Sentences with phrase «wastewater treatment capacity»

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Due to deficiencies in the sewer collection system and lack of treatment capacity, wet weather events such as rain or snowmelt generate more wastewater than the plant can handle.
The Water Board issued written statements blaming those on heavy rains overtaxing the wastewater treatment plant's capacity of 60 million gallons a day.
Professor Morten Sommer adds: «The findings from our research demonstrate that wastewater treatment plants contain a huge pool of genes with the capacity to provide bacteria with antimicrobial resistance, but that these genes do not appear in pathogenic bacteria.
Several years ago, Chandran helped New York City officials expand the capacity of five of its existing 14 wastewater treatment plants, in anticipation of the area's burgeoning population.
a by 2030, expand international cooperation and capacity - building support to developing countries in water and sanitation related activities and programmes, including water harvesting, desalination, water efficiency, wastewater treatment, recycling and reuse technologies
«This plan, and any development plan, must be reviewed to ensure it does not exceed the capacity of the county wastewater treatment plant.
However, in most municipalities, the treatment capacity will be far lower than what is needed for many years to come, and farmers will continue to use raw wastewater - a fact that should urge municipalities and other actors to take proper accompanying measures.
overloading the capacity of water and wastewater treatment plants during extreme rainfall (Environment Canada, 2001),
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