Sentences with phrase «waste production»

During the construction process, contractors must work hard to lower their carbon footprint and minimize waste production as much as possible.
The idea behind prevention is simple: Avoid waste production as much as possible.
I like the fact that this challenge was «just right» in that it caused me to consider my own waste production instead of managing other's waste.
This in turn led to greater agricultural efficiency, allowing the city to support a larger population, which led to greater waste production, and so on.
All this blood has to be filtered by the kidneys which in turn results in increased waste production.
An added benefit of the conversion program is that it extends the life of the vehicles, helping to eliminate waste production and creating a reduce - and - reuse program.
Growing your rabbit's food yourself helps the environment by cutting down on energy consumption and waste production caused by manufacturing, packaging, storing and shipping commercial food.
After all, much of our energy consumption and waste production takes place at home.
From water and energy efficiency (our Amish farmers are super low energy users), to reduced waste production and recycling (they also don't believe in excess consumption of ANY kind), all of which translate directly to our carbon footprint.
Environmental Impact and Energy Efficiency: Schools have made efforts to reduce or eliminate greenhouse gas emissions, improve water quality and conservation, decrease hazardous waste production, and expand use of alternative transportation.
Breeding more consumers will simply hasten the inevitable reckoning we'll face when waste production dwarfs food production and a significant percentage of humanity dies off.
90 % less waste production: The marketing toolbox doesn't use toners and minimises the impact on the environment, reducing landfill by up to 90 %...
Landfill remaining the main destination for municipal waste disposal (46 percent of total waste is landfilled on average according to environmental NGOs) despite considerable policy effort by EU authorities to increase waste separation and deter waste production at the source.
The resort minimises waste production through reducing resource use, environmentally responsible purchasing, recycling, reusing materials and, for example, placing refillable soap and shampoo dispensers in resort bathrooms thus eliminating packaging.
Cain would like to consider waste production and non-productive activity in relation to self - preservation — examining acts which might be knowingly futile (in that they realise or manifest nothing in terms of material output) but nevertheless provide a sense of engagement with the production of the material world.
By 2034, the annual waste production will be 70 - 80 times larger than that of 2020.
Made from styrene — a known animal carcinogen and probable human carcinogen — it was ranked the 5th worst global industry in terms of toxic waste production by the Environmental Protection Agency.
SimulTask ™ PRO allows the simultaneous x-ray inspection of different products, without the need for manual changeovers, minimizing wasted production time.
This technology allows extraction without residual solvent and thus avoids waste production and treatment.
«The socio - economic and environmental objectives are to set up a stakeholder knowledge platform by implementing an extensive process of knowledge exchange in the whole agricultural waste production and consumption cycle,» said Gontard.
The modern diner is keenly aware of where their food is sourced, and now they can be pleased to know that their favorite restaurant is just as committed to using a soap brand dedicated to a no - waste production process.
For example, to the fact that, because of additional waste production, there will be about as much waste at power plants in 32 years when Yucca Mountain would be filled, supporters of Yucca Mountain said:
After graduating he worked at Anglesey Aquaculture Ltd. where he worked on a 3 - month project looking into reducing the net waste production of a fish farm by utilizing fish waste as an on - site fertiliser for commercial halophytic plants.
We also try to cut waste production by reusing clean packaging materials,» founder Queenie Wang - Sitterson tells us.
Beyond ocean conservation, the infographic educates on what we can do overall to help prevent waste production.
Yesterday we wrote about how worldwide waste production could triple within the next 90 years.
These companies, such as Anheuser - Busch, Pratt & Whitney and Subaru, have developed measures to reduce their potential waste production by isolating wasteful areas in their manufacturing.
BP is subpar in its hazardous waste production and water usage.
When waste production can not be avoided, waste materials are recycled, and non-recyclable waste is disposed via environmentally acceptable means.
In addition, our palm fruit oil supplier was the first Latin America Company to be RSPO Certified (2010), is ranked # 1 on the Sustainable Palm Oil Transparency Toolkit, is a founding member of the Palm Oil Innovation Group and has a zero waste production cycle and is 100 % traceable to the farm.
90 % less waste production: The marketing toolbox doesn't use toners and minimises the impact on the environment, reducing landfill by up to 90 % compared with toner printing.
It is clear that older methodologies must be replaced by newer cleaner techniques which allow us to manufacture the chemicals we need without depleting the worlds resources and in a manner which minimises waste production.
On view through June 25, her engaging installation encourages children to consider waste production and what it means to be a global citizen.
It aims to establish a world - class R&D capability that will support Singapore industries to develop and use economic waste treatment and recycling technologies and is also looking into ways to minimize waste production as the concept of waste minimization holds much promise for Singapore in the coming years.
We lead the industry in environmental stewardship, dedication to organic agriculture, fair trade practices, zero waste production, medicinal plant conservation efforts, and community support.
Although some monitoring procedures have been «harmonised» among EU countries, the task force says it can not produce reliable European databases on many important variables, including air, water and noise pollution, waste production and export, and the movement of endangered species.
How to Crunch (and Reduce) Yours: The most comprehensive online calculators factor in transportation habits, home energy usage, diet, and waste production.
Faced with the dirty truth about how much trash they accumulate, students are asked to brainstorm how to reduce their waste production (by using less, recycling more, and so on) and then to put their newfound knowledge to further use by taking action in their community.
Fiber is a must to ensure proper digestion and waste production.
Children were encouraged to crawl and directly engage with the vibrant installation and think about our inter-connectivity as humans, our role in waste production, and our relationship to this planet.
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