Sentences with phrase «warrant further discussion»

Perhaps you think the skills or experience you bring would warrant further discussion of your salary.
This is not always true, but the exceptions are so minimal as to not warrant any further discussion.
The Human Rights Working Group will reconvene in April to consider the new internal guidelines and decide if they warrant further discussion or action to ensure that they are not used to continue discriminatory treatment of injured workers.
According to researchers from Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) and Boston Medical Center (BMC) while the merits of screening tests and screening intervals warrant further discussion, they firmly believe that increasing the number of women who participate in cancer screenings and ensuring that women are not lost to follow - up with lengthened screening intervals is more important than the choice of test to decrease rates of cervical cancer.
You can also tie your mini-lesson into a thematic unit or if the topic warrants further discussion, you can beef up the mini-lesson by creating a full lesson plan.
I think this second point warrants further discussion [N.B..
Thus, it warrants some further discussion.
While scatterometry was not considered as part of the NPOESS baseline, some participants felt that the pressing need for continuation of operational active ocean vector wind measurements warranted further discussion, particularly in light of the CMIS descope.
What clients mean by innovation is something that warrants further discussion between the parties, preferably during the negotiation phase of the outsourcing (instead after the deal is signed).

Not exact matches

The subsequent information provided by the player's interview after he had completed play warranted further review and discussion with him this morning.
There is hardly anything in Exposed worthy of interest, and nothing that either warrants or deserves further discussion.
The authors» intention is to draw your attention to specific ideas that might warrant further reflection and discussion.
Whether they have done that through direct attacks on their competitors or not Is somewhat immaterial to my point so I don't think it warrants further dissection within the scope of this discussion.
Prior to leaping to the conclusion that a mandatory ethics course is desirable for Canadian real estate professionals, further discussion may be warranted.
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