like arranging deck chairs on the Titanic as it either A) more quickly or B) more slowly heads toward the ice berg, but I think we (as people, if not as scientists) should now start being concerned about reaching milestones in the warming (whether we reach them faster or slower) at which positive feedback loops kick in — even if this is difficult scientifically to quantify or prove.
However, what you don't seem to appreciate is the risk of methane feedback, where the warming effect of the methane leads to further methane emissions in a vicious feedback loop.
A positive cloud feedback loop posits a scenario whereby an initial warming of the planet, caused, for example, by increases in greenhouse gases, causes clouds to trap more energy and lead to further warming.
Mike Roddy has referred to many times before in here; the feedback loops, I've read terms like «Committed Warming» referring to the fact that no matter what we try to do or not do to mitigate climate change, it is still predicted to get considerably warmer for at least the next 100 years.
Such a feedback loop could result in accelerated warming throughout the globe, which will strongly impact ongoing climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts.
And melting permafrost could release carbon into the atmosphere, creating another feedback loop that warms the planet even further.
2) The oceans are cooling instead of warming and setting off a feedback loop of greenhouse warming: The spin is: global warming missing heat.
As a result, the government has had to import more diesel, borrowing about $ 30 million this year alone to make up for the electricity shortfall, hurting its budget and increasing climate - warming emissions in a catastrophic feedback loop.
But as warming turns tundra shrubs, which can be covered by snow, into tall trees, researchers fear that less light will be bounced back creating a feedback loop that will worsen climate change.
Both nations will have to get more aggressive and specific if there is any hope of keeping global warming below 2 degrees Celsius, the point at which climate change will likely become a runaway feedback loop.
It is fueled by a feedback loop: rising global temperatures are melting Arctic sea ice, leaving dark open water that absorbs more solar radiation, and that warms the Arctic even more.
But no evidence exists for the proposition that such a feedback loop will cause dangerous or runaway warming.
The Arctic has been warming at twice the rate of the rest of the world for decades because of feedback loops that have reduced the albedo effect, a measure of the way Earth reflects heat.
Warming phases were enhanced by carbon dioxide feedback loops.
Which was cause, which effect — or was there a feedback loop with warm dry conditions causing drought and erosion leading to dust storms, leading to albedo feedback to further add to the warming?
The study, which has not yet been peer reviewed, brings new importance to a feedback loop in the ocean near Antarctica that results in cooler freshwater from melting glaciers forcing warmer, saltier water underneath the ice sheets, speeding up the melting rate.
The retreat of glaciers and shrinking of the Greenland ice sheet in the Arctic, for example, is predicted to cause significant sea - level rise, changes in the salinity of our oceans, and altered feedback loops that will make the Arctic warm up even faster.
As Robert Pindyck demonstrates, the climate models projecting future warming and associated environmental impacts are crippled by what we don't know about a host of things, including — most importantly — the feedback loops that might produce catastrophic outcomes.
The loss of the air conditioner effect creates a feedback loop that accelerates global warming.
«In this condition, the ice sheet will continue to absorb more solar energy in a self - reinforcing feedback loop that amplifies the effect of warming,» wrote Ohio State polar researcher Jason Box on the blog.
It is this «feedback loop» that is used to justify their predictions of catastrophic, future warming.
When other feedback loops are included, the total warming from a potential 1 °C change caused by CO2 is, in reality, as much as 3 °C.
The result is a feedback loop that accelerates local warming.
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