Sentences with phrase «was a nice person from»

They're nice people from around the block.

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Entrepreneurs know the importance of learning from their own mistakes, but sometimes it's nice to learn from other people's mistakes for a change.
I know it's painful to be apart from your nice kitchen equipment, but the fact is that so many people (roommates, friends, friends of roommates, etc.) will be in and out of your kitchen in college that you really can't know how well your stuff will be treated.
«And this is really where I take to task the people from «Sex And the City» and specifically Sarah Jessica Parker in that I think she could have been nicer
«The people are nice, it's easy to get around, and I can get from my house to downtown in 12 minutes.»
Judging from the testimonials — including many well known people — everyone likes this bookThis is more than a be nice or feel good book, although it did make me feel good about being nice.
«I think that most people thought the bottom line, the net income line was going to get a nice boost from tax reform; that has happened,» Carlson said.
And not to take anything away from the Mexican people, because they really are very special... but there are nice, kind people everywhere...
I must be a different sort of American, because I'm far from wealthy and quite like to see other people enjoy nice things.
I find that the majority of posters here seem to be, from what I have read, seem to be nice people, but I still never read of any regrets in your dealings with the people you know, but always regrets in your dealings with God.
However, it would be nice if you could refrain from making broad assumptions about people you don't know anything about.
Fr Anthony Ingham, from St Michael's Church in Beaulieu - sur - Mer, was speaking after at least 84 people, including several children, were murdered after a terrorist drove a truck through crowds celebrating France's national day in Nice.
The video and song start off harmless enough, until the 1:19 mark when Duncan gets into a rap battle with a TSA agent and transforms into a potentially offensive hip - hop stereotype to unleash rhymes like On a mission from God; I like to call Him a Friend / I think that people are sick, and He's the med - o - cine, and this mind - expanding verse: Think I'm just a white man with a sheltered life / Nice home, two cars, two kids and a wife / Just look a little closer while you're starin» at me / «Cause sometimes what you get is more than what you see.
In the mail today came an extra-large tee - shirt from Wheaton College — more proof that the people out there on the plains west of Chicago are among the nicest people in the world.
Anyone who has even just perused the book of mormon can see the people followingthis cult, as nice as they may seem, are making a point to distance themselves from the real world.
Every religion in the world, past and present, stems from the same basic premise «it's probably a good idea to be nice to each other» after that it gets twisted so that one small group of people can have some measure of control over a larger mass of people.
Two fold, firstly, you've helped another person live for a little longer by protecting them from the cold, but for you personally that didn't get anything out of it you could look at it from another perspective, anyone could have seen you and acknowledged you benevolence either by saying something or just thinking how nice it was you did that and then maybe also passing along an act of kindness.
Encouraging islam by looking at only a few nice things in it is not helping save nice people from such an evil ideology.
Kenmargo Your wisdom is almost timeless and almost inspiring: Guns are the cause of violence The middle east would be a peaceful place if the Gaza residents would be nice to the jews People can live on helium if the oxygen is taken from the air.
========== Atheists are on this board all day every day with one basic message: «people that believe in the God of Abraham are stupid» (the nice version is «people that believe in God are engaging in holding rational and irrational beliefs simultaneously, but we wont call them «stupid»)», and you never see this kind of outpouring of incensed righteous indignation from Christians.
on a side note, from point 2, it would be nice to think about what rules god would throw down on the people who lived much, much before the christian god was invented 2000 yrs ago.
According to Perls there are five layers through which people must move as they grow from deadness to aliveness, from trappedness to freedom: (1) The cliche layer is composed of superficial contacts with oneself and others — e.g., «Nice day, isn't it?»
Here's a nice excerpt from an early edition of their childhood indoctrination program, The Juvenile Instructor: «We will first inquire into the results of the approbation or displeasure of God upon a people, starting with the belief that a black skin is a mark of the curse of Heaven placed upon some portions of mankind.
Oh, and with the whole jesus thing, «he» doesn't appear in cloud formations, a piece of toast, or on your fogged mirror in the bathroom... it's nice to believe and to each his / her own, but seriously... the stories of yester - year were derived from people who were so often drunk or hallucinating and being passed down for generations, obviously got changed.
A person who retreats from public life because it is too inconvenient or unpleasant or fails to accord with his nice ideals acts as a citizen of the city of man, seeking his own good — peace of mind, ideological purity — at the expense of the common good.
People who are «good» religionists tend to ignore the parts of their holy books that talk about genocide and ra - pe and murder and slavery, not because Jesus came along and said «everyone be nice to each other,» considering he plagiarized the golden rule from a text thousands of years before him, but because we understand that these things are not helpful to our species.
When we were first rehearsing the Requiem in New York, I had a very nice meeting with a person from the «Entertainment Tonight» television show, who saw the «Pie Jesu» video and asked me, «May I borrow that?»
What I really like about your post, as I have seen in other posts from people of your ilk, is the nice little ditty at the end about «ATHEISTS WILL BURN IN HELLFIRE AND BRIMSTONE WHERE THEY BELONG AND I THANK GOD.»
Many of the people I avoid are nice people and my stepping away from church life came at a point where I had the respect of other church leaders, having «paid my dues» for 20 years in ministry.
I don't think Jesus would support this administration... And since you want to know about Jesus... The Bible says if you don't work you don't eat... So I'm SICK of working my butt off and seeing all these people sit around cooking out and not working and wearing real nice clothes, nothing but the best... That is nuts... Nancy Pelosi get out on the streets go from neighborhood to neighborhood... Try Memphis, or New Orleans... You don't have a clue of what goes on... Your Blind...
We have moved so often, and left our friends behind so many times, we know from experience that there is no substitute for a real, in person hug, and a nice conversation during a walk around the block.
One nice thing with those little chernobyl peaches, is that, in a few months, you'll be able to give the recipe to the party people directly from your new telepathic abilities \ o /.
It has been a while since my last post, and I greatly appreciate the notes from people inquiring about how I am doing, what has been cooking, and life in general — so nice to know that I am not posting into the void!
I am truly jealous of the immense recognition you get every day through this blog from readers everywhere for the nice person you are.
I love Laura's blog and would love to gather inspiration from her book — I agree it can be so nice to take a break from creating recipes yourself and try out other people's;) And digging the fact that this soup can be adapted using seasonal veggies any time of year.
Regardless of the fact that I've met a lot of nice and fun people here, I still spend quite a bit of time alone — I mean, I came here from living with Joe in an apartment that was across the street from my Mom.
Aside from being one of the darn nicest people I've had the pleasure of meeting, she's also one of the most thorough recipe developers.
It's always nice hearing and getting feedback from people in the countries that I'm cooking from:)
I love writing healthy, organic, gluten - free recipes and it's a very nice bonus to hear that so many people are enjoying them, benefiting from them and finding them useful.
so nice of you to consider nut - free allergies and i bet so many people are benefitting from it.
This was not an Arkansas chicken farm but there were some nice — ahem — tender chicks at the edge of the pool along with a whole bunch of people; odds and ends of folks from all walks of life.
It's also nice to get conformations from people when they write to tell me how right on it was for them.
people are using recipe to blog it would be nice to find out from other viewers if this recipe was successful I like to read comments about a recipe before I make it.
So many pluses from people thinking it's a nice fad.
They were the nicest people, they love golf, and they know all the players from the States — even me.
Aren't people from California all supposed to be nice and chill?
But what could be nice is seeing other people apart from Wenger making key decisions at the club.
Hey admin, it'd be nice if you could limit the amount of articles you post per day because it usually limits people from.
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