Sentences with phrase «warrants immediate attention»

The extent of the access to justice crisis in family law warrants immediate attention.
Although increasing latent heat has been raised before *, the rapid opening of the Arctic Sea and latent heat effects on Greenland ice warrants immediate attention.
Loss of consciousness, repeated vomiting, and a worsening headache warrant immediate attention.
Certain medical emergencies, like a rabbit that hasn't eaten in 24 hours, warrant immediate attention — regardless of whether it occurs during off hours.
The circumstances warrant immediate attention.
These disturbing trends warrant immediate attention from the early childhood and education fields to prevent, severely limit, and work towards eventually eliminating the expulsion and suspension - and ensure the safety and well - being - of young children in early learning settings.»

Not exact matches

Explain the difference between a true emergency (where your immediate attention is warranted) versus your child just wanting something.
The protest is the second just within the week as Tiv youths gathered in Abuja, to demand action from the seat of power at the Federal level, however more needs to be seen if the protest caught the attention of the President to warrant immediate solution.
Any unexplained tingling that affects one side of the body or is accompanied by muscle weakness warrants immediate medical attention.
Enlarged lymph nodes, wounds that don't heal and abnormal bleeding are warning signs that warrant immediate medical attention.
Most warrant immediate medical attention and signs of head trauma include disorientation, bleeding from ears, nose or mouth and seizures.
If you have a male cat that is trying to urinate and is not producing urine, this is an emergency situation and warrants immediate veterinary attention because he could be «blocked.»
Pets of all shapes and sizes can succumb to this type of injury, and just like in humans, immediate medical attention is typically warranted.
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