Sentences with phrase «waste as an energy source»

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Green Monday is a holistic platform that not only promotes plant - based diet but also encourages partners to incorporate other sustainability initiatives, such as local sourcing, waste reduction, energy conservation and other green outreach.
The judges observed a pronounced, global, industrywide commitment to sustainability, with innovations around source reduction, lowering energy use during manufacturing, reusability, reducing food waste, and much more, as reported in the fourth of a six - part series of video interviews on industry trends, released today.
As a member of the Sustainable Food Trade Association (SFTA), we've signed a pledge committing to reporting annually the company's performance in the 11 - action categories that include organic & land use, distribution & sourcing, energy, climate change & emissions, water use & quality, solid waste reduction, packaging & marketing materials, labor, animal care, sustainability education, and governance & community engagement.
In fact the problems of waste water, emissions and energy consumption also present an opportunity to use the huge but often hidden potential of wastewater as a source of renewable energy.
Independently verified at every stage, the voluntary program sees food manufacturers develop a plan that defines clear targets in key areas of sustainability, such as raw material sourcing, emissions, energy, waste, water, biodiversity and social sustainability.
If the thermal depolymerization process WORKS AS Claimed, it will clean up waste and generate new sources of energy.
«While there is likely insufficient waste biomass to sustain a global hydrogen economy, this form of renewable energy production may help offset the substantial costs of wastewater treatment as well as provide a contribution to nations able to harness hydrogen as an energy source,» Logan says.
The organisms are not only superbly adapted to live in the highly alkaline lime wastes, but they can use the ISA as a source of food and energy under conditions that mimic those expected in and around intermediate level radwaste disposal sites.
«Poultry waste hydrochar generates heat at high temperatures and combusts in a similar manner to coal, an important factor in replacing it as renewable energy source
Solid waste often lacks proper disposal, waterways have been polluted, and the air quality has plummeted, largely due to the coal - fired power plants that serve as the country's primary source of energy.
So what we are now doing is, considering, when we start talking about waste streams as energy sources, we are basically driving the treatment of these waste streams from the energy which is produced from within these streams.
Novem calculates that if some 0.5 million hectares of agricultural land were turned over to production of such biomass sources of energy, this would meet around 5 per cent of Dutch energy requirements; this would increase to 12 per cent if waste and refuse materials were used as biomass.
Two years ago, bio-fuels such as methanol and municipal solid waste displaced hydroelectricity as the leading renewable energy source.
Fusion is the true energy source of the future, as it is completely sustainable, does not release emissions or long - term waste, and is potentially inexhaustible,» Eni CEO Claudio Descalzi said.
In the mitochondria, which are easily damaged due to their role as the energy production factories in cells and can themselves become a key source of cellular damage, adequate autophagic waste recycling is critical for rejuvenation but diminishes in aging cells.
Far from being a «waste product» or the limiting factor in performance as once thought, this metabolite of muscle lactic acid is always being produced, and serves as an important source of energy for the whole body.
Though there are numerous kinds of supercharger designs, their main job is essentially to convert engine power into even more engine power; on the other hand, by using exhaust gasses as their power source, turbochargers recycle what would otherwise be wasted energy.
Some of those elements include: - Light - colored roofing that reflects heat and saves energy; - 70 percent ENERGY STAR ® certified appliances including refrigerators, TVs, computers and kitchen equipment; - Water - efficient toilets and aerated bathroom faucets; - 10 percent of the building materials used contain recycled content; - «On Demand» ventilation that provides fresh air for occupied spaces without wasting energy on unoccupied areas of the property; - LED lighting - controls that turn off the lights; - Incorporates high - tech daylight sensors to reduce electrical lighting with natural sunlight and - Uses renewable energy sources such as solar orenergy; - 70 percent ENERGY STAR ® certified appliances including refrigerators, TVs, computers and kitchen equipment; - Water - efficient toilets and aerated bathroom faucets; - 10 percent of the building materials used contain recycled content; - «On Demand» ventilation that provides fresh air for occupied spaces without wasting energy on unoccupied areas of the property; - LED lighting - controls that turn off the lights; - Incorporates high - tech daylight sensors to reduce electrical lighting with natural sunlight and - Uses renewable energy sources such as solar orENERGY STAR ® certified appliances including refrigerators, TVs, computers and kitchen equipment; - Water - efficient toilets and aerated bathroom faucets; - 10 percent of the building materials used contain recycled content; - «On Demand» ventilation that provides fresh air for occupied spaces without wasting energy on unoccupied areas of the property; - LED lighting - controls that turn off the lights; - Incorporates high - tech daylight sensors to reduce electrical lighting with natural sunlight and - Uses renewable energy sources such as solar orenergy on unoccupied areas of the property; - LED lighting - controls that turn off the lights; - Incorporates high - tech daylight sensors to reduce electrical lighting with natural sunlight and - Uses renewable energy sources such as solar orenergy sources such as solar or wind.
Furthermore certain sources of energy that are considered «clean» such as nuclear power and the potential, in the future, to transmit energy from satellites to the Earth will continue to generate waste heat (thermal pollution) that will continue to warm the Earth.
My guess would be that's something like the current price for doing all the needed load balancing with contemporary lead - acid battery storage, counting ramping up the lead industry to satisfy the sourcing and management of that much lead and sulfuric acid — in other words, it's somebody saying «it would cost the Earth * to do that» as an argument that there will be no progress in energy storage, so it'd be a waste to build more renewables.
the chart fails to show that soy from brazil, the stuff served in that meatless urban restraunt menu, has many times the embodied energy of eating local grass fed beef, that the corn suggested as least energy consuming is only so due to vast scales of industrial monocroping that wipes out diversity and local edible foods habitat (and is used largely for pig and cow fodder if not biofuels, and so lays waste to half the midwest), that milk from a pastured cow or goat, or eggs from pastured chickens, are gaining thier energy from sources no human could eat.
And as Nepal rebuilds over 5,000 schools, we believe it is essential to design them not just as sustainable energy producers but also as community resilience and emergency centers with scalable microgrids that use both waste - to - energy (toilets, kitchen) and solar sources.
My sense is that a better approach is to recognize, from the start, the reality that shifting energy norms, even as coal remains a core energy source, will be a process unfolding over decades, and making sure that legislation, while pushing standards for cutting energy waste and pollution, also focuses on support in all the arenas that matter to building a sustained energy quest — including education to create the intellectual capacity for such an undertaking and sustained and increased direct support for basic inquiry in science and technology — an area where there's been bipartisan disinterest in federal investment for decades.
Having the human waste separated at source and processed on - site would lower costs needed in recovering resources, as treating mixed waste is energy intensive and not cost - effective,» Prof Wang said.
The findings come at a time when coal is on track to surpass oil as the world's top energy source and 2.8 billion people rely on wood, crop waste, dung, and other biomass to cook and heat their homes.
A hundred - plus years ago, wind energy was recognized as an antiquated, unreliable and expensive source of energy — and now, after hundreds of billions of wasted tax and consumer dollars, we find that (surprise!)
For example, we are working with the Renewable Energy Group, Inc. to study the production of biodiesel by fermenting renewable cellulosic sugars from sources such as agricultural waste.
But it offers no viable solutions to the raft of problems plaguing nuclear power, such as the erosion of public trust in this energy source in the aftermath of the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster, difficulties over the disposal of radioactive waste and the problem - plagued nuclear fuel recycling program.
Having established then an idea of what part of the waste stream is paper fiber being land filled we can then explore the advantages and disadvantages of using paper fiber as an energy source (fuel) by comparing it to coal, the fuel of choice.
The flaring of gas as waste, seen here in North Dakota, is one source of methane from the energy industry.
Bioenergy refers to sources of energy (electricity and solid, liquid, or gaseous fuels) derived from biomass: plant - or animal - based materials such as crops, crop residues, trees, animal fats, by - products, and wastes.
Landfill methane can be tapped, captured, and used as a fairly clean energy source for generating electricity or heat, rather than leaking into the air or being dispersed as waste.
For his summer project, Jemin has been comparing the mining, material use and waste impacts of different energy sources including renewables like solar and wind, which we tend to think of as having little to no environmental impact.
Disclosure of information on energy mix details including the share of renewable energy sources and the amount of nuclear waste (both of which are already mandatory disclosure items in Europe) is not specified in the Guidelines Concerning the Management of the Electricity Retail Business issued in January 2016, but it is indicated as a «desired practice» for retail electricity suppliers.
In the meantime, the resources wasted on current renewables and purely academic exercises (modelling) should be shifted to innovation in sources of energy, such as thorium.
The «draw down» may be achieved by using that percentage of carbon from an atmospheric source such as agricultural waste, deliberate agriculture (e.g. azollaculture), or artificial photosynthesis via, for instance, using solar energy to hydrolyze water, and combining the hydrogen with CO2 from the air to produce fuel.
ADG is a renewable energy source that can also reduce costs for a facility by using waste materials as fuel.
If Oregon, and the Northwest, truly wants a domestic - as in local - and renewable fuel source, we should be looking to build a cellulosic ethanol industry using waste from the large Northwest forestry and agriculture sectors to produce our liquid fuels (and a bit of electricity) as well as additional electricity from the Northwest's diverse and abundant renewable energy sources to power the electric component of a plug - in hybrid flex fuel fleet.
Since more than half of the energy consumption today is lost as waste heat, recovering even a mere few percent of it would imply a new renewable source of energy.
There is good reason to focus on waste heat as an energy source — there is a lot of it.
The Earth System performs the functions («ecosystem services») of providing both the sources of these material and energy inputs to the human economy, as well as the sinks which absorb and process the pollution and waste outputs of the human economy.
According to TVCiencia, the waste will be collected in a large pool, called a bio-digester — an infrastructure where bacteria transforms human waste into methane which can then be used as an energy source.
Loowatt instead uses anaerobic digestion — processing waste with bacteria that don't use oxygen and produce methane, or biogas, which can be used as an energy source.
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