Sentences with phrase «watching your child make»

It's hard to sit back and watch your children make mistakes.
That means you'll have to tolerate watching your child make mistakes or do things that you wouldn't do.
It can be so rewarding to watch your child make a new friend.

Not exact matches

I watched tough men melt as they made commitments to their children and wives upon their graduation ceremony.
But then I thought of all the holocaust films my parents made me watch as a child so I quickly blurted out: «We're Jewish.»
A report by the New York - based NGO China Labor Watch says the factories making devices and components for Samsung are guilty of a range of abuses: employees working more than 100 hours of overtime in a month; children under 16 working in factories; failure to provide safety clothing where appropriate.
I've watched men making bricks in equatorial sun from morning till night in exchange for $ 10; women hauling five - gallon containers on their heads and in each hand every morning to water their garden - size farm; children rifling through trash for recyclables to exchange for a meal.
• He was seen watching the farmer sow seed, observing how the seed grew, how the birds of the air made their nests and how children played in the market place.
Third, to say that God like a father loves and cares for his human children is to say that he who made us continues to watch over and try to help us.
Lisa was thinking as a mother, considering the weight of Mary's burdens: having a child under unusual circumstances, raising that child with the knowledge that his life would make a history - making difference, and then watching him crucified.
From this fund, we regularly buy groceries for needy families, make chicken soup for our sick friends, watch the children so a deployed soldier's wife can get a few hours to herself, take blessings baskets to folks who need a smile after life's tripped them up, and numerous other ways of blessing and loving others.
uh oh, watch out y» all, i made fun of his child in the sky!
The South African soccer team the Kaiser Chiefs organized a national awareness day; in Burkino Faso, activists partnered with a trucking union for monitoring purposes; drivers of moto - taxis in Thailand keep watch for child sex exploitation; Nepalese trafficking survivors formed Shakti Samuaha, a nongovernmental organization that lobbies officials to make policy changes; organizations in Bangladesh have focused specifically on the taboo topic of male prostitutes and have opened shelters for exploited children.
I didn't have laundry to do, children to watch, assignments to grade, or meals to make.
I remember as a child my family would take a trip to the nearest Krispy Kreme to watch the doughnuts being made.
I was 11 or 12 years old; I was watching a lot of Julia Child on television, she was making this soup and it looked like fun.
She has been making this for almost eighty years, first watching her mother, then cooking for her five children after she immigrated, like many Moroccan Jews, to French - speaking Montreal.
Over the years Justine and Rev have watched four children grow up and move out, so nothing makes them happier than when one of them returns for supper.
When there was nobody around to watch, Arnold would indulge in an almost prophetic child's fantasy, coming up to a putt and announcing into a make - believe microphone:
Parents will often sit and watch the first 15 - 20 minutes to make sure things are organized, running smoothly and the child is having a good experience.
When we breastfeed and watch our children thrive and grow on the milk our bodies made we are the ones who feel that these formula companies are trying everything possible for us to buy their products.
I got a little emotional watching this gaggle of children - playing with their homemade boat, popping jewelweed by the side of the lake, making up games and daring each other to jump off the float.
Lava lamps are one my favourite things to make, they are so easy, but really impressive for children to watch.
There are several modes to watch the DVD so it makes it easy to tailor it according to the needs and age of your child.
Make sure that you spend enough time with your children, watching the movies they watch, the games they play, the sites they surf, so that you are able to point out and discuss exactly what is being served up.
Babies and toddlers shouldn't watch TV, an hour a day of television is a reasonable amount of time for children, aggressive boys are made more aggressive by violent video games, heavy media users get lower grades than kids who are light users and also report being less happy.
I don't always explain the full scientific principles to my children, but watching and taking part in activities like these really does encourage children start to question why things happen, and the concepts we introduce will become start to make more sense to them as time goes on.
Friends are a huge part of your child's development, so whether they are struggling to make friends, keep them, or find the right ones, it can be hard for a mom to watch.
Watching her made me realize that I needed to teach my children about money.
How do I make my friends respect the fact that I cloth diaper or babywear or only want my children to watch pre-1992 Sesame Street episodes on Netflix?
Watch the Diet You don't need to go crazy with it, but see if there are certain foods that make your child stay awake.
Make sure you wash everything you give your child and to watch for any allergic reactions for a few hours or days after your child eats the food.
«Thinking about the three C's in the moment, when you're trying to decide whether to let your child play with a tablet or watch a show, helps you make better, more mindful choices,» says Guernsey.
* Bones - A turkey bone is appreciated by playful dogs and teething children alike, but watch for splinters and slivers, and make sure the bone is a large one with no thin bones attached.
Going to bed on time will make a child feel rested and ready to learn the next day while fighting bedtime and staying up too late texting friends or watching TV will result in a child feeling groggy, cranky, and generally out of sorts the next day.
Visit the child care areas and make sure they are clean, safe, and stocked with activities that you approve of (i.e., make sure kids are not just watching TV in there).
Do we have such little faith in our children to make the right choices when we are not looking that we need to watch them and monitor them constantly?
If your parents are helping you out financially or making themselves available to watch your children, you should return the favor by going out of your way to be helpful around the house.
Make arrangements with a stay - at - home friend or neighbor to watch your children during school break.
The fizz produced is great for children to watch especially when combined with washing up liquid (dish soap) to make more bubbles or food colouring.
If your child is upset because they are watching other children being bullied, that makes really good sense.
Watching these videos makes me teary eyed because they're so beautiful and seem to give me a glimpse of a culture I (and my children) may never know.
Watching TV or using screens near bedtime, especially in the bedroom, is one of the biggest disruptors of children's sleep — the stimulation and light quality can affect melatonin levels and make it hard to get a good night's rest.
Start making the rounds several months before your child is ready to start, and watch for our warning signs; if you see any, ke...
This must have been so difficult to share — I confess I could not watch the video because it would have made me bawl my eyes out, but looking at the photos Landon was a beautiful child.
The bottom line is, your children are always watching and learning, so make sure what they see in you is what you want to see in them!
Instead, as you breastfeed the baby, encourage your children to watch how the baby is drinking your milk and explain that it will make the baby healthy and strong.
Make sure your child is watching you as you cover yourself.
Watching your child fail makes you feel helpless, angry and sad.
Watching you care for yourself helps your child learn how to care for herself and make herself a healthy priority.
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