Sentences with phrase «wasting huge amounts of time»

I tried more than 20 times, from two devices, two browsers from my laptop, with two different credit cards, wasting huge amounts of time.
Trying to come up with the endgame of a project you're doing midway through the process can be extremely frustrating and waste a huge amount of time.
He wastes huge amounts of time on pointless activities, suffers emotional harm under a bizarre worldview that accuses him of being inherently evil, and feels forced to throw away significant amounts of money to fund the perpetuation of the belief system his is enslaved by.
you have yet to provide a source for your comment «prayer are quite consistent with the fact that humanity is wasting a huge amount of time» and addressing the study
- The statistical studies from the nineteenth century and the three CCU studies on prayer are quite consistent with the fact that humanity is wasting a huge amount of time on a procedure that simply doesn't work.
With install media now routinely exceeding 30gb of data its imperative that we don't have to waste a huge amount of time just obtaining the installer, to say nothing of the headaches for those with stingy data caps.
People waste huge amounts of time and get negative results that they never realize.

Not exact matches

For many years individuals, businesses and brands wasted huge amount of money and time paying for adverts, gain more followers or spent a lot of cash on midle companies such as SEO service providers, leads generators or social media management softwares.
Other complaints include lost class time (about 45 school hours a year), kids eating a second breakfast unapproved by parents and huge amounts of food and packaging waste.
«These cases have been repeatedly lost in court after court and have wasted an enormous amount of time just as they have generated a huge amount of unnecessarily divisive feeling amongst the public.
A huge amount of time, energy, money and commitment has been wasted because of a lack of a clear plan from the outset.
Hughes says Coyle, a critic of Corbyn, has wasted «huge amounts of time fighting internal battles».
I don't think it works, I think it wastes a huge amount of police time and I think we should have a free vote in a new House of Commons.»
For all their flaws, they are far better for equity and quality than statewide skills - standards with high - stakes tests that encourage wasting huge amounts of school time in practicing narrow test - taking activities at the expense of education.
Even though these forms of informal learning eventually lead to a solution, but they are not consistent and amount to a huge waste in resources coupled with low time - to - productivity.
As a former administrator, I feel it is a huge amount of time wasted to get students prepared for the testing day (Logistics etc.).
If you're spending huge amounts of time worrying about * that * — you're wasting time that could be put into actually improving the content — or getting the next piece of content out.
Interest payments is a huge waste of money and simply consolidating or transferring those balances to a 0 % balance can save you huge amounts of money over time.
Each of those wasted a huge amount of everyone's time, though there is usually some (small) payoff in terms of a clearer statement of the problems and lessons for subsequent work.
Wind turbines are a blight upon avian wildlife and the environment, and if it weren't for the manically idiotic anti-CO2 scare / fallacy, nobody would ever have bothered WASTING such HUGE amounts of unproductive funds, time and manufacturing potential on them.
But our human waste system with huge amounts of paper and other cellulose products have 5 - 10 times more biocarbon that we let get degraded to reemit GHGs when we could be converting them to inert carbon.
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