Sentences with phrase «warming mode»

This bottle warmer is quite simple to use with a digital timer which saves you the previous settings of warming mode.
As a result, global temperature trends change frequently, exhibiting both cooling and warming modes across time spans.
A timer is another handy feature — this will either turn the machine off after cooking or put it into a limited time keep warm mode.
It is likely that in the 2020s, the Atlantic cycle — currently in warm mode — will also flip to cold, so that for some years both the Pacific and Atlantic cycles will be cold at the same time.
Programmable slow cookers switch into warming mode once your preset programmed cooking time has expired.
Cool decadal modes cool the planetary surface and warm modes add to the surface temperatures.
In fact it is more likely that observed changes in the trend of global temperature will be the first and simplest indication as to when a global shift from solar / oceanic warming mode to solar / oceanic cooling mode and vice versa has occurred.
Since one might expect AGW to manifest itself by enhancing natural warm modes of climate variability, this analysis proves nothing.
In the real world the most obvious and most common reason for a change in atmospheric density occurs naturally when the oceans are in warming mode and solar irradiation is high as during the period 1975 to 1998.
The global temperature switches from cooling to warming mode frequently as a result of the ever changing interplay between variations in solar influence and intermittent heat flows from the oceanic Hot Water Bottle.
The problem with this is that the average slow cooker's warming mode is greater than 150 degrees Fahrenheit.
My rice cooker simply stops cooking at the right time, beeps to tell me it is ready, and then goes into a warming mode.
I thawed them according to bag and then just stirred them in with the hot rice when the Instant Pot went to warming mode.
It also includes an automatic keep - warm mode that lets you keep coffee on for everyone.
At first, all I was pointing out was my observation of a change in global weather patterns around 2000 from a warming mode back to those more like the cooling mode of the 60's and 70's.
Other experts point out one of the biggest natural factors behind the plateau is the fact that in 2008 the temperature cycle in the Pacific flipped from «warm mode», in which it had been locked for the previous 40 years, to «cold mode», meaning surface water temperatures fell.
Professor Easterbrook says: «The PDO cool mode has replaced the warm mode in the Pacific Ocean, virtually assuring us of about 30 years of global cooling.»
The AMO (a North Atlantic index) is in warm mode and enough to pull global SST up for a few years yet but the SH ocean (Pacific in particular) is the greater heat sink and will predominate eventually i.e. no «cherry picking», just reality.
It was in a warm mode — warming the planet — from 1977 to 1998.
The cooling trend will likely continue as the sun enters a cycle of lower irradiance and the Pacific Ocean changed from its warm mode to its cool mode.
Well done, that's because there isn't a causal link there, it's a correlation with a profound phase reversal nicely in sync with the AMO transitions to and from the cold and warm modes.
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