Sentences with phrase «water at different points»

It is best to provide clean, fresh water at different points of the day.

Not exact matches

Bacteria will grow at a variety of different temperatures — temps close to freezing and even right to the boiling point of water.
Bacteria will grow at a variety of different temperatures — temps close to freezing and even right to the boiling point of water.
Drinking water may be a new experience for your baby depending on the point at which you're introducing the sippy cup, but even if it's not, putting water in the cup instead of breastmilk can help your child to understand that this is a different situation and will need to be handled differently.
The anomalous thermodynamic properties of water point to the possible existence of two different liquid phases — one with high density and the other with low density — that become identical at a liquid - liquid critical point in the supercooled phase (C ′, see the figure).
In a matter of seconds, when you put the food in the fryer, water starts evaporating, vapors form and escape the surface, oil penetration starts, and heat begins to rise while at the same time there's evaporative cooling off at different points in the food.
«The Shape of Water» is a robust tale of love, one that redeems Elisa who until that point has had no - one but a pair of platonic friends, and takes aim at the forces of bigotry, hatred, and fear of what or who is different from what many of us consider to be normal.
I reached the Gulf of Mexico at three different points, saw pink flamingos and a crocodile in the wild, floated in ultra-saline water at Rio Lagartos, took a clay bath, observed naturally - pink water, and saw Mexico's longest pier — a whopping 47 km long!
The 14 structures can be found in the shallower waters (5 - 8m) at different points just in front of each dive shop.
The reef at this point isn't different than the dive sites on the north shore of Nusa Penida, gradual slope reef to 18 meters then sharper slope to deeper water.
My point is that seawater at -0.5 C has a very different effect on fresh water ice than seawater at +0.5 C, and yet that is only 1 degree of warming.
pH is still the measure of one quantity, you don't start measuring somithing different as you cross the magical pH of 7, and as the exapmple of boiling water would point out, neutrality does not necessarily occur at a pH of 7, sometimes it occurs at a pH of 6.
I thought that condensing gases saturation points were a function of both temperature and pressure; hence, in a particular atmosphere, or in a particular GCM grid cell, adjacent cells may have different quantities of water because of different pressures even at the same temperature.
The Vaporstream website at one point read that «[u] sing Vaporstream would be no different than talking face - to - face over lunch or at the water cooler.»
In addition to the water - resistance and the range of different styles, this new watch will come with SpO2 sensor and is expected to be officially unveiled sometime later this year, suspected to be in the Spring at some point though it isn't known exactly when.
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