Sentences with phrase «watched out of the corner of my eye»

To tell the truth, I was pretty skeptical about the game going into the event and after watching it out of the corner of my eye for a while I was even more skeptical about it being any good.
As I walked down the corridor of the Basilica in Assisi, using my peripheral vision I watched out of the corner of my eye while Giotto's diagonal lines within the panels seemingly changed their position as they defined the end of one Saint Francis story and the beginning of another.

Not exact matches

The Greek word for watched means «to spy on» or «to watch out of the corner of one's eye» (cf. Ps.
Parents watch other parents out of the corner of their eyes, looking for hope and help, judging and feeling judged.
I don't use any of those rules for my investing, but I do watch the VIX out of the corner of my eye to help me decide when conditions are are more or less favorable to put on more risk.
We laughed as inevitably we missed some fantastic feeding as it happened out of the corner of our eyes, but we were fortunate to watch many more humpbacks feeding at the surface.
As Noctis, though, I'm happy to tune out for a couple of hours and complete quests while listening to podcasts or watching something else out of the corner of my eye.
I hear you exclaim as you lazily skim this review out of the corner of your eye while watching the last days of the Olympics.
Listen to this, I had just finished watching one of your videos on the dashboard before starting my gaming, and when I finished and went back to the dashboard about to enter a game, I see out of the corner of my eye, a number 10 where my big ass gamerscore used to be!
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