Sentences with phrase «warning signs of difficulty»

Students with dyslexia and learning disabilities will succeed the best when teachers or parents pick up on the warning signs of difficulty reading, comprehending or other signs of academic woes and work together with school administrators to create an academic plan.

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The Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention Act (2012) requires the Department of Education to develop and post on their websites guidelines and other relevant materials to inform and educate students participating in or desiring to participate in an athletic activity, their parents and their coaches about the nature and warning signs of sudden cardiac arrest, including the risks associated with continuing to play or practice after experiencing one or more symptoms of sudden cardiac arrest, including fainting, difficulty breathing, chest pains, dizziness and abnormal racing heart rate.
Some warning signs of aspiration and swallowing difficulties include: increased and excessive congestion and coughing, wet sounds with breathing, signs of discomfort with feeding, refusal to eat, choking during feedings, turning blue around the lips while feeding, watering eyes with a red face during feeding, and / or frequent infections like pneumonia.
There are a number of warning signs of toddler language development delay to look for when you are experiencing difficulty understanding or communicating with your toddler and are starting to worry if there might be a problem.
Early warning: Keeping track of students» metrics and other developmental signs of difficulty in social - emotional and academic areas, as well as issues related to early reading, and promoting good health habits would be of particular importance.
Barrett - Jackson drivers will also be sporting the «Driven Hearts» logo on their shirts, and auction attendees will notice the acronym «FAST» (Face drooping, Arm weakness, Speech difficulty, Time to call 911) around the Barrett - Jackson event sites, as a way of bringing attention to the warning signs of stroke.
Look for the warning signs of battery fatigue: difficulty with vehicle starting, low headlight intensity, power accessories that are sluggish (lift gates or windows that operate slower than normal).
if you're starting to recognize the warning signs of financial difficulty, take action, and get advice for your situation.
In the first session, money management, spending and shopping habits, warning signs of financial difficulties, and obtaining and using credit are all discussed.
Promoters of the use of credit histories in employment have tried to link credit history to job performance by citing an Association of Certified Fraud Examiners report noting that two warning signs exhibited by some fraudsters were living beyond their financial means or experiencing financial difficulties.27 However, while some fraudsters may have had financial difficulties, it is a far cry to say that any worker with financial difficulties has a propensity to be a thief.
Changes in your pet's toilet habits including difficulty and increase bathroom trips, and blood in urine or stools are potential warning signs of cancer developing in your furkid.
According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, some early warning signs of work - related stress are headache, sleep disturbances, difficulty in concentrating, short temper, upset stomach, job dissatisfaction, and low morale.
providing psycho - education to family members and education about mental health difficulties in children including identification of early warning signs
When difficulties in emotions and behaviours become frequent, across a number of settings and over long periods of time, these are warning signs that mental health difficulties may be present.
Some of the general warning signs could be that if someone has only had short relationships throughout their lives and never any long relationships, it could be indicative of having difficulties with intimacy.
Sessions involved discussions of information about 1) the adolescent's psychiatric disorder (s) and psychosocial difficulties, 2) the adolescent's treatment plan and rationale for recommended treatments, 3) risk factors for suicidal behavior and warning signs of possible imminent risk, 4) the availability of emergency services, and 5) strategies for communicating with adolescents.
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