Sentences with phrase «warmists like»

Mueller succeeded in pre-empting Watts in the only arena that matters to warmists like he and Mosher — the political / media arena.
Using these values, the X-factor would be 0.43 with the proviso that it is determined over a century and that the system is at equilibrium (Warmists like to have it both ways here, ie that it was at equlibrium to start with, but not at the end, where there is «warming in the pipeline» due to absorption and release of heat by the oceans).
Question: Why don't the big oil companies come out and release the total amount of money they're currently giving to skeptical organizations like the Heritage Foundation, and the amounts they've giving warmists like Greenpease and WWF?
Insulators work both ways, whether Warmists like it or not.
Now I see another reason why warmists like to refer to «carbon».
The atmosphere acts as an insulator, as even warmists like Chris Colose now realise.
However, global warmists like yourself do not practice science, you practice a religion.
If I were a betting man, I would give anyone odds that warmists like tempterrain will not join in this sort of discussion.
That's why Warmist like you will be taken to justice, for treason.

Not exact matches

Andy likes to write, often, in the space between what deniers call «warmists» and what warmists call «deniers.»
This concept wouldn't exculpate CO2 terribly well for those who'd like to otherwise, but that might explain the discrepancies that are inciting we skeptics and puzzling the warmists.
If the Global Warmists can't deal with criticsm, maybe their argument is not as airtight as they would like to portray.
Often deniers portray themselves as reasoned, cautious, and conservative scientists, while the real scientists working in the field are described with emotionally charged adjectives like «alarmists,» «warmists,» and the like to weaken the public's respect for their work and to fool journalists about who's who.
I (and a few others, like Alex Harvey & Ron Cram) try to move Wikipedia climate - change articles to some semblance of neutrality (and usually fail), and put up with some astonishingly childish and vicious behavior from the warmists along the way.
people like Robert are always useful... they show how dangerous it would be to leave the world in the hands of warmists.
Sadly for them, in the past ten years they've crowded with their warmist badges into a Hall of Shame, like bankers before the crash.»
I am aware of Woods» experiment showing the «greenhouse effect» is negligible, but so are warmist sites like Wikipedia — they also acknowledge this experiment and accept it — for greenhouses!
Webby is a climate change denier, just like all warmists have to be to some extent — in order to believe in AGW you have to deny some or all (natural) climate change.
Words such as «warmist,» «lukewarm,» «sceptic,» and the like become shibboleths while institutions such as «Big Oil» take on the role of the Antichrist and the merest hint of association with «conservative» politics is akin to wearing the Mark of The Beast.
Conversely if the convective were to be 4 % like warmists that don't understand heat transfer would have people believe, then the Rayleigh number would be 3.2 E4.
Gareth sounds like the he had the same kind of «road to Damascus» conversion from skeptic to warmist as Richard Muller of Berkley Earth.
It looks likes one of the somewhat mentally challenged Waffling Warmists has completely lost touch with reality.
It may read a little like a visit to a sausage factory, but in fact it's an inside peek at UEA's kitchen as it churns out the thin gruel which somehow is sustaining Lolwot's warmist pals.
Dr. Michael - Shawn Fletcher Based on data from a few carefully selected tree rings, dogmatic warmist scientists like to insist that the Medieval Warm Period really did not exist globally and was only a local North Atlantic phenomenon.
Warmist & Fakes like you are like two cheeks on the same ar / se
Like many on the warmist side he is making propaganda.
It was an initative that wasn't very popular with the warmist propaganda machine and especially with fanatics like Gleick — witness the occasional clumsy attacks on her integrity.
Thanks for the response Fan, but instead of just snorting ClimateEtc's propaganda like some sort of warmist drug addict, I suggest actually looking at the graph.
Its no wonder these people are so ignorant about climate science, they live in a Warmist bubble created and promoted by the likes of the Grauniad and the BBC.
Warmists Lament: «Morano is an effective peddler of disinformation... one should never underestimate the likes of Morano.
Somewhat like Climate Sensitivity, or Climate Change, or any other term in the secret Warmist vocabulary.
There's more, like the MET Office in Britain predicting a mild winter in 2010 - 2011, not to mention other warmists faux pas.
Only a warmist would say something like this without even knowing the facts.
This issue all warmists will avoid like the plague.
I like your use of «linearist» for warmist, however, it seems the Lukewarmers & # 0153 (& # 0169 S. Mosher, 2006) are fixated on straight lines as well.
In the discussion of politics etc., then the more usual labels would come into play, such as libertarian, big government liberal, environmentalist, etc., rather than labels like denier, warmist, etc..
I fear the likes of Inhofe will only be content when a «warmist» climate scientist is physically hurt or worse.
Other warmists have presumed the CO2 = CAGW hypotheses are confirmed because they're «just like gravity», and have likewise incorrectly used the presumption that CO2 = CAGW scepticism is «the same as» the attempt of the tobacco industry to deny or cover up the damage done by tobacco, as proof of CO2 = CAGW, when all they are really doing is getting nowhere by «begging the question».
Warmists are like North Koreans.
Looks like the warmists are getting SLAPP happy (Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation).
I hear comments like this all the time on Skeptic Science and other warmist blogs.
Though it is comforting to see the confounding of the warmists with warming at a stop, it is also a little scarey, even should it only be something minor like the recent little ice age.
LIke all warmists, he's absolutely impervious to counter-arguments.
I could imagine a Warmist Cult believer, like you, might say «follow the Religion of Climate Science» and «the end is near!
The trick of these «communicators» is, of course, to avoid all clarity and definition, assume that the claims of the alarmists and warmists are true just like the sky is blue... then congratulate skeptics on their skepticism.
Yeah... these warmist freaks always like to conjure up images of that «awful black stuff»... * choke * * choke *
Warmists around the world like Gore, Naomi Klein, Oreskes, Suzuki, Sierra Club, 350, Rockefeller Brothers Fund — the uber - rich Green global Socialists — have been on Tony Abbott's case for the last two years — as has Obama himself, who admonished him publicly here at the G20 conference.
This seems almost like betting shops in the U.K. or the TAB shops in New Zealand, warmists will squirm if the pause continues and the coldests will have to squirm if ENSO reverses and the good Research Professor of the Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences at Rutgers University is correct....
Most modern CO2 concentration measurements also show much more variablility than the highly - processed Manua Loa data that warmist so like to quote.
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