Sentences with phrase «water of life»

When you have been swimming in water all of your life, you may not understand what walking on land is like.
This is why working with an independent agent is so important, we can help you navigate the murky waters of the life insurance journey.
I receive 1 grand a month disability where I keep me and my brother just barely above the social waters of living.
I've been honored to help people navigate the rough waters of life for 17 years.
After it is used once, it turns into Water of Life that heals all his hearts but only can be used once.
Navigating the financial waters of the life insurance ocean can be a little overwhelming.
We've been drinking poison water all of our lives?»»
We feel the flowing water of life here, you and I, with the garden's beauty and the birds singing.
However, one small strip of sand had us snorkeling in what Jorden called, «The clearest water of his life
More than ten thousands Balinese Hindu devotees joined the procession of Melasti ritual (following the deity in the purpose to drift away impurities, miseries and poor mundane elements and take tirtha amertha, or holy water of life in the sea) which was held in accordance with the grand Panca Walikrama Ceremony on Saturday (3/21/09).
As a psychotherapist and coach I have specialized in helping individuals and couples navigate the choppy waters of life change.»
In a comfortable, non judgmental environment, you will discover the tools to navigate the sometimes stormy waters of life and make your relationships more fulfilling.
Navigating the financial waters of the life insurance ocean can be a little overwhelming.
Whosoever desires, let him take the water of life freely.»
The Samaritan by the well responded to the good news that everyone who drinks of the water of life will not thirst again, no matter how sinful their past.
Thirsty persons are invited to take and drink of the water of life freely, and are pronounced blessed; and it is promised, that they shall be filled, or satisfied; yet not so in this life, that they shall never thirst or desire more; for as they need more grace, and it is promised them, they thirst after it, and desire it; and the more they taste and partake of it, the more they desire it.
John — Among Revelation's symbolic pictures, John sees the wicked tossed into a lake of burning sulfur identified as «the second death,» in contrast with the redeemed who enjoy access to the «water of life,» the «tree of life» and the «book of life» (Rev. 21 - 22).
In a world asking too little of itself, feeling cast adrift on a sea of parent-less chaos, timidly sticking its toes into the waters of life when what we need is a faithful plunge, Christian baptism has become again a liberating, revolutionary act.
Then, to strengthen the symbol, he contrasts the second death with something representing life, whether the book of life (Rev. 20:14 - 15), or the spring of the water of life (Rev. 21:6 - 8).
Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life [eternal life].
Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely.
«Here, friends, drink of the water of life
To read it is to drink of the Water of Life it proclaims our Lord to be.
Moreover, Jesus himself becomes the bread of life and the giver of the water of life solely because he dies of hunger and thirst.
It embraces a fruitful abundance of descriptions of God, including all the substantive terms that can legitimately complete the sentence, «God is...,» beginning with scriptural terms such as Word, Wisdom, Water of Life, Bread from Heaven, Truth, and Comforter, as well as alternative proper names such as El Shaddai and also El Roi» Hagar's name for God, in the only biblical story where a human being gives God a name.
Rev 22:1 - 2 — Then he showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb through the middle of the street of the city; also, on either side of the river, the tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit each month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.
The discourse to the crowd in verses 26 - 40 is similar in form to 4:7 - 15 on the water of life.
The Lamb is at the center of this startling political and economic transformation, and from the city flows a «river of the water of life
Whosoever will may come and drink of the water of life freely, even people have «been there and done that.»
This seems ironic when we remember the stranger by the well who asks a Samaritan woman of many husbands for a drink, but then reveals that he is in fact himself the «water of life» (John 4).
The water of life was given to us to make us see for a while that we are more nearly men and women, more nearly kind and gentle and generous, pleasanter and stronger, than without its vision there is any evidence we are....
The Lamb will be their shepherd, leading them to springs of the water of life, «and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes» (7:17).
The living springs of Christendom run low; - the waters of life which Christ promised to the peoples, do they not seem today tobe a poor and muddled trickle?
The church, to be relevant, must augment her program to carry the bread of life to starving multitudes and dig wide and deep channels through which water of life may flow to the two billions perishing of thirst.
They will be shepherded by the Lamb at the center of the throne — a Lamb who is, in an interesting metaphoric turn, also the shepherd who will guide them to the springs of the water of life where God will wipe away every tear.
So the moral and ethical challenge is to somehow reintroduce values into the technological, and thus political, contextualizing of processed images, to restore the dissected and desiccated token to the water of life, to the moral universe, the real world which permits us to be truly human.
People were fascinated to hear of a bread which gave eternal life, just as the Samaritan woman was excited to hear of the water of life.
If they were to dig deep wells in the secular realms, is it not possible that they would find a great underground resource of water — a reservoir of the water of life from which all draw?
Oh, yes, post your babble on this site and never once jump in the waters of life to get anything done.
«But in the Christian message, the Savior had become not just the flesh of Israel or exclusively that of its pious members, but the flesh of all humanity, and is now and to all eternity the mediator and revealer, the face of God, so to speak, turned towards the earth and its creatures».11 He is the way and the door, the shepherd, the bread and the water of life, the unique word of the Father and the sole interpreter of the Father.
They too care not a whit about these systems, but only about finding the water of life.
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