Sentences with phrase «waste fee systems»

The Netherlands offers innovative and convenient trash - collecting systems, as well as imposing financial instruments such as a landfill tax and volume - based - waste fee systems as incentives.

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Huffer proposes to use annexation fees from developers to pay for an $ 8.5 million improvement to the waste water treatment system and make way for a border agreement with Lake in the Hills...
«The bottom line is the MTA as we know it today, needs to be abolished so the voters can demand that someone can be held accountable for the rampant waste in the system and the taxes and riders fees that feed this bureaucratic beast.»
Within the heating sector, fee avoidance options include energy efficiency, switching to efficient electric heat paired with the electric sector tax avoidance options, and potentially switching to lower carbon heating options such as waste heat from sewage systems and wastewater treatment plants or buying «renewable natural gas» from bio-digesters, generated either within the District or from outside.
In such a system tipping fees could be less per ton if significant, 25 % or more of the recyclable materials are diverted from the waste stream, or more logically higher for failure to remove recyclables.
«Under the present fee structure, they can essentially treat judicial time as free, and we are now witnessing chronic waste and misuse of judicial time by those who use the civil court system
Rather than waste money on irrelevant courses, why not institute a system of ensuring appropriate training for all fee - earners at the outset of the year and make sure that every fee - earner has at least one updating course in his or her area?
The current financial system forces merchants and businesses to rely on antiquated banking systems that waste valuable time processing and tack on cumbersome transaction fees.
Analyzed cost / benefit on authorizing an increase in amusement machine and dancehall fees, leasing or selling city's HD radio channels, purchasing new waste management system in the central business district and implementing a garage sale permitting processing.
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