Sentences with phrase «waste is a huge issue»

I know from talking with a lot of readers and friends, that food - waste is a huge issue when trying to cook for yourself.
The bigger picture is that food waste is a huge issue, and sending food waste (and yard waste and other organic materials) to landfills is a ridiculous practice which adds to methane emissions (20 % comes from landfills, according to the EPA).

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You also have people who can register as a specfic party and run on a ticket to strengthen their careers and yet they only espouse one or two things that could count them into the party in the first place.There's also a huge issue of people really thinking that a vote for a 3rd party candidate is a waste, If the only way you feel your vote matters is by voting for one of 2 parties (even if you are unsatisfied with both) does it actually matter?
Further, disposal of diapers is difficult and creating a huge waste management issue.
«We have invested substantial sums in the housing stock and there has been a huge effort to address problems with waste, fly tipping and other environmental issues.
This documentary ties in with the petition above and is an eye opener on one way plastic waste is becoming a huge environmental issue.
Without getting into the minutia, there are some casting issues that caused us to have a huge amount of waste, we were getting about one block out of 25 to ensure the quality we had to have.
> The result is that now we have huge sums of wasted money spent on a nonexistent issue, a public who views sciences as being completely discredited, and public policies that are as destructive as they are absurd.
The late Bob Carter, former professor and head of the School of Earth Sciences at James Cook University in Australia, explained, «Climate change is a moral issue, and there is nothing quite so immoral as the sight of well - fed, well - housed Westerners assuaging their consciences by wasting huge amounts of money on futile anti-global warming policies, using money that could instead be spent on improving the living standards in developing countries.»
One of the major issues facing the southwestern US has been the fracking industry wasting huge amounts of water, which has rapidly drained local aquifers in Texas and New Mexico over the past two years.
That lucrative industry attracts hopeful workers, which increases the general ecological impact: water management is now a huge issue, goats and pigs introduced as livestock are now decimating the natural ecosystems, and waste management and recycling programs need updating.
Food waste is a huge global issue, but one that can be fought by changing our cooking strategies at home.
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