Sentences with phrase «warming phase coincided»

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In the past, these positive phases have coincided with accelerated global warming.
Some scientists speculate that the sun may be entering a prolonged inactive phase, similar to the one that lasted from 1645 to 1715 and coincided with the «little ice age» in Europe — although there is no evidence that the sun will rescue us from global warming.
Now scientists from Kyoto University and UC San Diego have discovered that this phenomenon occurred when the warming phase — «interdecadal variability mode» — of both the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans coincided.
Most of flood periods coincided with the warm phase of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO).
Positive (negative) phases of the AMO coincide with warmer (colder) North Atlantic sea surface temperatures.
Throughout the altimeter era, it has been recognized that sea level rise is not constant but varies considerably about the background trend, with the largest of these departures coinciding with the warm and cold phases of the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) such as in 1997 — 1998 (Fig. 2).
The AWP multidecadal variability coincides with the signal of the AMO; that is, the warm (cool) phases of the AMO are characterized by repeated large (small) AWPs.
Only since the late 1970s have we had complete data on global temps and it coincided with the start of the Pacific entering its warm phase and the Atlantic joined about 15 years later.
The recent warming phase also coincides roughly with the rise of CO2.
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