Sentences with phrase «water layers near»

This layering results from a strong density gradient: water layers near the surface are less salty and therefore less dense, while bottom waters are the densest.

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The shrimp represent centimeter - sized swimmers, including krill and shrimplike copepods, found throughout the world's oceans that may together be capable of mixing ocean layers — and delivering nutrient - rich deep waters to phytoplankton, or microscopic marine plants, near the surface, the researchers suggest.
Then, they nestled the boxes into parts of the sea floor near the Rothera Research Station in Antarctica, where they warmed a thin layer of water to 1 °C or 2 °C above the ambient temperature.
The wind keeps a layer of warm water near the surface in Indonesia, reducing the temperature difference across the Indian Ocean and so minimising the strength of positive IOD events.
Brocher et al. suggest the timing of the earthquake near the end of the dry season, the three - year long drought and resulting low water table inhibited the liquefaction of the top layers of sandy deposits, sparing the area greater damage.
Scientists believe Saturn's atmosphere is a layered sandwich of sorts, with a deck of water clouds at the bottom, ammonia hydrosulfide clouds in the middle, and ammonia clouds near the top, just below an upper tropospheric haze of unknown composition that obscures almost everything.
Furthermore, a deeper upper layer of warm surface water may weaken the cold tongue if the Ekman pumping doesn't reach down below the thermocline to bring up colder water, and weakened trade winds would have a similar effect through reduced Ekman pumping near the equator.
However, layers of water ice, up to a few hundred meters thick, are permanently shielded from sunlight in craters (shown above in black) near Mercury's poles.10 How strange.
Author Joshua Horwitz structures this account like an eco-legal thriller, layering his research so that film of a Navy ship seen in the water near the site of the beachings hangs there like damning evidence.
From this point, even a gentle breeze will serve to push the algae into a concentrated layer of scum, often near the water's edge where dogs and other animals are likely to ingest it while drinking.
This water vapor contributes to the development of what is called a marine layer near the surface of the ocean.
Pat O'Neill's noir Water and Power uses superimposition, special effects, time - lapse shots and layered imagery to tell a science - fiction inflected story set in the near future, of the struggle for water in a dystopic desert created by Los Angeles» vast water consumpWater and Power uses superimposition, special effects, time - lapse shots and layered imagery to tell a science - fiction inflected story set in the near future, of the struggle for water in a dystopic desert created by Los Angeles» vast water consumpwater in a dystopic desert created by Los Angeles» vast water consumpwater consumption.
His mature style is narrow but intense: water and dirt are invoked through washes of ultramarine blue and burnt umber which combine to form a glowering near - black and bleed out at the edge of geometric forms, generating a trembling beauty due to the differential absorption of the various layers of thinned paint.
The oceans are not a single reservoir for CO2, but a combination of near surface waters and deeper layers.
A lot of reseach energy is being devoted to the study of Methane Clathrates — a huge source of greenhouse gases which could be released from the ocean if the thermocline (the buoyant stable layer of warm water which overlies the near - freezing deep ocean) dropped in depth considerably (due to GHG warming), or especially if the deep ocean waters were warmed by very, very extreme changes from the current climate, such that deep water temperatures no longer hovered within 4C of freezing, but warmed to something like 18C.
The areas where water samples drawn from near - surface layers had traces of the natural contaminants from the deep shale layers showed no relationship to past or current gas drilling activity, the researchers reported.
Furthermore, a deeper upper layer of warm surface water may weaken the cold tongue if the Ekman pumping doesn't reach down below the thermocline to bring up colder water, and weakened trade winds would have a similar effect through reduced Ekman pumping near the equator.
However, for any sufficiently thin slice of the stratosphere, the water vapor will be almost transparent everywhere, while the CO2 still has a significant effect near 15 microns; thus, the fluxes among thin layers are mediated more by CO2 and occur near 15 microns.
The resulting weaker density stratification allowed more vertical mixing of the water column during storms in late September and early October, leading to the observed warming of the near - bottom layer in the still ice - free Laptev Sea... Warmer water temperatures near the seabed may also impact the stability of the shelf's submarine permafrost.»
The waters that underlie the near - surface subtropical waters have freshened due to equatorward circulation of the freshened subpolar surface waters; in particular, the fresh intermediate water layer (at ~ 1,000 m) in the SH has freshened in both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
The cold sub-polar water displaces the warm surface layer nearer the equator and facilitates cold water upwelling on the eastern margin of the Pacific Ocean.
* the water vapour content of upper layer of the air (in blue figure 6 - D) will change by about 12 % / K near the tropopause and is reduced by the enhanced cooling of the 250 mbar layer; hence the water vapour radiation will the be from a «lower and warmer» level, with a very significant spectral leverage of a factor of ten (400 cm - 1 for the water vapour w.r.t to 40 cm - 1 for the CO2).
As obvious on figures 6 - A and 6 - B, Ttop and Ptop are determined by the water vapour that radiates over some 1900 cm - 1 much more than the 40 cm - 1 of the tropospheric CO2 near 614 cm - 1 and 718 cm - 1.; stratospheric radiation to the cosmos is not very important because the cooling of each layer is exactly equal to its heating mostly by UV absorbed by Ozone.
If there is slightly less water vapour in the upper troposphere near 300 mbar then the OLR from water vapour will originate from a lower and warmer layer and the OLR will increase.
Upper atmosphere water vapor is important because as reported in a previous guest post «A water vapor change in the 300 - 200 mb layer has 81 times the effect on OLR than the same change in the 1013 - 850 mb near - surface layer
Now the sun would be expected to set up an undisturbed gradient from cold at the bottom to warm at the top but it does not because upward radiation from the surface plus energy drawn upwards by evaporation at the surface creates a layer 1 mm deep near the surface (the subskin) which is 0.3 C cooler than the water below it.
To this regard, the way heat can flow down is through the turbulent friction between different layers of water mixed by tides, eventualy enhanced near the continental platforms.
As the climate warmed and water levels receded near the present, the sediment layers became exposed.
The shape of the CO2 band is such that, once saturated near the center over sufficiently small distances, increases in CO2 don't have much affect on the net radiative energy transfer from one layer of air to the other so long as CO2 is the only absorbing and emitting agent — but increases in CO2 will reduce the LW cooling of the surface to space, the net LW cooling from the surface to the air, the net LW cooling of the atmosphere to space (except in the stratosphere), and in general, it will tend to reduce the net LW cooling from a warmer to cooler layer when at least one of those layers contains some other absorbing / emitting substance (surface, water vapor, clouds) or is space)
The rate of global warming will result in reduced water density near the surface both directly as the result of surface layers expanding due to increased temperature and indirectly due to the fresh water from melts resulting in decreased salinity.
Essentially, the study proposes that climate feedbacks could work completely and totally against us, as warm water becomes trapped on top of a layer of colder Antarctic waters due to a near total shutdown in the global ocean conveyor belt, which circulates ocean heat from the coast of Antarctica to Newfoundland.
When the water vapor exits the spray foam, it increases the relative humidity of the layer of air near the foam.
This is consistent with stronger light limitation associated with a deeper summer surface mixed layer, perhaps related to the formation of Glacial North Atlantic Intermediate Water previously suggested to have occurred near the core site.
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