Sentences with phrase «water lakes absorb»

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Particles will float to shore, drift out to the ocean or absorb chemicals from the water, which weigh the particles down and cause them to sink to the bottom of the lakes.
Here, we absorb the beauty of the vibrant yet calm waters of the lake, surrounded on all sides by soaring peaks, and covered, at the base of them, by verdant pine forests that slope away from the shore.
Around 500 species call the lake home and are adapted to Titicaca's unusual conditions, such as the giant Titicaca water frog with its flaps of skin suited to absorb the region's limited oxygen.
Climate Astrology: «Global Warming» commands sea level rise Increases... & sea level rise slowdown: NASA discovers that «global warming» is slowing and not increasing sea level rise — NASA study claim: «Because the Earth has become more parched, partly because humans are pumping out more ground water, the rising oceans are being absorbed by lakes, rivers, and underground acquirers, much like a sponge absorbs water.
What this means is that boom, which is like a long tube of paper towels and used to contain and absorb oil floating on the surface of the water, is not going to work when this heavy dilbit crude oil sinks to the bottom of Lake Maumelle.
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