Sentences with phrase «waste on hunches»

Not exact matches

At least, I can choose which ministries I want to support with my money... I don't get to choose which wasteful programs my tax dollars are wasted on... It's just a hunch, but I'm willing to bet that you are a tax taker and not a tax payer... and I mean income tax not sales tax, car tax, and other nominal taxes.
When I first started experiencing night anxiety, I would rush to my son at his first cry, get him immediately to the breast, and perch on the edge of my rocker with my body hunched, trying desperately to consolidate the movement from the rocker to the crib lest I wake him and waste minutes or hours of precious sleep.
I'm not wasting much time on Lords reform, which has excited so much media interest, largely because the very public feuding between coalition factions, peers and the Labour party in recent days confirm the hunch that it isn't going to get far, doesn't deserve to do so, and that most voters won't notice or care.
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