Sentences with phrase «watching of movies»

Refresh rate (motion - smoothing): While we're of the firm opinion that motion - smoothing modes can absolutely ruin the watching of movies and television shows, (applying a ghastly «soap opera» effect that makes everything look sped up and overly animated), they can actually really benefit live sports watching.
Since then I've caught up to the rest of Crowe's filmography, watching each of his movies many, many times.
My hobbies are reading, music, watching of movies and playing of basketball.
We've been watching all of the movies in anticipation of the new release and we CA N'T WAIT.
When they told me about the idea for the park, I had not read any of the books or watched any of the movies.
And I like to get there early not just to get a good seat, but also to watch all of the movie previews.
If it's possible, I highly encourage you to watch all of these movies, starting with the Iron Man series, then Thor, followed by the Captain America films.
When I was 15, I watched all of her movies in one day.
I hope I can watch all of this movie.
But I've never actually sat down to watch any of the movies.
Even with a Prime membership I can not buy or watch any of their movies or television shows, which is a large reason why you would buy an Amazon tablet.
One thing that I could not find here are the physical dimensions (but I didn't watch any of the movies so perhaps it is there).
Nevertheless, I've watched both of those movies more times than I can count.
Plex can be used for storing videos and music files, and while it should probably go without saying, you won't be able to watch any of your movies or TV shows using the Android Auto app.
You don't have to watch all of your movies in Movies Anywhere.

Not exact matches

When you fly 300,000 miles per year, you do one of three things on a plane: work, sleep or watch movies.
There is another kind of dreaming called lucid dreaming, which is more like playing a video game than watching a movie.
The online movie and TV service has a vast cache of business and tech documentaries that anyone with a subscription can watch instantly.
, endless stream of fine wines, and recently - released movies, as well as shows I'd neglected to binge watch over the summer, sleep seemed out of the question.
The dome gives it especially good sound, one of the perks of going to a theater rather than watching a movie at home.
And in 2007, Netflix launched its streaming service, allowing viewers to watch movies via the internet instead of renting a DVD or waiting for the show to appear on a cable channel.
Somebody who used to work here was telling me he was going through with his young son and they couldn't decide on what they wanted to watch and they came across one of our Collections, the «Comic - Con Hangover Collection,» and all of a sudden he came across the original Christopher Reeve Superman movie.
The discovery of the network leads to some intriguing theories about why people often fail to come up with creative solutions when they're focusing on a problem but succeed later, when they're doing other things, like taking a shower or watching a movie.
It ended up being one of their favourite movies to watch together.
Even though I've seen [insert movie title] dozens of times, I will always watch it when it comes on TV.
Price said that people watch a lot of movies on Amazon Prime, especially when they are new customers.
It sports a large curved OLED display that appears to melt over the sides of the screen, providing an immersive experience for watching movies or just browsing the web.
The debate is over the telling of the main character's story, which happens entirely in reverse (he has amnesia, and the viewer watches the ending of the movie and slowly views events preceding it).
In one of the scariest movies ever made, director William Friedkin uses his background as a documentary filmmaker to create horror that feels so real, some people fainted while watching the movie when it was first in theaters.
Recently while watching some of my all - time favorite movies, I picked up on some great quotes that extend beyond the plot of the movie to my real life and my personal journey while working at a startup over the past two years.
George Clooney may have to carry Quentin Tarantino in a few scenes, but the fun of the movie is watching Clooney up against vampires.
We have searched through all of the titles on the streaming giant so you don't have to, and we put together the 100 movies on Netflix you have to watch in your lifetime.
Having the ability to watch the Netflix library of movies and television in the palm of your hand is amazing!
According to Nielsen, the movies have pulled in more than one billion viewers since they were originally shown in theaters, making it one of the most - watched movie franchises in TV history.
But with services like Hulu, Netflix and Amazon Prime, you can now watch your favorite TV shows and movies for a fraction of the cost of cable TV.
One of them, called Waterfall, reminded me a movie called Paterson I had watched a few nights ago that mentioned waterfalls.
I'm a big fan of binge watching movies and TV on my flights, which keeps me distracted from turbulence and helps pass the time.
«Despite everything that is going on with digital — great penetration by Netflix, by cable in the form of video - on - demand, iTunes and all of those things — physical media is still the most popular way of watching a movie in the U.S.,» he says.
«I've long been a firm believer that despite the fact that you can watch movies on your phone, iPad or home theater, every once in a while you still want to get out of the house,» League told the Austin American - Statesman.
This one will be hard to stomach if you actually watch it, but as one of the first ever «found - footage» horror movies, about a fictional documentary crew shooting a film in the Amazon, it has been hugely influential.
«Save a long - awaited season finale or movie to watch only when your flight or trip is delayed, refocusing your brain on something positive,» advises Shawn Achor, author of the New York Times best seller, The Happiness Advantage.
(I haven't watched a TV ad since PVRs were invented, so I'm forced to sit through them at the movies since our ad - revenue - addicted theatre chains refuse to institute reserved seating like the rest of the civilized world.)
While sometimes I employ these moments to catch up on emails or watch a movie, I also make it a habit to stop by one of the many airport convenience stores.
Whether you're using it to watch movies or play video games, the center of many students» dorm room is the TV.
This list of movies for winter watching offers plenty of lessons on the qualities that make good leaders and a happy life.
Over the weekend I watched the Wolf on Wall Street, a highly entertaining movie about the «investment firm» Stratton Oakmont, which carried out pump and dump schemes and made millions off of its clients in the 1980s and»90s.
The meager outlook comes as U.S. television networks and cable providers are struggling to keep hold of viewers as more watch shows and movies on smartphones and tablets.
There were moments when you felt like you might be watching a hip - hop video instead of a movie.
The movie is just hard to watch, with so much ugliness and heartbreak set against the backdrop of Spielberg's saccharine, Disney-esque environment.
«I'm going to tons of art shows, I'm watching a lot of movies, I'm reading voraciously.
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