Sentences with phrase «waste than cloth diapers»

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Adjustable cloth diapers can be fit to the wearer, meaning they absorb liquid waste and contain solids more efficiently than paper products.
Cloth diapers use absorbent fabrics rather than chemical gels which can be found in disposable diapers; parents can save significant money when they choose to use cloth (even part - time); and the reduction in waste is so powerful it speaks for itself.»
He also wears his gDiaper in the pool with a cloth insert... Better than wasting money on the disposable swimmy diapers.
Hershkowitz's data show that disposables use 10 times more resources (measured by weight and including fuels) than cloth diapers and produce 50 times more solid waste.
There are people who say that cloth diapers are not more sustainable than disposable ones because of the waste inherent in washing them.
Reusable cloth diapers have many benefits, including: Environmental: Cloth diapers reduce waste for families with children in diapers by more than 50 %.
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