Sentences with phrase «water birth studies»

The researchers» findings are congruent with outcomes reported in other water birth studies, Cheyney said, but are contrary to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists» and the American Academy of Pediatrics» Committee Opinion.
This was not a problem in the water birth studies because, as I have said, they were all reporting basic neonatal assessments from the medical record.
Here is another water birth study to add to your pile of evidence of safety.

Not exact matches

In course of time, unusual events were studied as of special significance; and from this into portents of one sort or another the way was easy: earthquakes, ec1ipses, abnormal births, abnormal weather, celestial phenomena, and then ritualistic phenomena, such as the structure of a sacrificed animal, the spread of oil on water, and so on in manifold ramifications.
Second birth, water birth at home, during pregnancy connected with midwife, read great books, did hypobirth home study, watched positive birth videos, used natural techniques to get baby into optimum position, created special birthing space.
At least eight studies of nearly 3,000 women comparing water to regular births have shown that women need less pain relief in a water birth, according to obstetrician Gaudet.
The hospital birthing center where I had my baby offers it... My midwife was actually excited that I wanted to do water labor but no water birth... I was the only one of her patients who DID N'T intend to birth in the water and she needed people birthing out of the tub for a control group in a waterbirth infection study she was contributing to.
To bypass this restriction, Nestle organises «study days» at nearby hotels, sometimes with speakers on other topics (such as water birth), to entice health workers so it can promote products to them.
Studies have shown water birth offers a mother several benefits.
According to a 2009 study by the Cochrane Review, water birth statistically demonstrated no greater increase of infection than a traditional birth.
In our study, over half the women who gave birth at home did so in water.
This study compares neonatal and maternal morbidity and mortality between water births and land births.
So we have the problem of attrition, lets say you try to correct for this by keeping the women in the study in the water birth group.
This new retrospective study of water birth outcomes in Sweden reports fewer interventions, better experience and no increased risk for the baby.
These are the studies that might look back at the last year at the birth center to see if there were differences between women who delivered in water and those who did not.
Need for Resuscitation — Six studies, no difference between water birth and conventional delivery (stable since 1999)
Umbilical pH — Nine studies, no difference between water birth and conventional delivery (stable since first reported in 1997)
There is currently a study underway which may help unmuddy the waters, but until that happens, concerns about the possible complications from a breech vaginal birth make it almost impossible to find a care provider willing to catch a breech baby.
Non-pneumonia infections — thirteen studies, a potential for lower odds of infection with water birth but no difference in sensitivity analysis.
NICU admission — Seventeen studies, a potential for lower odds of NICU admission with water birth but no difference in sensitivity analysis.
This leads us to believe that bias may cause some studies to show better outcomes for a water birth, but the bias is not masking worse outcomes with water birth.
Yesterday we talked about the types of evidence available for water birth, but what changes about interpreting the studies on water birth if this wide collection is mostly non-randomized studies?
If you check out the study, you will see that the results of the sensitivity analysis did move some estimates that favored water birth to the null — which means that there was no difference between water birth and conventional delivery.
Measurement bias was an interesting one for water birth because measurement bias occurs when a study doesn't do a good job of sorting people into the experimental and control groups.
But there were a few studies that were testing water birth as something new at their facility.
Respiratory Distress — Five studies, no difference between water birth and conventional delivery
We cast a wide net to be sure that if there was a study that reported evidence of poor outcomes for with water birth, we wanted to find it.
I will need to read the paper more closely to comment on the relationship between immersion and duration of labor; in a prior study I found that women who had longer labors were more likely to be removed from the water for medical reasons and so would never be counted in the water birth group.2
This was a problem for studies that looked back at their medical records to select women who had a water birth, and then made a control group of «low risk women».
Preparations are underway to establish whether installing a device to lower water hardness in households around the time of birth can reduce the risk of an infant developing eczema; recruitment into this new study will commence later this year.
The study, published online today in PLoS Genetics, is the first to suggest that low, brief exposures to bisphenol - A, or other estrogens such as those used in birth control but found as water contaminants, early in life can alter the stem cells responsible for producing sperm later in life.
Another recent study published in the journal PNAS suggested that many of the stereotypes associated with birth order, such as first - borns being bossy or last - borns being irresponsible, don't necessarily hold water.
The researchers conducted the study by using an endocrine disrupting chemical present at low levels in drinking water — ethinyl estradiol (EE2), an ingredient in birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy.
A leading water birth advocate, Dr. Michel Odent, has conducted many research studies to document its safety.
Studies show that numerous contaminants are found in tap water such as small amounts of birth control pills, Teflon, herbicides, pathogenic microbes and metals.
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