Sentences with phrase «warming issue resulted»

We also know that the global warming issue resulted in incalculable intellectual fraud, grotesque corporate rent - seeking, and the waste of the environmental dollar (there are real, here - and - now ecological issues that deserve the global warming buck).

Not exact matches

Complaints are expected to spike in anticipation of warmer weather and the action taken by the Minority Caucus faces the issue head on by providing tangible results.
Sagarin hopes that the results, appearing in the 26 October issue of Science, will encourage others to look for environmental responses to global warming in data sets collected informally by individuals or communities, like a bird - watcher's records.
The net result is a greater chance for unusually cold winters, or at times unusually warm ones, in the northeastern U.S. and Europe, according to an article by Cornell University Earth and atmospheric scientist Charles Greene in Scientific American's December 2012 issue.
If your cat has had chronic upper respiratory issues resulting in loss of ability to smell, you may need to offer stinky foods like fish, or warm up foods in the microwave first to release the smell of the food.
The Navy, which has long seen security issues intensifying in a warming world, commissioned a study by the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences to provide an independent assessment, and the results, focused on six areas for «naval leadership action,» are in:
On Monday, I asked him, in essence, if the shape of the 20th - century temperature curve were to shift much as a result of some of the issues that have come up in the disclosed e-mail messages and files, would that erode confidence in the keystone climate question (the high confidence expressed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in 2007 that most warming since 1950 is driven by human activities)?
As a result, the partisan divide on the issue dropped from 42.9 percentage points under a «global warming» frame to 26.2 percentage points under a «climate change» frame.
The global warming denier blogs, where this issue first came up, seem to think that I was being critical of the I.P.C.C. report in the same way as seen from their perspective, and, as a result, I have received e-mails from the denier crowd hailing my remarks and commending me for «speaking up» on this important topic.
His handlers evidently did not buy assertions of some pollsters (which were challenged elsewhere) that voters had grown more impassioned about broader environmental issues, including global warming, as a result of the gulf petro - calamity.
As critics of «global warming» science have pointed out for years, there are serious issues with the surface temperature datasets that result in corrupted global average temperatures that are currently used by policymakers.
As a result, Americans don't see global warming as an urgent issue, putting climate policy low on the list of priorities.
The Barents Sea, for example, has been particularly warm during recent years which has resulted in numerous warm wind invasion events issuing northward over Svalbard and regions eastward during recent years.
There are several demands that we issue a press release correcting our wrong results and declaring that 1934 is now the warmest year on record in the US and also that 4 of the 10 warmest years were in the 1930s and only 3 in the last 10 years.
These results have important policy implications for global warming issues.
They state, in other words, that their results have direct bearing on the global warming issues, issues currently before governments faced with heavy lobbying from wealthy environmentalist groups, and the United Nations, which just this year will arrange around 38 meetings in 17 countries to push the theme, not counting the other enormous resources they have devoted to the theme that humans are destroying the planet.
This is the kind of climate science question that you have called a «side issue», though the answer is integral to answering one of your favorite questions: Granting that CO2 is a greenhouse gas, how much warming can result from and increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration?
One passage written by Heartland reads, «Scientists who study the issue say it is impossible to tell if the recent small warming trend is natural, a continuation of the planet's recovery from the more recent «Little Ice Age,» or unnatural, the result of human greenhouse gas emissions.»
The issue Curry has is over Muller not parading around the fact that there's no statistically significant warming (if you cherry - pick 1998 as the starting point, in a time series too short to give statistically meaningful results... so basically her issue is over nothing).
A key result of the present issue is that despite the cooling influence of a La Niña episode early in the year, 2012 joined the ten previous years as one of the warmest — at ninth place — on record.
This site is essential in keeping current on these global warming issues as well as much of the related political mischief that is taking place as a result
Any analysis on this issue coming out of a think tank that has engaged in global warming contrarianism must be regarded as valueless unless its results have been reproduced independently, after taking account of possible data mining and cherry picking.
Fry's speech to the conference was a highly impassioned plea for countries around the world to address the issues of man - made global warming resulting in climate change.
Two global - warming skeptics who questioned an influential climate study and prompted a congressional inquiry are now facing critics of their own, as a pair of new research papers take issue with their results.
So we have a situation in which the latest science on two key issues: how much the earth will warm as a result of human greenhouse gas emissions, and how well climate models perform in projecting the warming, is largely not incorporated into the new IPCC report.
Strand 3 topics 3.1 Hardware 3.2 Software 3.3 Networks 3.4 / It is important to discuss the social impacts and ethical issues relating to health implications of mobile devices, unauthorized access to wireless networks, interception of communications, storage of personal communications for security purposes / the areas that will be affected by coastal flooding as a result of different levels of global warming Introduction to project management Application software that allows a user to plan, schedule, track and /
As the world wobbles The issue of increased damage from extreme weather driven disasters as a result of climate change is attracts the same polemic that the gallery previously observed about climate change and global warming.
In saying that IPCC reports issued over the past 20 years had «created an ever - broader informed consensus about the connection between human activities and global warming,» the Committee linked those reports to potential violent conflict and wars that could result should extreme climate change occur.
Further, it will help address climate justice issues resulting from global warming.
Today, I feature a perfect case in point where an article writer attempted to call out the «problem» of stupid rationale in the global warming issue, but his efforts only result in an undesirable appearance hugely undermining the overall point of his article.
It is plausible, for example, that AMS members skeptical of global warming may have been less likely than the average member to respond, potentially by virtue of feeling marginalized within their professional society as a result of the views on the issue.
«The fact that it has received any attention at all is a result, again in my view, of its utility to those groups who want the global warming issue to just go away,» comments Tim Barnett, a marine physicist at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, whose work Soon and Baliunas refer to.
More elaborate and accurate approaches, including use of models, will surely be devised, but comparison of our result with other approaches is instructive regarding basic issues such as the vulnerability of today's ice sheets to near - term global warming and the magnitude of hysteresis effects in ice sheet growth and decay.
The report includes many other interesting results, including measures of public feelings of anger, fear and hope about global warming and the frames by which Americans conceptualize the issue (e.g., as an environmental, scientific, political, moral, or religious issue).
Analyzing heat - related mortality based on the above information, one would conclude that moderate warming would likely result in fewer net deaths, and that the trend of technology adaptation plus warming will make the already small issue of weather related deaths even smaller.
My comments led to the first of four suspensions issued to me as result of my trying to research and speak about climate and hydrologic change in Minnesota and global warming.
Getting accurate global warming related content into the top 10 results of the major search engines is one of the most effective ways to educate a lot of people about this important issue.
Given that the IEA and even oil companies such as BP and Shell have confirmed that burning all known fossil fuels would result in more than 2 °C of warming, we feel there is reasonable consensus around this issue.
The lack of statistical significance in temperate trends since 1998 is at least partly a statistical power issue - there is not enough data (since 98) to achieve a statistically significant result, even if there has been warming.
Perhaps, in the context of a warm and open relationship, relational conflict and discipline issues resulting from maladaptive child behavior may be experienced as stressful but do not necessarily contribute to burnout because the effort is believed to be meaningful and worthwhile.
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