Sentences with phrase «warming issue takes»

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When Elneny joined he was full of confidence and that's how you assess a player when he's at his very best otherwise a guy like Ozil will be considered trash taking by his last performances yet everyone goes back to his memory books to assess Ozil and the same should happen with Elneny who won back to back player of the month when he first joined and scored that screamer against Barcelona yet his all round contribution that made the headlines then came Xhaka on board and that is exactly when Elneny's form started slightly dipping because simply his confidence was shaken by finding himself a regular bench warmer instead of a regular like he was before Xhaka joining and I don't think Wenger addressed this psychological issue with Elneny or even noticed it probably because he had enough issues of his own.
We warm up to the notion of fatherhood more slowly, taking a much flatter trajectory as we begin mulling over the issues and changes we will face.
Doctors, IBCLCs, midwives, and doulas widely recommend moist heat to help resolve breastfeeding issues, and typically suggest using warm, wet washcloths or taking baths and showers.
Other issues in the hospital include delaying the new mommy's ability to begin breastfeeding immediately by removing the baby to a warming bed instead of laying the baby on the mommy's tummy, and too early interventions such as eye ointment, bathing the baby, and taking the baby to the nursery to be evaluated in the absence of medical necessity.
For example, if you're lucky enough to have a baby that sleeps through the night, then you can feel free to disregard the reviews that take issue with a warmer's nighttime changing light — since you won't be using it often.
A gifted child may be able to participate in adult conversations about issues such as global warming or world hunger one minute and the next minute cry and whine because a sibling took a favorite toy.
With Trump taking the US out of the Paris Climate Agreement, New York can expect warmer temperatures, greater flooding and more damage from storms, and a whole host of other issues.
Governor Schwarzenegger was also clear what he thought about Washington on the issue of climate change, telling reporters: «California will not wait for our federal government to take strong action on global warming.
Complaints are expected to spike in anticipation of warmer weather and the action taken by the Minority Caucus faces the issue head on by providing tangible results.
«If the spotlight turns to a global warming issue, it looks at the moment that there's no heavy penalty or reward that will be attached to taking a position one way or another on the issue,» he said.
«The reason we think biofuels can reduce global warming is because we assume the feed crop will take carbon out of the air,» says Tim Searchinger of Princeton, the lead author of a report on biofuels» environmental impact in a February issue of Science [subscription required].
Despite the worldwide campaigns on forest conservation and log bans to promote carbon sinks and help resolve the global warming and greenhouse gas issues, a study from Switzerland chose to take a different path.
taking the above one step further, with independence and her own way of thinking, our sugar momma may be tired of all of the cheating, other issues and mind games that go with regular relationships with men — so why shouldn't she join a specialised dating site looking for a sugar baby, someone to keep her company, keep her warm at night and be there for her — but only when she needs him?
This warm Italian comedy takes a look at generational issues without getting preachy about it.
A gifted child may be able to participate in adult conversations about issues such as global warming or world hunger one minute and the next minute cry and whine because a sibling took a favorite toy.
If you replace the the throw out bearing and the washer, lubricate properly and then take your time adjusting the clutch with a warm motor, I believe your drag issue will go away.
To take action on this issue, first please send a warm thank you to Representative Lee Denney, DVM, -LRB-[email protected] gov) the house sponsor of this bill, and TulsaPets Summer 2009 49 to senate sponsor Senator Cliff Branan (R - Oklahoma City) at [email protected] gov for their unwavering commitment to this issue, and for their compassion for the dogs and cats that languish in tiny cages and covered with filth, waiting for someone to care.
But then there is the vexing issue of why people can't absorb the information about global warming and take action.
Let us take for example something you touched on, ``... A big issue here is that any correlation between the two can be due to CO2 outgassing...» plus the argument that «the Medieval Warm Period was warmer than today» or «CO2 increases lag temperature increases by 800 years».
I just was watching your interview with Michael Shellenberger and reading / listening up on this whole «centrist environmentalist» concept and I have to say, I take issue with people claiming the longtime «left» environmental movement was all about being a culture of restriction and somehow not in tune with the idea that this global warming crisis could lead to newer, alternative, healthy economics of another kind.
Advocates for tackling the issue under the Montreal treaty expressed disappointment that the Obama administration was taking such a cautious approach to a chemical that could, by some estimates, account for as much as 30 percent of all atmospheric warming by 2040.
As Democratic lawmakers and environmental groups continue to complain about Bush administration edits of Senate testimony on health risks from global warming, the White House today took the unusual step of having President Bush's science adviser, John Marburger III, issue a detailed explanation.
As totally an other issue I also wish you are right in your estimate and hope warming would not take a pause at this time.
(He's skipping the conference despite taking direct heat in a YouTube message to Rio from Senator James Inhofe, the Republican of Oklahoma and steadfast ally of big coal, and indirect heat from Senator John Kerry, the Democrat of Massachusetts who gave a long floor speech on global warming and the Rio meeting yesterday, decrying «the conspiracy of silence that now characterizes Washington's handling of the climate issue.»)
Dave Roberts over in Gristmill / Huffington Post world has once again taken me to task for writing about people who have either made a career of saying global warming is not a catastrophe (Bjorn Lomborg) or have newly embraced the issue after a career on the right (Newt Gingrich).
Most of the writing here at The New York Times takes a similar tone on the issue, the alarmist view that somehow what is happening now is without natural precedent or should be cause of for shock or surprise and that of course, we humans are the root of all evil and are causing the warming and / or can prevent it or stop it.
The authors set the tone by stating that not all environmental issues are equally worthy of support, take the case of global warming.
One of the biggest issues is that it would take many decades for any reduction in emissions of heat - trapping gases to produce a measurable blunting of warming.
Perhaps another hint is seen in Garbow's prophecy remark quoted by US News & World Report about the future of the global warming issue, which possibly portended the direction he thought he might take, post-Obama:
But for those concerned about the future of the world, threatened by the hanging sword of global warming, there are still presidential hopefuls prepared to take a stand on the issue.
Some scientists nevertheless went directly to the public to demand action to avert the warming, and a few politicians took up the issue.
The point is that to argue that «there is no such thing as global terrorism», or that «there is no such thing as global warming» is to fail to take issue with the idea that evidence of global terrorism or anthropogenic global warming is sufficient argument for the execution of the «War on Terror», or for «drastic action'to mitigate climate change.
«there is no such thing as global terrorism», or that «there is no such thing as global warming» is to fail to take issue with the idea that evidence of global terrorism or anthropogenic global warming is sufficient argument for the execution of the «War on Terror», or for «drastic action'to mitigate climate change.
Singer added that «Bolin took issue with Tim Wirth, U.S. Undersecretary of State for Global Affairs, for saying that global warming science was «settled.»
My work has long taken the view that policies to slow global warming would have net economic benefits, in the trillion of dollars of present value -LSB-...] I have advocated a carbon tax for many years as the best way to attack the issue.
It is complicated, and the link between global warming and natural disasters often feels uncertain to people, since scientists can't say global warming caused this particular event (sigh...) A sense of issue fatigue can take hold, born of the difficulty of making rapid progress.
Moreover, notice that many sceptics do not take issue with the propositions that CO2 is a greenhouse gas, much of the increase in atmospheric CO2 can be attributed to industry, that this warming will likely cause a change in the climate, and that this may well cause problems.
To me all the witnesses and senators are obviously persons of consequence but I don't think your excerpt shows that anyone should think he takes issue with this statement — «No one questions that surface temperatures have increased overall since 1880, or that humans are adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, or that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases have a warming effect on the planet.»
You know something is up when prominent apostles of global warming, especially former vice president and Nobel Laureate, Al Gore, refuse to debate or discuss the issue with any scientist who takes a contrary view.
Liberals and Democrats who attach themselves to the global warming issue (as Krosnick says they do more than their conservative counterparts), take note: this is neither liberal, nor democratic.
As the IPCC revisits the warming issue — and the hockey stick — it is taking account of all views, including Mr. McIntyre's, say the group's leaders.
Among those papers, we classified one of Spencer's and two of Christy's as minimizing or rejecting the human influence on global warming, and the others as not taking a position on the issue.
Skeptics of Western global warming are really aware of obvious mistakes that fall within their particular areas of expertise and most skeptics take issue with the picture of impending calamity that global warming fearmongers always try to paint.
Climate scientists Michael Oppenheimer and Kevin Trenberth also took issue with Koonin's assertion about the impact of human activity, saying, Warming is well beyond natural climate variability and projected rates of change are potentially faster than ecosystems, farmers and societies can adapt to without major disruptions.
Dana: «Climate scientists Michael Oppenheimer and Kevin Trenberth also took issue with Koonin's assertion about the impact of human activity, saying, Warming is well beyond natural climate variability and projected rates of change are potentially faster than ecosystems, farmers and societies can adapt to without major disruptions.
This site is essential in keeping current on these global warming issues as well as much of the related political mischief that is taking place as a result.»
Each of those organizations represents a particular constituency with a wide range of interests; each takes public positions or seeks to influence political leaders on many issues, most of them unrelated to Global Warming / Climate Change.
In 1990, two years after NASA scientist James E. Hansen issued his now famous warning about climate change during a congressional hearing, Lindzen started taking a publicly contrarian stance when he challenged then - senator Gore by suggesting in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society that the case for human - induced global warming was overstated and that natural climate variability could explain things just as easily.
Any analysis on this issue coming out of a think tank that has engaged in global warming contrarianism must be regarded as valueless unless its results have been reproduced independently, after taking account of possible data mining and cherry picking.
«It has taken 25 years — since the global warming problem was first recognized as a major public issue — to get to this stage, with climate change preparedness planning and action being framed as a U.S. presidential order to the Executive Branch.»
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