Sentences with phrase «warming waters caused»

The government will set aside 500 million Australian dollars to help the global treasure after years of damage from warming waters caused by climate change.
Today, as warming waters caused by climate change flow underneath the floating ice shelves in Pine Island Bay, the Antarctic Ice Sheet is once again at risk of losing mass from rapidly retreating glaciers.
Not only do warmer waters cause bleaching of the living coral polyps that make up the mass, by leading them to expel the algae that give them color, but they have also led to an explosion in the numbers of a creature called the crown - of - thorns starfish.
The reasons for this are many: less cold water from Sierra snowpack, less cold freshwater being released from the Delta due to farming needs and other water policies, warm waters caused by El Nino flowing into the Bay, and other variables.
Corals turn white, like these off the island of New Ireland, Papua New Guinea, when warming waters cause them to expel the algae living inside them.
Overly warm water causes them to expel the symbiotic algae that give coral their color and are the corals» major food source.
Bleaching occurs when warm waters cause the colorful algae that provide food for corals to release chemicals that are toxic to their hosts, and they are spat out.
Greater volumes of intruding warm water cause greater reductions of ice in the Barents and Kara Seas, deep inside the Arctic Circle.
At the same time, ocean acidification and warmer waters caused by climate change have decimated salmon stocks, including the prized blueback sockeye, a unique salmon species intimately linked to the Quinault people and their cultural identity.
Warming waters cause the corals, the basis for important coral reef ecosystems, to bleach, or expel the symbiotic algae, which provide them with color.
The ever decreasing low pressure of hurricane as it moves over warm water causes it to «flash evaporate» into the air.

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Carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere is causing the water to get so warm and acidic that almost every place where coral exists is expected to see bleaching by 2050.
The sun will shine through the plastic, warming the water below and causing it to slowly vaporize, leaving salt and other contaminants behind.
Warm ocean waters provide the fuel for hurricanes, and warm air causes the water to evaporWarm ocean waters provide the fuel for hurricanes, and warm air causes the water to evaporwarm air causes the water to evaporate.
United Nations scientists state that raising animals for food is «one of the major causes of the world's most pressing environmental problems, including global warming, land degradation, air and water pollution, and loss of biodiversity.»
It does indeed cause some warming of our planet, and we should thank Providence for that, because without the greenhouse warming of CO2 and its more potent partners, water vapor and clouds, the earth would be too cold to sustain its current abundance of life.
Fisheries are crashing, deforestation is causing a whole complex of problems, the weather is becoming less favorable because of global warming, fresh water is becoming scarce, species are disappering, arable land is deteriorating.
United Nations scientists state that raising animals for food is «one of the major causes of the world's most pressing environmental problems, including global warming, land degradation, air and water pollution, and loss of biodiversity.»
Avoid washing the nipples with soap, as it removes this beneficial oil and may dry the tissue, causing it to crack — a daily rinsing with warm water is all that's necessary.
• clean and sterilise all feeding parts before each use • do not use abrasive cleaning agents or anti-bacterial cleaners with bottles and teats • wash your hands thoroughly and ensure surfaces are clean before handling sterilised components • for inspection of the teat, pull it in each direction • place the teat in boiling water for 5 minutes before first use to ensure hygiene • throw away bottle and teats at the first sight of damage, weakness or scratching • replace teats and spouts after 3 months use • do not warm milk in a microwave as this may cause uneven heating and could scald your baby • always check the milk temperature before feeding • make sure that the bottles are not over-tightened • do not allow your baby to play with small parts or run or walk while feeding
I do have concerns with aluminum food / water containers, even though the link to Alzheimers hasn't been proven (look how long it has taken to «prove» global warming is human caused).
Before you touch your face, make sure to wash your hands with soap and warm water to clean your hands of bacteria that can cause more blemishes.
◦ Never wash a blood stain in warm or hot water, which may cause it to bond permanently to the fibers of the fabric.
(A neat trick for «sweating» water bottles, (or even ice blocks in extra warm climates), is to put it in a clean sock to absorb any moisture caused by condensation as it thaws.
For instance, warm water in the shower can cause your milk to start, as can sexual stimulation from your partner.
Warm water adds to this causing the fibers to become entangled with each other, a quality we see in the fabric as felting.
Try to avoid letting hot water run over your breasts during your shower, as warm water can cause the milk to «let down.»
Likewise, increased milk flow means increased production, so you'll want to avoid anything that causes your milk to flow (like standing with your breasts under the warm water in the shower).
- warm water baths and peeing in a cup of warm water as the article above suggests - if it is truly a snug foreskin that is causing discomfort, then steroid cream may be in order (to put on the penis and gently tug - the boy himself).
Warming temperatures causes ocean water to expand, which raises sea level and glacial ice to melt that creates water that makes its way into ocean basins.
Other possible explanations for the decline, which is being caused by a low survival rate of seal pups, include a change to the food supply owing to warming waters; competition for food from large fish called jacks; or the possibility that the reserve is simply too new for its ecosystem to have settled down.
Co-author Dr Gerhard Kuhn, from the Alfred Wegener Institute in Germany, says: «Our results provide evidence that in the past WAIS retreat was also predominantly caused by melting through warm ocean water.
A shift in the wind direction during the 1940s caused renewed upwelling of warm deep water on to the shelf.
The causes of the warming remain debated, but Liu and his team homed in on the melting glacial water that poured into oceans as the ice receded, paradoxically slowing the ocean current in the North Atlantic that keeps Europe from freezing over.
Many lakes have been warming with a changing climate, and clearer water caused by invasive zebra mussels provides more sunlight for algae to grow in thicker mats.
«The warming surface waters cause large parts of the lake's floor to lose oxygen, killing off bottom - dwelling animals such as freshwater snails,» Cohen said.
As the warmer water expands, it causes sea levels to rise.
«Today, the Pine Island and Thwaites glaciers are grounded in a very precarious position, and major retreat may already be happening, caused primarily by warm waters melting from below the ice shelves that jut out from each glacier into the sea,» said Matthew Wise of Cambridge's Scott Polar Research Institute, and the study's first author.
A rather straightforward calculation showed that doubling the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere... which would arrive in the late 21st century if no steps were taken to curb emissions... should raise the temperature of the surface roughly one degree C. However, a warmer atmosphere would hold more water vapor, which ought to cause another degree or so of warming.
Most climatologists expect that on average the atmospheres water vapor content will increase in response to surface warming caused by the long - lived greenhouse gases, further accelerating the overall warming trend.
His discoveries have also revealed how warming ocean temperatures and acidification of ocean water caused by climate change lead to coral bleaching and death.
But stressors, including overly warm ocean water, cause symbiotic algae to abandon coral tissues, bleaching them (right).
Warmer air temperatures cause more water containing the heavier isotopes oxygen - 18 or deuterium to evaporate from the surrounding ocean.
Within nations, local effects of global warming will cause internecine fights for increasingly scarce water.
Scientists say Charon could have been warm enough to cause the water ice to melt deep down, creating a subsurface ocean.
The slipperiness, caused by films of water spread over large areas, helps ascertain how quickly a melting ice sheet will slide into the sea as the climate warms — and thus how quickly sea levels will rise.
Schimdt has found evidence that warm ocean currents and convective forces beneath Europa's frozen shell can cause large blocks of ice to overturn and melt, bringing vast pockets of water, sometimes holding as much liquid as all of the Great Lakes combined, to within several kilometers of the moon's icy surface.
Moreover, the warming makes the atmosphere damper (providing still more water vapor) and may cause the stratosphere to heat up, speeding the chemical reactions that destroy ozone.
Experiments carried out in the OU Mars Simulation Chamber — specialised equipment, which is able to simulate the atmospheric conditions on Mars — reveal that Mars» thin atmosphere (about 7 mbar — compared to 1,000 mbar on Earth) combined with periods of relatively warm surface temperatures causes water flowing on the surface to violently boil.
Here is what scientists think is happening: when Ceres swings through the part of its orbit that is closer to the sun, a portion of its icy surface becomes warm enough to cause water vapor to escape in plumes at a rate of about 6 kilograms (13 pounds) per second.
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