Sentences with phrase «warning signs such as»

Look for warning signs such as a contractor asking for cash upfront, and a contractor lacking a physical business location or a permanent phone number.
Family members need to be vigilant about watching for warning signs such as:
During your visit, look for warning signs such as:
Watch for warning signs such as fur raised on the back, staring or stiffening up.
Look for common warning signs such as weakness, vomiting, excessive panting, diarrhea, drooling and a lack of energy.
To avoid this, groom your pet regularly, feed them the right foods, and check for any warning signs such as constipation or poop connected by strands of hair.
Individual student resiliency data identifies students grades 6 - 10 who are at risk of failure as early as three years before warning signs such as missed classes, failing grades, and disruptive behavior appear.
Prevent Duty is meant to alert teachers to the possibilities of «non-violent extremism»; to look out for warning signs such as changes in vocabulary, withdrawal from social circles, or abnormal behaviour.
Even if fraud or corruption is not obvious, school, staff, parents and the community should always stay alert for warning signs such as poor record - keeping and a lack of documents supporting financial transactions, different procurement duties being carried out by the same person rather than different people, or a school operating outside its approved budget.
AKI is largely asymptomatic, lacking warning signs such as pain, shortness of breath or other clinical symptoms, particularly in the early stages when intervention is most beneficial.
«Children will also grab dogs and not recognize warning signs such as a growl or a snarl, placing them at higher risk for bites,» he says.
Many of the deaths had been preceded by warning signs such as the presence of meconium and fetal bradycardia, in addition to pre-existing risks, without any action being taken or only too little, too late.
But some investors can be blinded by high guaranteed returns and ignore the warning signs such as unsustainable payout ratios.

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Today, Glow reports that half of its users aren't even trying to get pregnant — they use the app to take advantage of the insights it can provide, such as warning signs for endometriosis.
Bush also hinted that AI technology such as IBM's Watson might be used in conjunction with Athenahealth's technology, which could electronically survey patients in order to collect data points that might be early warning signs for disease.
«The recent launch of military exercises involving disputed territories such as Crimea, Abkhazia and South Ossetia is an indicator of this, sending further warning signs to neighbors and the West alike.»
Word of the announcement came as the Trump administration on Wednesday warned that it would vigorously defend U.S. national interests against «hostile» powers such as China and Russia, vowing to use «all available tools» to combat unfair practices - a sign that the president may be preparing to erect new trade barriers.
I had in my heart and tongue the Name of Allah when ever I had fears, troubles or depression of any kind but from Jan 05 1995 when had lost my father and second brother in a car accident, it was the time I really felt am alone at age of 33 to face all the challenges my father has left upon me to run and manage among other partners therefore had been investigating the Quran as to understanding every word of it rather than to memorize it, have been did a lot of reciting verses of prayers begging God to look upon me and give me strength... am sure through such difficult times if I had no faith in God I would have perished and lost every thing long ago... Another thing my heart always gave me signs and my mind gave me logic of what to believe although have read many books abroad in my youth of many beliefs out of curiosity but could not belief in other than that God is one and Muhammed is his last prophet in all belief of the Quran he brought upon me / us in all that it says... Should mention at times had experienced dreams seeing signs and warnings long in advance of things going to happen A year or more before losing my father in a car accident I had seen him in my dream good bye wearing white cloth and going to board a tourist ship all crew dressed in white uniform rolling a red carpet on front of him and when was on the top of the stairs weaver smiling good bye... seen in another dream how or wealth will be stolen and what I will hold... so many things like that..
It is when people fill their lives with some of the blessings of life — such as eating, drinking, and marrying — so that they ignore the signs of the times in which they live and the testimony from God about what is coming unless they all heeded the warnings and followed the ways of God (Matthew 24:32 - 33).
Most people completely disregard the warning signs that their bodies are desperately trying to give such as bloating, gas, bowel issues, skin irritations, brain fog, fatigue, headaches, weight gain, depression, mood swings, and even respiratory problems like coughing / asthma / nasal conditions.
If you suspect your young athlete has or is developing an eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia, here are the warning signs to look for.
However, many of these warning signs can be related to other problems, such as depression, child abuse, domestic violence, and substance abuse.
Keep a lookout for other warning signs of injury, such as bleeding, pain in your muscles that lasts for more than two days and the inability to catch your breath.
Firstly, there are products such as baby thermometers and baby monitors which protect your baby's health and detect early warning signs of illness; and secondly, there are products such as baby strollers, cribs and toys which you must make sure are safe, and won't hurt your baby in any way.
Warning signs, such as crying, yelling, foot - stamping, and lunging, often precede biting.
Before attaching it to your toddler's behavior, however, you should distinguish between normal developmental behaviors, such as short tantrums or responding with «no» to your requests, and deeper, more harmful misbehavior that show the warning signs of a conduct disorder.
He then sent out a warning to those in Ukip, such as Douglas Carswell, who might not want to sign up to his hardline vision.
In the past, Halloran has also warned the Mayor's office of many unconstitutional city plans, such as the so - called Crisis Pregnancy Center Bill that Bloomberg signed into law and was struck down in Federal Court three days after he signed it, which curtailed the free - speech rights of Catholic institutions.
«Too often, we are able to see the warning signs that an individual close to us poses a risk of serious harm, but lack a mechanism to prevent unthinkable tragedies such as interpersonal gun violence or suicide,» said Brooklyn Assembly member Jo Anne Simon who sponsored the bill.
Mokdad said increasing access to primary care, such as general practitioners and physician assistants, would help identify patients» early warning signs of poor health.
Traditional methods such as monitoring hygiene and warning signs often fail to stop the disease.
The new calculator assesses an individual's risk of developing psychosis after experiencing early warning signs of schizophrenia, such as hearing voices.
People well past their reproductive years could add value to their tribe by remembering early warning signs of rare phenomena, such as drought, locusts, and disease.
One controversial feature of his program — which might more accurately be termed intervention than prevention — involves offering antipsychotic medication when only the warning signs of schizophrenia and other psychotic illnesses, such as altered perception and paranoia, are present.
She cautioned anyone who notices a change in his or her hearing, such as muffled sounds or ringing in the ears, to use those signs as a warning and make safer listening choices, including use of hearing protection.
«Though our study is preliminary, based upon these findings and the broader literature, patients and clinicians should consider insomnia as an additional warning sign of potential suicidal behavior, not just a symptom of other warning signs, such as depression or alcohol use,» Nadorff said.
Consumers are warned to be on the lookout for signs of flood damage such as discolored carpeting, rust in the undercarriage, dirt in unusual places, musty odors and fogged - up headlamps, according to New Jersey Business.
The letter, signed by some 140 French scientists, including prominent personalities such as Nobel laureates Georges Charpak and Jean - Marie Lehn, warned of the «immense damage» which would be done if scientific phenomena were to be interpreted according to religious axioms.
Complexity theorists, meanwhile, are increasingly confident that they can detect warning signs of imminent collapse in systems such as the global economy.
Scientists all over the country have been warned to handle any packages with caution, and to watch out for suspicious signs such as illegible or unfamiliar return addresses, excessive postage, packages marked «confidential» or «personal» — and protruding wires.
A few scientists have proposed that such pulses, which seemed to become stronger and more frequent just before the earthquakes occurred, could serve as an early warning sign for impending seismic activity.
The materials included educational components such as identifying types of violence, rights in relationships, and warning signs of dating violence, as well as key skills components such as conflict resolution, communications skills, and taking responsibility for choices and actions.
They found that in couples who had a major life stressor such as a death in the family or a lost job, the husband's use of humor during problem solving was a warning sign.
Other activities that the hominins engaged in frequently during development, such as digging tubers or climbing, might also explain the signs of stress, warns paleoanthropologist C. Owen Lovejoy of Kent State University in Ohio.
Such increased tolerance is seen as a warning sign of alcoholism.
It also may be an early warning sign of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's, and can predict death.
TIA can be a sign that something bigger is coming (about a third of people who experience a warning stroke will go on to have an acute stroke), so doctors will recommend lifestyle changes, such as a healthier diet, exercise, and cutting out alcohol and cigarettes in addition to treating risk factors like high blood pressure in an effort to prevent a more serious stroke.
In some of these cases, we will provide you with a prescription for antibiotics and instructions to fill the prescription under certain circumstances — such as the presence of warning signs that indicate the illness is getting worse.
It then shows the reader how and why the warning signs of the middle stages of adrenal fatigue syndrome (AFS) begin to crop up, such as chronic hypertension, fatigue, hyperlipidemia and hyperglycemia.
Inconsistent information, avoiding questions, does not match profile provided, behavior such as anger, physically inappropriate comments, intense frustration or attempts at pressuring or controlling you are warning signs.
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